Is the Earth still flat according to Christianity?

2020-02-20 12:36 am

回答 (12)

2020-02-20 12:58 am
 The Bible tells us that the earth is a "Circle", - it means round.

Study the Bible , and find the truth !
2020-02-20 12:52 am
2020-02-20 12:51 am
I never met a Christian who thought the world was flat. I think some anti-Christians are just mind-slaves to a trope. The question you are asking is in itself just an illusion.
參考: bisexual Christian
2020-02-20 12:46 am
Christianity never said the earth was flat. The Bible says, "circle of the earth."
2020-02-20 12:40 am
Never was, son.
2020-02-20 4:39 am
So you have a problem with the fact that members of the Church 2,000 years ago believed what the scientists of the day told them? Don't we do the same today?
2020-02-20 2:50 am
That was a position held by the Catholics during the dark ages and as near as i CAN tell WAS NEVER HELD BY THE CHRISTIANS which the Catholics persecuted. It was a position promoted by science some time ago and the Catholics adopted it.
2020-02-20 1:14 am
According to the link below, the early Christian church largely believed that the earth was spherical, but there were certain members of the church who asserted that it was not. Often followers were tortured (perhaps tortured to death) if they disagreed with the babblings of the church. Pope Zachary asked that St. Boniface be kicked out of the church for his beliefs. Do scientists conspire to dupe the world into believing that the earth is round? Do they intend to change our beliefs? Are they using science to fool us into following Satan? Should we stop schools from teaching that the earth is round, and instead force all of the students to read our religious doctrines (on pain of death)?
2020-02-20 1:04 am
It never was flat in Christianity.  Even the Bible says it is round, and by Jesus' time, they had a pretty good idea of it's size as well.
2020-02-20 1:01 am
Christianity has NEVER said that Earth is flat.  Scientific understanding of the time is what said that.

Interesting to note that in a survey done by the Flat Earth Society of their members 70% of those who responded said that they were atheists.   
2020-02-20 12:48 am
No. By rotating so fast, it finally got kinda round.
2020-02-20 12:41 am
Their Big Black Book of BuIIshit says so.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:44:42
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