Is It Fair that Actresses Get Paid SOO Much?

2019-12-30 11:46 am
I went to Deering High School in Maine with an actress named Anna Kendrick.

I am 36 years old and she was a few grades below me. But she was a snotty little rascal.

I am now a nurse and have spent my life serving and helping other people, putting aside my own dreams to be useful to the world.

Meanwhile, if I had been selfish and pursued my acting dreams, I could be making millions of dollars to prance around and attend red carpets. I know acting is hard work, but it's nothing compared to 12 hours of dealing with sick people all day and not even going to the bathroom :(

I feel like a matyr. Did I ruin my life by becoming a nurse? Is 36 too late to become a female actress?

回答 (49)

2019-12-31 12:33 pm
Ah - the grass is always greener mixed with some resentment and jealously.  That really isn’t a good combination.  Thirty six isn’t too old to start acting but I doubt it’ll make you happy.  You have some silly fantasy about what acting is - the reality with it’s instability and constant rejection is much harder then you know.

So no, you haven’t ruined your life by being a nurse.  You’ve helped people, you’ve supported yourself, you’ve had stability and acceptance.  It’s a very challenging career but there are rewards to it as well.

So maybe you’re experiencing burn out. That’s not unusual (it happens in acting and other careers as well).  Running away to try to be “discovered” isn’t going to fix that.  But this article might has some helpful information: “Nurse Burnout Is Real: 7 Risk Factors And The Top 3 Symptoms” -  . It includes some steps for addressing burnout.

You may also be experience depression - so perhaps a therapist would be helpful. Most insurances cover therapy and it could help.

Good luck.
2019-12-30 11:56 am
Most nurses wouldn't label themselves as martyrs 
2019-12-31 10:17 am
Sounds like you are just on here to snot- bubble...
2019-12-31 2:56 am
Most things are NOT fair.

I'll give you some advice.
DON'T compare yourself to other people.
This will make you ill.

Compare your own present position in life with your goal.
It's far more realistic.

One more thing.
ALL actresses do not get paid TOO much.
Some don't get paid enough or get enough work.
2019-12-31 10:52 am
It's called capitalism: the market pays what it can bear.
2019-12-31 10:16 pm
What does an actor or actress really accomplish in life except teach people to call God's name in vain, teach people to act badly, teach people that immoral sex is right,  teach people that  showing their body for money is right and to exhibit what the Bible calls "falsehood."

Do you understand that the violence shown in movies is bad for the human race?  God tells us to guard our eyes, guard our hearts and guard our minds.  Hollywood's influence on the youth of America is very, very negative.  How many people do you see suffering from Anxiety, Depression, Fibro and trauma disorders?  Fear can be instilled in the heart of humans from movies, from war and from abuse.  You are a caring person.  You have something to offer humanity.  Very few films are being produced for the betterment of humanity.  The blood and gore has a fear affect on the mind.  I don't know Anna Kendrick or you, but you are to be admired.
2019-12-30 6:30 pm
Firstly - life isn't "fair".  It never has been and it never will be.  Get used to it!

But you can't seriously imagine that all actors get paid loads of money?  99% of actors have to work an 'ordinary' job alongside acting their whole lives, just to pay the bills and rent on a tiny apartment!

Anna Kendrick is a good actor who got very, very lucky.  Comparing yourself with one  successful actor is pointless.  If you're a nurse, that was YOUR choice.  Millions of kids are realistic enough to accept that the chances of becoming a professional actor are extremely remote, so they do what you've done.  They get a normal job.  Had you pursued your acting dreams, you would probably be working long shifts at McDonalds right now, maybe getting the odd day's paid acting work if you were very lucky.If you really think that acting is about "prancing around and attending red carpet functions" you have no idea at all what acting really involves.  Yes - it IS hard work.  There is zero job security, no corporate benefits and every job could be your last.If you don't love nursing, train for a different career.  But remember it was YOUR choice.No - you didn't ruin your life by becoming a nurse but it seems like your idea of life as an actor is totally unrealistic.  You've got this glamorous picture in your head of the red carpets and lavish parties, when the reality is nothing like that.

