Is Trump or is George W. Bush the dumbest president to ever live?

2018-08-02 2:10 am

回答 (102)

2018-08-02 2:12 am
TRUMP. At least Bush wasn't being pushed around by Putin.
2018-08-02 5:57 pm
Neither. Carter was, then Clinton was, then Obama was.
2018-08-02 7:26 am
Bush was. Now Trump is.
2018-08-02 2:17 am
W. Trump is intentionally mean and doesn't care.
2018-08-04 6:28 am
Obama is dumber than both in my opinion. A black man rarely strikes me as intelligent
2018-08-03 7:35 pm
Bush was. Now Trump is.
2018-08-02 2:20 am
Let's put it this way, if they weren't born to money, neither would've been President.
Bush would be selling cars.. and Trump would be mowing lawns for a living.

So, definitely Trump. (not that mowing lawns isn't a respectable job. but the first time he grabbed a female part of an unwilling girl, he would've been in prison. That is the difference in having money and fame, and being a poor nobody)
2018-08-03 9:26 pm
dumb and dumber
2018-08-02 2:54 am
Sorry, Dubya, you have been pushed into second place.
2018-08-02 2:19 am
2018-08-02 3:07 am
Interesting question. There is some small evidence that Bush's apparent stupidity was feigned by his speech-writers in order to make him look like a 'regular guy' and appeal to his base, who have a long-term hostility towards those who seem more intelligent than they are. Not sure whether or not that's true.
2018-08-04 6:59 pm
You misspelled "obama".
2018-08-03 2:32 pm
George was a moron. but at least he wasn't a Russian puppet like this clown.
2018-08-02 2:25 am
Both are certainly below average intelligence for college graduates, and probably neither would have gotten into those schools without their Dad's contacts.
2018-08-02 4:13 pm
2018-08-02 8:40 pm
2018-08-02 3:39 pm
Trump has not yet killed a million people, nor started any wars to make Jesus come back. He's bad in other ways.
2018-08-03 3:19 am
Neither. It was Barack Obama who was the dumbest president we ever had. And what makes things worse is that Obama deliberately screwed us over (those of us who live in the United States of America).
2018-08-02 2:11 am
Carter then obama
2018-08-04 7:51 am
this one's difficult... they both have 400 word vocabularies, but Bush was better at making up words that sounded like they MIGHT be real. compare "misunderestimated" with "convfefe".

that said, Bush was a decent human being who showed compassion to a grieving Gold Star mother who said the vilest things imaginable about him.

Trump is a SCUMBAG who publicly ridiculed a grieving Gold Star mother WHO SAID NOTHING TO OR ABOUT HIM.
2018-08-04 7:06 am
Trump's a bigger idiot than any U.S. politician in history!
2018-08-03 10:58 pm
That's a tricky one. I seem to remember that George W once said, in Australia, he would like to thank the 'boys and girls' of Austria for supporting us in Afghanistan. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Trump could have difficulty finding Afghanistan on a world map. Reluctantly, I would have to say Trump's the dumbest.
Of course, the dumbest in the USA are those who voted fro either of them.
2018-08-02 5:36 pm
Trump for sure.
2018-08-02 2:17 am
That would be Barack Hussein Muhammad Abdullah 0b0ng0.
2018-08-03 2:56 am
Trump and Obama combined are two of the best President's ever for the US Economy. Consider where we were in 2009 at 9 percent unemployement and going the wrong way, and Obama and the Congress brought it down to 4.9 percent and now Trump has gone down below 4 percent unemployment and still rolling on.

Bush, well,

he tried?

