Why don't people support Trump making a wall to keep the illegals out?

2018-04-08 1:38 am

回答 (78)

2018-04-08 1:51 am
The wall would cost billions to build and no, Mexico is not paying for it. Immigration is already down. Most illegals get here legally through visas and then over stay, a wall will not prevent that practice.
2018-04-08 2:28 am
It doesn't work
2018-04-08 1:42 am
Because it is a bad plan.
Cost prohibitive to build and maintain, ineffective over the hundreds of miles of uninhabited desert, and ecologically harmful.
2018-04-08 1:40 am
Because most of the illegals enter the USA through normal border crossing stations -- and simply overstay.
2018-04-08 11:59 pm
Americans support a border wall more than the media wants to believe.

Most Americans want the wall built. That’s the bottom line. Once it’s up big savings can be achieved.
2018-04-08 2:16 am
George S. Patton said it best, "Fixed fortification are monuments to the stupidity of men". You can go around a wall, you can tunnel under a wall, you can fly over a wall. The wall didn't work for the Chinese, it didn't work for the Romans, it didn't work for the Russians. It's a stupid and expensive idea and in the meantime a bridge collapsed in Pennsylvania this morning. How about we use that money to improve America and hire Americans to do those improvements.
2018-04-08 1:40 am
Hes not interested in protecting this country from illegals. He hires them, he lets them in.
He is interested in a contract in the amount of billions to give to his contractors.
2018-04-08 1:44 am
We have had net-negative migration (more folks leaving that coming in) with Mexico since 2008. Donald Trump has been lying about hordes of rapists to keep his base living in fear. The LAST thing that American taxpayers need is to blow billions on a 4th-century "solution" to a 21st-century non-issue.
2018-04-09 5:47 pm
2018-04-08 9:42 pm
It is beyond me why individuals on this and other forums would think walls do not prevent intruders from entering the United States

#1. The Vatican has a wall that completely surround it

#2. The Berlin wall worked great

#3. Israel built a wall several years ago. It appears to be doing it's job

#4. Celebrities and wealthy individuals in the United States and around the world build walls around their houses and estates to prevent intruders from entering.

There are many that support the building of the wall in the southern border of the United States.

Fir a variety if reasons those individuals on the left side of the political spectrum think that building a wall to prevent illegal aliens from entering the United States is their pet word "RACIEST".

You are not a raciest if you believe the laws of the United States should be upheld and you are making an attempt at enforcing the laws of the United States.

Apparently there are more citizens of the United States that support the building of the wall. Donald Trump was elected the president. One of the primary planks in the Trump campaign was he was gonna build a wall. Many citizen voted for Trump because of this very platform plank.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2018-04-09 1:04 am
It wasn't too long ago Americans were advocating tearing down walls... that kept people INSIDE like hostages and prisoners, and now a bunch of people are going along with a known liar, swindler, crook and cheat to build a wall his cronies will be among the first to over-charge, double-charge and probably have lists of ghost workers on the payroll... oh, but let us now forget, he promised and vowed Mexico would pay for it and now all of a sudden AMERICAN taxpayers are supposed to fund said ridiculous venture of the "miraculous" wall? tRump wants the wall, let HIM pay for it out of his own pockets; we don't want the wall and we don't want to pay for it. WHY doesn't he ask his billionaire staffers to contribute the money out of THEIR pockets?

tRump also repeatedly promised and vowed he'd bring American manufacturing companies operating in foreign nations with thousands of manufacturing jobs back to America; yet neither he nor his adult children have not brought back to America any of the hundreds of manufacturing companies they own/control in foreign lands with the thousands of manufacturing jobs... yet another broken promise he vowed he'd do within a year... and we're supposed to believe HIM because...???