If you love acting, get a 9-5 job and join a community theatre.  That's the best you could hope for now.
2019-12-30 12:15 pm
Nurses and teachers are known for being sanctimonious, but some of us are trying to undo that. You stop this now, or I'll put a PICC line, a foley, and an NG tube connected to low-intermittent suction in you. Then I'll code you and I'll shock you, even if the machine says not to. And I'll give you every new admission for at least six months.
2019-12-30 11:50 am
The vast majority of actors/actresses do not make millions or "prance the red carpet."  

99% of actors continue to work day jobs and act in local productions.  You did not ruin your life, you have a solid job and help people.  Being 36 is not too late to become an actress.   You can work with local community theaters if you really want to act.
參考: My life as a working actor.
2020-01-03 8:04 am
I agree that the top actors and actresses get paid too much, like tom cruise, angelina jolie, Sandra Bullock, george clooney and mel gibson are all overpaid. on the flip side, i think the people at the bottom are paid too little. like my cousin went into acting and it does not ever pay enough for her to live on. I dont think the people at the bottom deserve cushy pay since acting is more of a do what you love and college is a breeze job unlike engineering, but people should all be paid at least enough to live a low-budget lifestyle without another job. Also, DONT ditch the nurse job unless you vehimately hate it, 99% of the time its a better steady source of income than acting, especially in USA.
2020-01-02 12:23 pm
Another "is it fair" question. Lifes not fair, when you crybabies gonna learn that shít already?
2019-12-30 11:13 pm
It's never too late to become anything you want to advice is if you are unhappy, then the people you are caring for sense that. You can't be giving them your "best" if you resent what you are doing for them. Sometimes you have to move OUT of your comfort zone and go after what you TRULY want, but you sound like you are more interested in money rather than fulfillment. If that is the case you are not going to be happy with acting either.
2020-01-03 8:22 am
I don't respect actors or most of their work. I spend a small portion of my money and time supporting local artisans who make useful items and meaningful art.  While I have no delusion that these people will ever become ultra famous nor that their work will ever be worth a fortune, I do respect them and they tank me for my purchases and words or support.  I would take that over any movie.
2019-12-30 11:53 am
Actors, famous singers, professional football and baseball players all get paid too much.
2019-12-31 7:02 am
When you say "actresses" not "actor" it is already not fair. Do you think a male actor is okay to be paid a lot while a woman acting is not?

Also, it is a life choice. If you feel like you are "sacrificing", then change your job. Do not sacrifice. Do it because you want, not because you feel like you had to, and then hate others for not doing the same as yours. It's not healthy.

Go live a life you want.
There are actresses of different ages.
If you truly feel like being an actress, then you can at first change your job to part-time, and see how it goes. Check out the auditions, agencies, and related information, take classes. And if it doesn't work out, you can still change your job back to full time. 
2019-12-31 6:43 am
Obviously your a con not a nurse. Actresses don't make squat.

Big corporations like mgm rake it in but people nahhh...

You are obviously trying to steal charitable donations. Get a job.
2020-01-03 4:27 pm
It sounds like you’re the snotty little rascal. If you wanted, you could have pursued acting as well.
2020-01-03 6:19 am
Right, so you're jealous that someone you judge as 'less than' makes way more money than you do, based on her being a snotty kid in school, and selfishly prancing around red carpets, worldwide. Sure, medicos deserve to be paid more, there's no doubt about it, but wow, talk about fantasy, judging another person when you know Sweet F.A. about them; and then bitching because Anna dared to follow her dreams to the very end. Awesome. I'd hate to be one of your patients with that attitude.

Fewer than 5% of top actors actually make the kind of money you're referring to. It certainly doesn't happen with the wave of a wand, any more than a patient suddenly becoming well because you changed their IV bag and bed pan.

