Trump supporters do you ever regret voting for Trump?

2020-04-14 12:11 am
Even if it's for a slight second? Do you ever at all regret this? Was it to get back at Obama and the Democrats? 

Great answers thank you for sharing. 

回答 (71)

2020-04-14 12:20 am
As much as I don't like Trump, I am so glad that Hillary is not my president. 
2020-04-14 12:55 am
I have known from the very beginning that we needed a different kind of leader. Different than Obama, Bush, Clinton and we got one. A businessman - not a lawyer.
One who really cared about America and was not a lawyer. Personally, I've had enough of lawyers for a very long time.
2020-04-14 12:26 am
I personally know 2 cons who admit trump is not presidential as he does way more harm than good. It's understandable they made a mistake. Trump didn't have elected office experience to judge from.
2020-04-15 1:09 pm
I voted for Donald Trump and i do not regret it one bit. He has done nothing wrong. Tje only problem is that democrats do not want to work with him and keep rejecting all of his plans for the US. We will never see any progress like that.
2020-04-14 12:21 am
The only regret is black mold sat around to long in the WH
2020-04-15 10:45 am
I don't think he's doing enough to cut spending, but I like that he's taking care of border security and not letting us get ripped off by our so-called ''allies''.
2020-04-15 5:44 pm
You do know that he lost the popular vote? You have a ridiculous electoral system which allows the entire country to vote one way and then a select few can put into power who THEY want! Putin only had to nobble 270 instead of the entire population to get a moron in charge!
2020-04-16 9:53 pm
I didn't vote for his personality, I voted for the businessman approach to running a country, not a lawyers expertise.... I don't have to like the guy to acknowledge that he did what no other president could do in modern times, spark an economy, end terrorism, and bring jobs back from over seas.... outside all the liberal noise which is based on 90% fabricated lies, he might go down as one of the best presidents in modern history, but he probably won't get that credit while he is still on this earth...Obama was a likeable guy, but a poor President....lawyers are not suited for presidential jobs, that has become crystal clear.
2020-04-17 12:29 am
Trump is a god.
參考: Heil Trump, Lord of the Light!
2020-04-16 2:12 am
Nope, not even for a slight second. He does EXACTLY what we elected him for and more now that this crisis exists. Thank God he's President! While liberal reporters were having a temper tantrum the other day when Trump fought back against their lies, we were cheering. I even sent him an email telling him how great that was.

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