I have a novel idea! How about if USA returns the lands stolen from Mexico? Yeah, this way, Mexicans and other Hispanics can live peacefully in lands they once owned... like present-day California, Nevada, Utah, most of New Mexico and Arizona, and parts of Colorado and Wyoming. We can even through in Texas! Hey, Mexicans had the right idea; they never slaughtered those native to American lands, the so-called "Native American" nations but lived in peace and harmony side-by-side with them, even bartered and traded with them.
2018-04-08 1:44 am
Because Trump's Wall is based upon the Big Racist Lie that says that every illegal alien came across the Mexican Border
2018-04-08 1:49 am
Don't know about "people." But I don't support it because:

Walls are ineffective. They are way too easy to go over, around, through, and under.

Walls are opaque, fences are transparent which let's the boarder guards see the Mexican side.

Money could be better spent on fixing our bridges, railways, and highways.
2018-04-08 2:29 am
Because most illegal immigration is from overstaying visas and you can't stop giving visas or else you'd be committing economic suicide
2018-04-08 2:23 am
Because they know it's a waste of time and money.
2018-04-08 2:04 am
Trump has been a lying pieceofshyte his whole life. It doesn't matter if Little Donny comes up with a good idea now and then. He's a professional fraud and Putin Puppet who has turned the Washington Swamp into a Wall Street Cesspool of corruption. He envys Putin and would love it if western demcracies would mimic Putin's Russia. The US constitution , its secular foundation , rule of law , balance of power and 1st world standard of living are all hanging by a slender thread. Too many US voters like you can't see the forest for the trees. Whe the GOP hands you a $2 tax cut , they are stealing the cash out of your wallet with the other hand.


The GOP has their hands around the throat of your country. Don't let them strangle the life out your rights , freedoms and liberties.
2018-04-08 1:45 am
(1) You forgot the other part of Trump's promise: that Mexico would pay for the wall. Where's the Mexican money? It all sounds like a giant bait-and-switch where the US taxpayer gets screwed again, and Trump gets away with yet another lie.

(2) Trump has yet to make the case that a wall is better than fences. We have hundreds of miles of fencing, and fences are much cheaper to erect and maintain. Trump even said he needed a "see-through wall." Donny, "see-through wall" is just a silly name for a fence! http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-wants-see-through-border-wall-mexico-2018-1

(3) If you look at either end of Trump's proposed wall location, you'll see oceans. Many immigrants already arrive by boat, and no wall can stop boats.

What we really need to see is a cost-benefit analysis of wall vs fence vs stepped up coastguard. Almost certainly, a combination of fencing and coast guard is going to be more cost effective than spending $20 to $40 billion on a boondoggle.
2018-04-08 1:42 am
It will cost 70 billion dollars to build - that is a lot of taxpayer money in a country that can't balance the budget.
2018-04-08 1:39 am
Yeah right,
The wall is not going to detour everyone.

I can see it now, in 30 or 50 years there will be some cultural revolution and the wall gets knocked down.
2018-04-08 1:39 am
Many do and many would if he hadn't been such a twit about it and lied about it.
2018-04-08 1:44 am
They are not used to the idea.
Back in the hippie days of the 1970s when illegal aliens started streaming across the border, nobody cared. Employers were happy to hire them, and schools were happy to accept the children and teach them English. I recall that so many people were illiterate, even in Spanish, that they had no idea what the benefits of education might be for their children. So sending them to school wasn't even a priority.
Well, it all seemed fine then, but times have changed and now we see we need to control our borders, but we are totally unaccustomed to the idea.
2018-04-09 11:27 am
Because if there was a real and genuine desire to stop illegal immigration then a better idea would be to enforce the damn law and slap anyone hiring illegal labor with a $10,000 fine!!!

But this was just a vote catching gimmick from a moron who understands and cares only about himself!!! Illegals come here come for the most part to work, and to do the jobs that Americans won't do! And there are plenty of Americans willing to pay them including Trump voting Republicans!!!

Living in Texas and being involved in construction supplies, I know exactly what goes on! Republicans are full of sh!t!!!