IF you want to be an actress, then pull your head in, be humble, kind, hard-working, and make it on your own. Get all the right training, photos, connections, and work your way up. Invest in yourself, again and again. Put your emotions out there in audition after audition after audition, only to be rejected over and over and over, simply because your eyebrows are the wrong shade, or you're not the height they want, or you can't sing well enough. A million reasons, and none of them are in your control.
2020-01-01 8:48 pm
In a line from of a great Eagles song "Doesn't really matter which side your'e on" I know what you have to deal with and God bless you for it. But don't blame Anna for what you didn't finish your chase. Still got time.
2020-01-01 12:18 pm
Well, if it makes you feel better, very few actresses make it to Annas level of success. I dont know the exact statistic, but Id be its lower than 5%. In a big way, it is foolish to even try to make it in Hollywood just because of the rarity of making it, but if you have a dream, you have a dream. Being a nurse is a very respectable occupation. You are a hero to many. Stand proud because of what you do. The worlds population need you more than an entertainer. Forget about the actress thing and continue to be a hero.
2019-12-31 2:59 pm
We get no rewards-- you are a hero-- nursing is your calling-- you are real.

Actors and actresses play fictitious  parts
2019-12-31 3:50 am
No, not really. But that's just the way of the world.
參考: Life.
2019-12-31 12:58 am
Not all actors get paid millions, only the real successful ones. But yea it is kind of unfair. 
2020-01-03 11:12 pm
They are way overpaid, just like atheletes
2020-01-01 11:43 am
Ask from Anna Kendrick
2019-12-31 10:41 am
Yes. Movies make millions, sometimes billions of dollars 
2019-12-31 6:59 am
Assuming you are not a troll, there is this to consider.  To be an a-list actress and make the big bucks, you have to be talented, which is a hit-or-miss proposition. AND you have to be "discovered" by some talent scout who has a role that needs your particular look, style, and abilities.

Anna Kendrick has acting chops and singing chops.  Let's be honest - beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and thus your look and hers might have just differed a little bit in the eyes of whoever "discovered" her.  It doesn't matter whether she's a snotty rascal as much as it matters to consider that song by the late Dr. John  "It must have been the wrong place, must have been the wrong time..."  Sometimes it comes down to chance.
2019-12-30 11:59 am
Well, do you have the looks and the luck? And it's foolish to think that helping the world is going to bring you any rewards apart from an egocentric, self-consoling sense of pride. That only happens in fairytales, and I'm afraid the real world isn't a fairytale. Fight for what you want!
2020-01-04 3:25 am
I guess so cause their putting in their hard and good work into it...their trying to entertain. 
2020-01-03 11:42 pm
Welcome to america it's who you know and a lot of sucking up to do to make a name for yourself  . Look at  Ellen Degenorous  before she made it big she was Oprah Winfrey ***** 
2020-01-03 11:02 pm
In every room where you attend to recovering patients you should probably take the time to notice the television set with the show or movie playing and grasp the impact this is also having, along with the numbers of people who are employed by every aspect of that industry as well.

The amount of money a person makes isn't based on 'fairness.' It is actually just simple math based on the number of lives impacted and the response of the people to that influence with a willingness to support it financially. Not every house has a nurse, but every house has some kind of entertainment system, even the ones with a nurse living there. 

Imagine those same environments without entertainment or yourself going home after a hard day of grueling work to a house with no entertainment. Now realistically tell me how 'fair' it is that the people providing it for you are well compensated. 

I don't think that you should make this about social class, since it is really about wanting to use your natural acting talents and finding no outlet as a nurse. You should be able to do so and some people actually have. They entertain people in hospitals and nursing homes or other facilities where people are recovering. There is a tremendous amount of money in the health care industry too, (despite what you may hear to the contrary), and much of it is being spent on needlessly fancy facilities. They are becoming more like overpriced resorts. However, this is an opportunity for people with talent to find a way to tap into these resources for entertainment, which is a vital part of health care and human health in general. 

