Does globalisation promote democracy?

2013-10-15 2:28 pm
Does globalisation promote democracy?
Detailed reasons on bullet point form

Examples on specific country that turn from another kind of government to a democratic government. Find out if globalisation affect it.

回答 (4)

2013-10-15 2:30 pm
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Nope. It promotes Oligarchy.
2013-10-15 9:49 pm
No not really.
2013-10-15 9:49 pm
By any measure, both globalization and democracy have been on the rise in the past 100 years. I don't know if globalization promotes democracy, democracy promotes globalization, or if they're both a product of something else; but at the very least, they're not incompatible.
2013-10-15 9:45 pm
No. It promotes a dictatorship. Where a given few dominate the world is Global Government. For a mighty long time a given few have thought the rest of us are not intelligent enough to run the world, but they think they are. This Global Government has an evil behind it with a powerful leader and his intentions are not honorable. He hates the Jewish people and the Christians and when he comes down to this earth with no place else to go there will be great persecution and billions will die. The prophets of God have never been wrong.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 16:14:29
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