If you don't want the problem, then stop feeding it!!!
2018-04-08 5:19 pm
He said Mexico was going to pay for it. It was a battle cry at his rallies that fired people up to vote for him. Now it's time for dt and crew to hold themselves accountable. Dt can donate the first $50M and paint his brand on it for compensation. The trumplings can donate the rest and get their name on a brick or something like that. When Mexico coughs up the dough, they get reimbursed.
I don't care if it gets built (just not w/ my tax dollars). I can't see it f/ my house. I don't think it will be cost effective. They will still go over, under, around and through it w/ fake ID like they do now. Plus, VISA overstays outnumber illegal border crossings. The wall doesn't address that.
"Visa Overstays Outnumber Illegal Border Crossings, Trend Expected to Continue"
2018-04-08 11:03 am
Because it won't work
People will climb over it or tunnel under it
2018-04-08 6:56 am
Because we already have the most heavily guarded border between two friendly countries in the world AND illegal entry into the U.S. is at a Historic LOW!
2018-04-08 1:52 am
because most illegal immigrants came here legally
and a wall is terribly expensive
and the real reason Trump wants a wall is so he can have his name on the largest structure in the US
2018-04-08 1:43 am
1. They own a lettuce farm and like cheap labor.
2. They are Democrats and like cheap votes.
3. They are illegals and like cheap food from food stamps.
2018-04-10 4:04 pm
He hasn't built a wall yet. Hasn't started. That because Trump's businesses need illegals to do the real work. Is Ivanka going to change sheets and clean toilets at any Trump Hotel?
2018-04-08 4:02 pm
there are a multiple reasons:
1) it would costs too much money
2) it would keep immigants in as they would be too worried about leaving
3) a giant wall doesnt prevent as we have planes and trains and cars and lorries
4) immigrants are 2 types 1 that gets in through the border and the other that over stays their time
2018-04-08 2:13 pm
Cost, for one thing. Memories of the Berlin Wall, a communist tactic, for another. Low probability of being effective long-term for a third reason.
2018-04-08 12:22 pm
Because we're intelligent and educated enough to understand what is really going on. And why isn't Mexico going to pay for it anyway?
2018-04-08 6:34 am
Build a 20 foot high wall and the hardware stores in Mexico will start selling 25 foot ladders.

Or a few sticks and bed sheets and they can make hang gliders they can launch from a moving pickup truck. They can then glide right over the wall..Mexicans are actually quite crafty and good at improvising from next to nothing.

Others will just take a stick of dynamite to it.

Walls are not effective against determined people unless you have manned guard towers every couple hundred feet with searchlights and machine guns.

Look what it takes at a prison to keep the cons in. You would need to build that all around the entire USA

How about instead, jailing the traitorous business owners that attract the illegals by giving them jobs. I am sure lots of Americans are willing to pick crops in 100F heat.
2018-04-10 12:56 am
The "illegals" have for four generations or a century been attracted intentionally by rich White Republicans who wanted their crops picked cheaply and established it as a cultural norm on the North American continent that they would attract the Mexican workers to migrate across the border. Trump using "illegal" Mexican construction workers dates back to within the lifetime of the sitting President.
2018-04-09 1:45 pm
I support the wall.
All immigration should be legal .t.
They are criminals and should be deported.
So many are on welfare we can hardy afford our home taxes and especially if you are retired your trapped paying for them.
Too many criminals are arriving and carrying out terrible crimes.
There must be a permanent stop to this.
2018-04-09 1:29 pm
Liberalism is a form of mental illness many just don’t have any common sense.
2018-04-08 10:08 pm
Because anyone can climb over, dig under, walk around or fly over it. It will however keep the Armadillos out.
2018-04-08 8:07 pm
Its a waste of money for a stupid project
2018-04-08 6:38 pm
Huh? They DONT!?

Trump rode to victory in the Pres race largely on the anti Illegal Alien issue.

I'm vehemently anti Trump,

and am a Dem-only voter,

BUT i'm TOTALLY in favor of the Trump Wall,

AND deporting all illegal aliens

[yal DO get the ILLEGAL part, rt? THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE IN THE US !]


and the WORST part is the ANCHOR BABY OUTRAGE !