and ...he tried.
2018-08-02 2:17 am
Yeah, really dumb people are able to earn advanced degrees from Ivy League schools and build and operate successful businesses. What does that say about YOUR intelligence?
2018-08-04 5:45 am
Trump intends eventually to change The American Constitution because he considers the present one to be out of date
2018-08-04 4:36 am
trump wins this one. He's going to be in the remake of Dumb and Dumberer: " When Donald met Vladimir ".
2018-08-04 12:50 am
Trump is not even close to a smart man. W Bush wasn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer either, but at least he wasn't a mean and selfish jerk on top of it all. Intelligence is not everything, but if you don't have it, you at least ought to have something else good to replace it. Lots of people do.
2018-08-03 11:14 pm
Trump has always been!!
2018-08-03 10:45 pm
2018-08-03 10:05 pm far!!!
2018-08-02 9:17 pm
2018-08-03 3:10 am
Trump makes George Dubya look like Albert Einstein in comparison.
2018-08-03 1:38 am
So far, Bush was the dumbest but Trump is well on his way to surpassing him.
2018-08-02 12:27 pm
Bush may not have been an eloquent speaker but he wasn't dumb. Trump is clearly not very smart but he is smart enough to know that there are some real dumbasses out there who will believe everything he says.
2018-08-02 5:52 am
Neither of them were elected! Isn't it funny how Republicans can't seem to win the popular vote?
2018-08-03 1:49 am
George Walker Bush
He is ungodly stupid
2018-08-02 2:17 am
Bush and Trump are idiots. Reagan was elected when he was senile and re-elected four years later when he had symptoms of advanced Alzheimer's Disease. It's the people who voted for them who are dumb.
2018-08-02 2:14 am
0bama is the only president is u.s. history to not achieve at least 3.5% GDP in any year of his presidency. So obviously he is the dumbest.
2018-08-05 2:29 am
bush is the dumbest
2018-08-05 12:32 am
Trump. It speaks volumes that most people ("Republican" or "Democrat") kind of like Bush now (though, he HAS mellowed out since his days as president), and pretty much revile everything that comes out of Trump's mouth (usually something that inflates himself- no wonder he likes Kim Jong-Un). Bush also had a wife ("Laura") whom most people like. Trump has "Melania", who quite obviously doesn't like him (this is telling - a wife who does not even LIKE her husband - even Sonny and Cher were nice to each other after their divorce). I don't think Trump has a subnormal intelligence, but he does not know when to wisely keep his mouth shut.
2018-08-04 11:16 am
2018-08-04 1:04 am
W is the dumbest ever. Trump is the most unbalanced and insane.
2018-08-03 10:05 pm
The moron Bush was told the country was under attack and just sat there grinning in a classroom.
2018-08-03 9:23 am
Trump by far
2018-08-02 10:49 pm
In my point of view, Bush was. Now Trump is.
2018-08-02 8:41 am
Neither. They're both LOUSY presidents, IMO, and in some ways they're ignorant as dirt, mostly because they haven't bothered to read much.

But both men are fairly skillful politicians; both are good at playing to the ignorance and sometimes the hatreds and biases of their most loyal followers. Trump also has proven to be a genius at manipulating the media while demonizing it at the same time.

It's a huge mistake to confuse being "ignorant" with being "dumb," IMO. If you want to call Bush "destructive" and Trump "evil," I agree. But the main problem isn't that they're stupid.

-- democratic socialist for common sense
2018-08-02 2:31 am
He's just said he wants Sessions to drop the Mueller investigation! Why doesn't he strip naked, paint GUILTY all over his body, and dance on the White House lawn?
2018-08-02 2:11 am
Those are my choices? Hm. I'll go out on a limb here & bet you don't like republicans.
2018-08-05 10:36 am
2018-08-02 6:33 am
Dump without a doubt.
2018-08-02 2:37 am
probably Trump, and it's slipping

Psychiatrist: Trump Mental Health Urgently Deteriorating
2018-08-04 10:01 pm
Trump is far smarter than you. Bush is an idiot.

1) In 2000, the GDP of America was 8 times bigger than China.
Clinton let China to join WTO.
Then China becomes the world factory.
Now China has a bigger buying power than America.
In 2016, the median household income in the US is lower than the year 2000.

