Should Congress invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump before he does more harm to our Democracy ?

2021-01-07 11:26 pm

回答 (5)

2021-01-07 11:39 pm
Yes. NOW............
2021-01-09 2:26 pm
Congress can't.  Only the Vice President can, and I don't think he will.
2021-01-08 12:27 pm
Yes definitely  , it's up to Pence and the Cabinet but for the sake of our country , he must be stopped now .
2021-01-08 5:47 am
It's not up to Congress; it's up to the Vice-President and the cabinet.

You should have stayed awake in Civics class.
2021-01-07 11:46 pm
They'd better not.  The tens of thousands have not all left Washington as yet.  The best thing this lame Congress can do is try to quiet the violence that Nancy Pelosi started when she tore up the State of the Union Speech.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:11:39
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