AND the CHAIN MIGRATION the illegal aliens scheme on.



SAVE AMERICA from being dragged down to a 3RD WORLD NATION!


2018-04-08 5:33 pm
People? How many, who? Many people DO support a wall.
2018-04-08 3:05 am
Because that doesn't fit their narrative. They think our borders should be open to everyone that wants to just walk it.
2018-04-08 2:21 am
The do..... BUT..... if your news sources have been feeding you either 100% "pro" or "con" information about the wall then you haven't been getting the whole story.
2018-04-08 1:53 am
It is an expensive boondoggle, which will cause a number of problems and not actually make the border secure against anyone who is physically fit.

If you look at realistic estimates of the costs of such a wall, you're talking forty billion dollars starting point, without high tech innovations and without addressing the problems such a border faces due to things like seasonal water flow, extreme terrain, or cost over runs. The idea that Trump can pull a number out of his butt and put down the discrepancies between his estimate and any government project in the history of the world as "i'm a good negotiator." is absurd, even if he tries to stiff every contractor the way he doe sin his own projects.

And that is just the starer costs, which does not include upkeep, manning it, or as mentioned any sort of tech upgrade. In some strecthes, you'll likely see people mining it for rebar alone.

So why should we spend twice the budget of NASA for a wall which can be defeated by a twenty dollar ladder? Especially when we could spend that money on work place enforcement, paid for by fining those who employ illegals? Dry up the jobs and the number crossing the border would slow to an easily controlled trickle, many of whom would be actual refugees.
2018-04-08 2:56 pm
2018-04-08 9:56 am
illegals are imperative to the democrat registration drive to get them out of the red
the greatest opposition comes from the democrats,and the rinos cheer them on during cocktails with their leftwing pals of the press
2018-04-08 7:09 am
Most people do support the wall to control illegal aliens from coming into our country. That's why Trump was elected President.
2018-04-08 8:08 am
Some of the people supported because they're racist some of the people supported because they're insecure and feel that based on their limited still said they won't be able to compete with others and some just don't look at it from a practical standpoint that if we focus on repairing the nation before we could focus on securing borders then we'll have considerable growth
2018-04-11 7:09 am
Obama supported a wall at one point and so did Hillary. What changed their minds?

A secure border is about more than keeping out people. Why are there customs points on a border? What are they for? How much contraband crosses that border e.g. guns, drugs and people who will effectively be slaves?
2018-04-10 6:20 pm
Trump knows damn well its a complete waste of money but he's buying votes of the unemployables who think Mexicans must be the reason no one will hire them.
2018-04-10 1:52 pm
Where I live they dig tunnels beneath the border; electricity, air circulation. No wall is going to stop people from coming into the country. Besides, most people who are in the US illegally have overstayed their visas.
2018-04-10 4:17 am
Build the wall THEN stop all money going back to Mexico from illegals and watch what happens.
2018-04-10 1:25 am
The Left needs voters so why would they support Trump for cutting there voting block.
2018-04-10 1:17 am
Because they want illegals
2018-04-09 10:44 pm
because democrats need illegals to vote for them cause their the only people who will
2018-04-09 10:36 pm
He wants to plan a wall but dont want to build the damn thing thats why!
2018-04-09 10:16 pm
Because even though there actual criminals in every race, doesn't make THE ENTIRE RACE CRIMINALS LIKE TF??!? He's a racist pig, actually, pigs have more class, and they're innocent. Trump is just ****.
2018-04-09 9:52 pm
because the wall is expensive