It would be very cool to see people like yourself use your passion and talents to incorporate your gifts directly into this industry, which will then invite some of these truly selfish and self-absorbed actors to join you in something worthwhile that is still up to the current standards of entertainment. The world doesn't need one more soulless Hollywood sell-out and one less nurse. It needs a new path and some pioneers to start constructing it. Thank you for the service you have already provided to people but open up to the idea that entertainment is vitally important to that same service, especially if someone with a real conscience and love for people leads the way. You could start by just incorporating existing entertainment into health care to help create these better environments for your patients and go from there using your talents and gifts as you see ways to employ them for maximum benefit for yourself, for your fellow nurses and for your patients. 
2020-01-03 5:59 pm
Looks like you're a bit envious. Not everybody can act, if you quit your current job and try out as an actress you may fail and then you probably won't be able to get back your old job as a nurse at the same place you're now. It's better for you to just keep doing what you're doing cause helping people makes a difference. 
2020-01-03 12:36 pm
You are doing the right thing by taking care of people 
2020-01-03 11:56 am
Yeah it seems like you don’t exactly have the ‘Florence Nightingale’ attitude towards your profession. 

 Very familiar with nurses (and PAs, doctors, etc)  like you, as somebody who’s been in and out of a lot of hospitals and doctors offices over the years. I could tell you many stories. 

I find it hard to believe that you’re not making any money because I’m sure that that’s one of the reasons a lot of people go into your field? Because it’s exactly a minimum wage job? 

Yeah I’m quite sure it’s a difficult job with sh!t hours, but if you really resent it and the pay isn't worth the hassle, you should probably try acting. Because your patients are going to pick up your resentment, believe me. We always do. Those of us who have any sensitivity whatsoever anyway. 

We often get treated like pieces of meat in medical settings by calloused, pissed off medical professionals alright, but that doesn’t mean we consider ourselves pieces of meat.
2020-01-03 10:45 am
If your role as a nurse doesn't pay off by now, of course, switch to a new role.
2020-01-03 10:30 am
2020-01-03 9:20 am
People will spend for their entertainment and can be cheaply, actress will be paid accordingly to the demand of the public.

People will try to spend a little as possible in health, because the stereotype was health maintenance was expensive and there's no fun on it.

What happened to you most likely, you take the normal route (being a nurse), while the high risk route (actress) future was bleak in your college time. There are no assurance that your will be successful when you pursue the acting. People will place their money on people they like.
2020-01-03 12:44 am
So much? They don't get paid enough! Men on average make more than double they do for the same work. 
2020-01-03 12:31 am
It's never too late to follow your dreams, but remember, becoming an actor isn't easy, and even if you do make it as an actor, you won't always be in demand.
2020-01-02 12:45 pm
She had a talent she was paid for 
2020-01-01 12:11 pm
Its never too late to be an actress.

My friend started at 40 some at 62 and they love every waking moment of it.

I started at 26 and ive been a co-star on 2 major tv shows now.

Just make sure you research it well before packing up and moving over here. Leave your 9-5 open for auditions you need to find a night job or sustainable income the first 3-5 year will be rough rought.

 I wish you well.

2020-01-01 11:55 am
No offense but are you as physically attractive or charismatic as Anna Kendrick though? 
2020-01-01 2:55 am
Because she got the break into acting. And you didn't.
參考: Hugh Grant was in the year below me at school.
2019-12-31 3:00 pm
don’t be bitter because you held back
2019-12-31 11:19 am
Some people are just lucky to be born beautiful.  That is all.  You can call 1-800-WHI-IINE.
2019-12-31 11:08 am
In our world, we make choices and the consequences follow. 
There is nothing wrong with becoming famous or making a lot of money, now nursing, social work and teaching are wonderful and you get paid more in anything else but money. Frankly, what is the rest of your life like? 
Can you use you degree and a specialization or even your experience can allow you a better paid position elsewhere...
Though, I do understand you, this is the world we are living in.
2020-01-03 10:23 am
They were born lucky, chosen, and have connections that led them there. You could always do porn acting if you want but you won't, see it's not for everyone is it.
2020-01-03 5:06 am
No it's not fair 
參考: No it's not
2019-12-31 2:51 pm
no.  I dont thinka   aso s.ds..a sdf

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