Why are race relations so bad in America nowadays ?

2021-04-11 1:16 am

回答 (78)

2021-04-11 7:09 am
Recently, Black Lives Matter riots have increased racial division.   
2021-04-11 9:47 am
It all began with the Obama presidency. Obama is the one who began the polarization and divide in the United States.
2021-04-11 1:17 am
Its all just been kind of a sh*t show since Joey "won" the election.
2021-04-11 2:27 pm
Putting aside sreggin being useless dead weights the libtards stealing the election made things worse. From now on no one will believe the voting system because it's obviously rigged by the deep state.
2021-04-11 6:51 am
For the same reason they've always been bad -- racism. Sadly, it will never, ever go away.
2021-04-11 12:58 pm
Because that’s your particular filter. Not everybody shares that view
2021-04-11 8:33 am
The people who worship 45 hated president Obama. Hating minorities is not racism according to 45 worshippers. Anything involving white people not being the center of attention is racism to 45 worshippers.
2021-04-11 11:20 pm
The media are working in unison to drive a wedge between people of various races. There is literally video of cities on fire with news anchors, with a straight face, saying that BLM protesters engage in mostly peaceful protests while police officers are painted as murderous villains who exist to perpetuate white supremacy rather than the truth that they are dealing with the most violent, dangerous dregs of humanity and protecting everyone- white, black, Latino/a, and Asian from psychopathic criminal garbage. 
2021-04-11 11:19 pm
They aren't.  A group of people are using racism as a means to control people and put into action new laws.  Before socialism/communism can be established the Constitution must be done away with or changed greatly.  Do NOT ever give up your freedoms that the Constitution allows.  Much blood has been shed for these freedoms - so cherish them.  They are worth fighting for again.
2021-04-11 11:06 pm
The white race is losing it their only answer changes, change is against their religion and they can't admit that either.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:40:18
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