also they don't realize the wall will pay for itself many times over when it keeps the illegal immigrants out
2018-04-09 6:23 pm
They do just the media portrays something different.
2018-04-09 5:48 pm
because he is a booklet
2018-04-09 3:36 pm
Because in today’s society, when someone is “rude” and “stupid” they automatically can’t do anything good. And also some people believe that immigrants just want to escape the hell in their country live peacefully, but they have no idea that letting immigrants in may cause wreak havoc and destroy the USA, they CAN be trusted but they also can’t.
2018-04-09 11:44 am
People want to believe lies, it is human nature. A wall will NEVER be built in full. Why? Because corporations need cheap labor that they can pay under the table and not report.
2018-04-09 5:21 am
what is the wall?
confusing the idea that to be friends with mexico, we have to economically support them, too, is a slight to the intelligence of the american people. we like to be friends with foreigners, so emotionally there is not wall.
however, is that a two-way street, does mexico allow any foreigners to simply illegally immigrate there and live off the mexican government? one-or-two people might not be a burden, but when we have an increasing flow northward to the USA that counts into the millions and millions, where does the burden of caring for people rest, on the individual citizen or on the government?
i believe that the government is acting in our best interests, to stem illegal immigration, and to have the means, the ICE, the border-wall, and the national guard, if necessary, to secure our civil life's integrity.
2018-04-09 3:54 am
there's walls now that don't keep people out. it would be an extreme waste of money.
2018-04-09 3:09 am
The Wall Will never Keep illegals out, Trump's Idea is simply Stupid ;-;..................................................
參考: I guess Trump is not aware that people can go by boat to Texas or Florida through the Atlantic Ocean
2018-04-09 1:28 am
2018-04-09 1:13 am
Because they want the illegals in.
2018-04-08 8:59 pm
I think last I heard he’s resorting to using the army or whatever to guard the border now
2018-04-08 5:37 pm
Beside land, there are water and air. That is, illegal immigrants can go through the air way or the sea way.
2018-04-08 3:06 pm
Foe me, my objection to a wall is that there are better, cheaper ways to secure the border that would be much faster to implement than a wall. The various remote sensing technologies that already exist would be a better use of money
2018-04-08 2:23 pm
it is a devious plan
2018-04-08 1:17 pm
I think it has to do with the fact that illegal Mexicans crossing the border make up most of America's community jobs, like waiter, or shop clerk. If Trump builds a wall to block out these Mexicans, a lot of those community jobs won't be taken
2018-04-08 6:17 am
Because they know he has no intention of doing it. It is merely an election lie
2018-04-08 4:19 am
2018-04-08 3:18 am
Maybe they dont understand it or want it
2018-04-09 2:41 am
Because historically if you look at our country since the 1900’s most of our country’s political position towards immigration changes depending on how our economy is doing. So at certain periods we support it and certain periods we don’t. Which suggest what we really care about is money and not the lives of these people. These people in discussion could risk losing their families, their way of life etc. Getting a visa for these people is already too difficult. Closed borders is like being the kid who runs away and takes his toys home.
2018-04-09 12:07 am
All the Americans that I know support a border wall and believe President Trump when he says that Mexico will pay for it.
If not in the beginning, they will in the ending.
2018-04-08 3:04 pm
Wall is a foolish and a openly racist answer, to reduce people from moving out of their homes into the USA, the USA should help them make strong and stable economies in their countries, not collapse their countries economies. In that case they would be forced to move out of their homes and then attracted the same time to the US economy and its not just walls or pits or anything that can stop them, they will keep fleeing their homes to the USA until their countries are stable, and once stable, they would leave the USA to their prosperous countries. Trump's policies are totally foolish, he wants to collapse other countries economies to make the USA's economy best, that will never happen, but if he does more damage, the more who will flow to the USA or in doing such economic policies he would damage the US economy making more people including Americans to flee the USA
2018-04-08 8:54 am
Ask the people of Berlin what they think about such "Walls".
2018-04-08 2:12 am
right now mostly because Trump wants it, many democrats voted for the wall including Hilary
but Trump likes it, so they hate it
Trump wanted a tax cut the democrats didn't like it
if Trump were to back electric cars democrats would cry he's trying to kill the oil industry
2018-04-08 1:46 am
2018-04-08 1:43 am
Because we need the illegals in. The country's food supply depends on it. If they are kept out, then the farms won't be able to grow and harvest their crops.

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