Rate from 1-10 how hard do you think it is to understand the New Testament and explain why you think it is easy medium or hard to understand?

2021-04-04 10:10 pm

Can any Tom, Diick or Harry read the bible or do they need an Elder or Priest to interpret it for them?

回答 (7)

2021-04-04 10:11 pm
If you don't have the Holy Spirit of God to lead you into all truth, you'll never understand the Bible. That's why these atheists always find "contradictions". That's also why cults are started as well.
2021-04-04 11:07 pm
As of yet no one has rated it according to your question….so I will give it a rating of 2

This is what I use for study...........
Following is a basic outline for research principles….. By no means is this exhaustive….. just the basics.
Unpacking scripture by delving into the Hebrew & Greek is another level, but it is not real difficult with the online resources. One of the simpler resources is the “Blue letter Bible.”


The first key is laid out in John16:13a Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, it will guide you into all truth (or one truth). Guide means to direct…. to show the way, which means you still have to act (study).

2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

The second underline key to research is to ALWAYS “read what is written” . Not what you think is written, and not what you already believe is written…….. but what is written.
When the Bible states “about 120” {Acts 1:15} it is not 120 …it may be 119.99999 but it’s not 120.

The Bible interprets itself and fits together like an intricate jigsaw puzzle. It is up to us to see how it fits by rightly dividing the Word of truth. We do NOT interpret the Bible; we see how the Bible interprets itself with the various keys and principle of biblical research.


a.) 80% of the bible interprets itself in the verse where it is written.
b.) Words in the verse must be understood according to the meaning of the words at the time of usage.
c.) Difficult verses must be understood in light of clear verses ….relating to the same subject
d.) Any one verse must always be in harmony with scripture relating to the identical subject
e.) One scripture may not tell all the details; other scripture may add to it without contradicting each other. Scripture build-up {especially in the Gospels} helps to illuminate the complete message.


a.) If the Word does not interpret itself the verse, context will determine the meaning of the verse or verses in question.
b.) Context as related to whom it is written or the specific subject can be determined by either the immediate context, or remoter context.
c.) The context relating to the same or similar: subject must be kept within the administrative boundaries. You cannot correlate in part or in whole the same subject from two separate dispensations (administrations) unless they relate directly and identically (i.e.) mixing the Gospels subjects with Epistles subjects.


When you have a word that neither the verse nor the context determines its interpretation, going back to the first usage of that word will generally illuminate its meaning. Checking the first use of that word (using a concordance) in the verse should determine its meaning; the meaning will remain the same throughout, UNLESS it is given a new definition in which case that will carry the consideration.

(Keep in mind….when searching for the first use of word…. the books of the Bible are not in chronological order)


Prepositions and conjunctions are especially important when directing the flow of thought in context.

a.) The use of the article “THE” must be carefully noted especially when dealing with the subject of holy spirit.

b.) The word “ALL” is used just as it is used today, context will determine its meaning, whether it is “ALL” without exception, or “ALL” with distinction.

c.) The use of “but” and “not” must be recognized for the degree of contrast or negation they signify in a passage.

TIME WORDS -- must be carefully noted in regard to whether an event occurs in the past, present, or future.


The word beginning or in the beginning must be carefully examined to determine which beginning. At times this refers to Genesis, other times it refers to the beginning of an event in an administration; context will determine the value of the word. {i.e.} The day of Pentecost in the grace administration.


The Bible is always addressing either Jews, Gentiles, or Church of God …….


Punctuation, capitalization, chapter headings, chapter divisions, and verse divisions were all added by translators. They are extremely helpful, but they are not “given by inspiration of God” The majority of these thing have been well supplied but there are a good number of areas where they are inaccurate. Always rely on the context to determine the truth.


The Bible is riddled with references to the everyday customs of the time in which it was written. We should become familiar with the manner of life, idioms, orientalism’s, customs and culture to properly understand scripture.


There are 219 figures of speech known in the world, 214 of them are used in the Bible. It is not imperative to know these, but helpful in research and study. E. W. Bullinger has documented these figures of speech with scriptural reference, which makes it easy to look up.
2021-04-04 10:21 pm
Without accepting Jesus the Christ as your Lord and Savior, you cannot get the Holy Spirit to dwell in you.  Once the Holy Spirit dwells in you, He teaches you all things concerning Christ and God's words.  See from Genesis to Revelation the whole Bible is about Jesus the Christ or God in human flesh that went to the Cross of Calvary.
2021-04-04 10:33 pm
The only reason people say you need the Holy Spirit or a person to interpret the Bible for you is to brainwash you into their existing beliefs.

Anyone can understand the Bible easily by just reading it, contradictions and all.
參考: There is ZERO proof a "Holy Spirit" exists. If it did, then it is a huge troll who tells members of different demonimations different things!
2021-04-05 5:51 am
5  Because of old-fashioned English and Paul's philosophical writings.  Further, the apostles' culture made different assumptions and had different symbolism than our culture does.  Take pen and paper, the King James Bible, and Strong's Concordance and see for yourself what the Bible actually says.  You can save yourself a lot of time by referring to "?To the Law and To the Testimony" first.
2021-04-05 3:44 am
My opinion;

Most of it is simple to understand.
Some of it is well-understood only by better-educated people.
Some of it is not understood correctly by anyone on Earth.
- See, for example: several passages in Revelation

You can't give the whole thing one rating
since the whole thing is not equally difficult or easy to understand.

It's like asking: From 1 to 10, how intelligent are the people in this group of 1,000 randomly-chosen people?
- Some of them would be very intelligent
- Some of them would be very unintelligent
- One number rating would mischaracterize the intelligence of most of the people in the group
2021-04-04 10:15 pm
All according to Eph. 3:4 and 2 Cor. 1:13 of course.

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