Has anybody learned anything from Religion & Spirituality during the last 14+ years?

2021-04-09 5:00 pm

回答 (76)

2021-04-09 5:23 pm
In over 10 years I've learned that most people have vested interests in keeping a system going that they have invested heavily in (spiritually speaking.) Many have built up such negative spiritual equity (the believers in religious systems) that they cannot even think about having second thoughts. They remain intransigent and stubbornly resistant to even gentle suggestions. The irreligious and unspiritual are just wasting everybody's time on here, and they know it (which is why they hog the site). But that's fair enough. I've learned to keep going, nicely, speaking what I perceive to be God's truth, in love, and it's up to the Holy Spirit to prompt individuals who are searching for God's peace. I've already got it, and nothing on this site has ever disturbed that!
2021-04-10 3:00 am
I certainly have,
I’ve learned that most people are genuinely interested in knowing God and seeking to have a relationship with him. 
The majority of posters here are good people and I have enjoyed their comments.  Of course there are those who come here for the drama and to try and cause divisions, they’re to be pitied. 
I want to thank Yahoo for giving us this forum, and I will truly miss it.
2021-04-10 7:51 am
If one person has allowed themselves to escape religion, its been worth it
2021-04-09 11:26 pm
 Yes that its completely full of fundie gobshytes  and little blue faced  idiotic trolls who havent got a clue of what they rant about
2021-04-10 10:57 am
I have re-affirmed what I had learned previously outside of this forum:  Religion is nothing more than an assumed conclusion based on suspect claims from dubious sources supported by logical fallacies nested within circular reasoning bringing you back to the assumed conclusion.  If you had a good reason to believe then you would never need any type of faith.  It is dishonest to assert as fact that which is not evidently true.  Yet that is what religion does.  It tries very hard to assert as fact things that we already know are not true or even possible. 

We use science to update our understanding of the world around us.  New information is used  and integrated into our current understanding to better our understanding.  Religion, on the other hand, does not operate like that.  Whatever 'Holy Books' that exist, exist as they are.... not updated with new information to further the understanding of that particular religion.  Of course the Bible has seen edits and transformations from what it once was to what it is today, but that still does not include any NEW information to progress understanding.  Religion is stagnant.  Unchanging.  The same ideas written thousands of years ago are still the same today.

I do understand that some people have a 'need' to believe in ancient superstitious nonsense and woo woo.  That is due to their own fear of their own mortality.  It gives some comfort to people who just can't conceive of 'not existing' in some form after they die.  Those people actually lack the understanding  that they will not know if they are dead after they have died.  That idea also is just terrifying to them. 

I say people can believe whatever nonsense that makes their toes curl.  I don't personally care.  As long as you are not trying to shove it down someone's throat, passing laws based on those beliefs, or asserting it as fact when you know damn well that it isn't.  Other than that...... more power to you!!
2021-04-11 12:10 pm
I've learned that few of the self-proclaimed "Christians" in this forum are actually Christians because most practice very unchristian behavior.
2021-04-11 5:31 am
Persons who have the intelligence to realize that religion is truly a system designed long, long ago for controlling the believer have seen and learned over and over on R/S that nothing has changed, not even since religion was invented. We probably have learned how sad believers must truly be to continue year after year to believe in superstition, and one can notice that  It truly can control the weaker minds by seeing that they can't seem to get out of the habit of being taken year after year. The believers, not all of them but there have been several who have made false statement against atheists time and time again.  They claim we came here for the drama (whatever that might mean), and to try to divide them; I suppose that means we tried to turn therm against each other, which we have not. In closing I have actually learned that what I thought from when I was about 15, that religion believers, especially of the Christian faiths will lie. That of course is caused by them not understanding anything about that faith.  People, faith never means something is true, and anything that is true does not need to be supported by faith which is nothing but hoping, guessing and perhaps wishing, none of which will ever make anything true.
2021-04-11 12:40 pm
I have learned a lot but more regarding idiosyncrasies of human interaction. Though there has been times I have been motivated to look something up and learn more from different posts. I have found that articulating my own thoughts to be helpful in my own growth as well.
2021-04-11 11:19 pm
Yes.  It helped me clarify my beliefs as I answered and ultimately led to a cycle, where I left the church and came back to it, although I am now theistic without Christian beliefs for other reasons.
2021-04-11 10:43 pm
Oh Ye of little faith...

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