2) Hillary Clinton said that, I'm Putting Bill Back In Charge of fixing economy If I'm Elected.
2018-08-03 11:11 am
Let me put it like this, it has been downward since George Washington.
2018-08-03 12:13 am
Obama was the worst ever for our economy
2018-08-02 11:19 pm
Think so
2018-08-02 2:56 am
Neither. Sorry, troll again.
2018-08-02 10:51 pm
Neither, John. Although intelligence is not a Constitutional requirement for the job, "dumbest" is a poor label and impossible to accurately pin to any POTUS.
2018-08-02 2:12 am
Trump is so stupid he forgot to waterboard our economy like Obama did.
2018-08-05 5:35 am
MY question would be "How the hell was either elected!"
2018-08-05 2:10 am
Trump. He surpassed W long ago. W didn t go to Twitter and the Internet. W didn t insult the media. W knew his limits.
2018-08-04 9:44 pm
not sure about this one
2018-08-04 2:51 pm
Bush was.
2018-08-03 7:58 pm
GWC would be the dumbest but Trump would be the most uneducated
2018-08-03 1:28 pm
George W. Bush was indeed the dumbest. He was actually almost unbelievable. If it wasn't Bush who was the head case,then it must be the American public that is round the bend. How the hell is it that America can actually choose a president with that sort of mental ability has puzzled the world ever since .
Can anyone really explain with any degree of intelligence, how it was that he became President ?
2018-08-03 8:07 am
George Bush he was the dumbest president ever . He was a horrible communicator and was lazy almost has bad has Obama
2018-08-02 5:49 pm
Hard to say as never know what is dumb and what is purposefully dumb to relate to all the dumb people that vote for them
2018-08-02 5:22 pm
Not possible to tell.
2018-08-02 2:49 am
The answer is YES. It is one OR the other. Definitely Dumb and Dumber of PUSA's and at #1 and #2.
2018-08-04 3:42 am
George W Bush by a long way. Trump made his own billions. From what I could see, George W Bush was thick as pigshite.
2018-08-03 5:14 pm
2018-08-02 5:51 am
Dubya is only a tad smarter than Trump, but still an idiot.
2018-08-02 3:41 am
Professional opinion puts Grant at the bottom of the IQ pile at 120. Bush Jr. isn't too far above that. Trump is just a putrid pile of garbage whose IQ is irrelevant.
2018-08-03 4:47 am
Jimmy Carter by a mile.Trump and Bush were smarter at age 2 than Carter ever was as an "adult" apparently Carter is smarter than you though...
2018-08-04 8:48 pm
Bill Clinton. He got caught with his pants down.
2018-08-04 7:09 pm
The dumbest president was Bill Clinton. So **** you, you liberal piece of ****.
2018-08-04 12:12 am
I would say Hilary Clinton. Oh wait, she lost!!!! Lol
2018-08-03 11:50 am
Trump is brilliant he won election all the bright scholars said he couldn't. Have you seen our politicians getting punked. They aren't that bright.
2018-08-03 10:29 am
No they're some of the brightest ones. But Obama was one of the dumbest one to ever live. Notice how Obama racked up US debt and used more budget and money than all of the past US Presidents put together within the first 6 months of his term? He even did the buy out plan during the beginning of the recession which increased taxes and to pay all of these multi million businesses and their debts so they can keep their employees and business and they all just cut themselves bunch of bonus checks. Thus, the rich got richer because they failed in their business and the people who suffered were middle class Americans. Oh guess who also got a bonus check? Yep you guessed it Obama AND Hilary.
2018-08-03 2:31 am
Easy. Obama and Billy.
2018-08-04 10:01 am
Obama is the dumbest....he is Lamont Sanford
2018-08-04 4:00 am
Neither are dumb. Their IQs are both genius level. Liberals make fools of themselves by claiming anyone from the other political party is dumb. It is dumb to ask this loaded question.
2018-08-02 2:24 pm
Neither- Obama is the dumbest closely followed by Carter and LBJ
2018-08-04 3:17 am
Obama can go full retard faster than anybody.
2018-08-02 8:44 am
Democrats make the dumbest Presidents.
2018-08-04 3:15 am
Aw, cmon Jimma Cotta aka Jimmy Carter has this hands down and don't bring up up the non-existent Middle East peace. Man bear pig watch yourself ace I'm retired military in case you don't know and I'm sure you don't The military is 65% conservative and they have guns, unfortunately they have to protect scumbags like you and mssss Pelosi as well a good intentioned people. LBJ and the Democrats drafted Me several months before signing My draft notice. The National Socialist/ facist/communists/ Democratic Party Owes Me and this Country Fifty Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty young lives and friends. Answer that big mouth
2018-08-02 8:38 pm
Obama has that
2018-08-06 4:48 am
Both are geniuses in IQ, so they were some of the brightest, rather than the dumbest. Barack Obama, on the other hand, is dumb.
2018-08-06 1:58 am
However obnoxious Trump is he isn't dumb. Dubya was a moron who only became POTUS because of the behind the scenes work of his father.
2018-08-05 11:38 pm
Trump by far is the dumbest
2018-08-05 8:26 pm
In my lifetime, it's a tie between Jimmy Carter and Lyndon Johnson, with Gerald Ford a close third.
2018-08-05 12:14 pm
I don't think they are dumb,it just their politics prove nothing to the American people
2018-08-05 4:20 am
Obummer was and still is......NO DOUBT
2018-08-04 10:32 pm
The dumbest was probably Lyndon Johnson as referenced when one looks at the Viet Nam memorial in Washington DC.
2018-08-03 4:17 am
As with every politician, they had and have their agendas.
2018-08-02 10:39 pm
Neither. Look to F.D. Roosevelt for that distinction.
2018-08-05 1:30 am
You forgot to include the dark meathead sandwiched between the two slices of white bread.
2018-08-04 4:35 pm
Bush is way dumber. And he lies af. Trump is real. Tells it as it is. Bush is a lier and a cheater, and Trump is good to his family.
2018-08-04 12:02 pm
No one person can run the country. Thousands of the right persons advise the potus on a regular basis and a few hundred personally advise potus. Potus not some wizard of Oz figure.
2018-08-04 7:52 pm
John F. Kennedy And Trump are the only 2smartest president you have
2018-08-04 1:28 am
obama is
2018-08-03 9:02 pm
Mr. Trump and both Bush presidents are geniuses .Obama was the dumbest president ever
2018-08-02 2:27 am
Depends on how you define "dumb". Regardless of whether or not one supports them, it seems that one can't really be that dumb if they become president.

It seems that neither of them are intellectuals like Einstein. However there is no question that they are both very decisive and astute socially.

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