
Lv 7
回覆: 125
2021-01-30 7:27 am
If a city defunds police, how will law and order be maintained ?
回覆: 58
2021-01-28 1:31 pm
Why do people say there is no evidence of aliens ?
回覆: 10
2020-12-23 7:54 am
Is talking to yourself really a sign of madness?
回覆: 24
2020-08-09 3:01 am
If Jesus Christ walked through your door right now, what would you say to him?
回覆: 471
2020-07-23 5:55 am
Why did Yahoo News suspends comments?
回覆: 7
2020-06-13 12:19 pm
How to install windows on old first generation computers ? I insert disk but it can't boot ,what to do?
回覆: 9
2020-06-13 4:44 am
Whats better shooter games or rpg open world games?
回覆: 9
2020-05-05 10:33 pm
1000 scientist together cannot design a single piece of Human Brain.... then how is it possible that Brain evolved so perfectly in evolution?
回覆: 12
2020-04-30 2:26 pm
What if I open the box and let out the Schrodinger's cat and don't inform the experimenter?
回覆: 81
2020-04-25 4:26 am
Atheists, how do you come to the conclusion that a God doesn't exist, if you haven't read the Bible, haven't prayed to God, or go to church?
回覆: 99
2020-03-14 6:56 pm
We're all going to die, aren't we?
回覆: 57
2020-02-19 1:42 am
Is it better to be republican or democrat?
回覆: 8
2020-02-12 10:26 pm
How can you tell if people don't wish you well?
回覆: 63
2020-02-14 8:40 pm
Should I get my wife a can opener for Valentine’s Day?
回覆: 40
2020-01-15 8:13 pm
Aren't atheists the most hateful of all of God's creations?
回覆: 49
2019-12-30 11:46 am
Is It Fair that Actresses Get Paid SOO Much?
回覆: 17
2019-09-12 5:10 pm
What coding language should I start with?
回覆: 79
2019-08-05 2:08 am
You died and are now standing before God at the pearly gates of Heaven. God says to you "Why should I let you in?' You're answer is?
回覆: 102
2019-03-08 10:48 pm
why don´t we just ban cigarretes in the u.s? they aren´t doing us any good?
回覆: 81
2019-03-05 1:43 am
This is why a lot of people don't believe in God?
回覆: 125
2018-11-08 10:16 pm
What was the first president you remember living under?
回覆: 60
2018-11-03 12:29 am
Why do people die?
回覆: 91
2018-10-16 12:59 am
Are natural disasters punishment from God?
回覆: 20
2018-08-14 9:52 pm
Since matter cannot be created or destroyed is the existence of God really that far fetched?
回覆: 55
2018-08-14 11:28 pm
What moves many people to consider the existence of a Creator?
回覆: 6
2018-05-30 3:46 pm
Which sentence is correct? Or none is correct?
回覆: 15
2018-05-22 5:04 am
Is there actually REAL LEGIT way to grow from 5'5 to 6'1 being 23yro? No real answer, don't comment.?
回覆: 248
2018-05-18 5:59 pm
Does racism still exist in USA?
回覆: 11
2018-05-07 9:49 am
will marvel go bankrupt before Infinity War 2?
回覆: 78
2018-04-08 1:38 am
Why don't people support Trump making a wall to keep the illegals out?
回覆: 44
2017-10-30 7:42 am
What is the purpose of power?
回覆: 26
2017-10-19 6:08 am
Why do we have to pay for Microsoft?
回覆: 25
2017-10-03 10:31 pm
If I found a check, that is signed. Can I deposit it in my bank? Only for $150?
回覆: 7
2017-09-05 11:29 am
Urgent how do I know what Ethernet cable I need to buy?
回覆: 114
2017-08-15 7:27 am
Atheists, can you give me ONE example of two men being able to make a baby together? If you do, I will turn to homosexuality like you want?
回覆: 5
2014-06-15 4:39 am
I read the koran and it is just stupid to me lots of rules and bragging who cant live with out it?
回覆: 10
2014-02-21 3:07 am
回覆: 26
2013-04-27 3:37 am
Why do Atheists work so hard to prove God doesn't exist when I only have to believe that He exists?
回覆: 5
2011-09-01 7:27 pm
English question, please help.?
回覆: 6
2011-08-31 9:08 pm
Is hotdog one word or two words?
回覆: 39
2011-06-22 9:45 pm
Why are atheists on the religion and spirituality section of yahoo answer?
回覆: 10
2009-08-01 3:42 am
The heart of the matter with respect to Creation:?
回覆: 15
2009-06-22 1:33 pm
Atheists, do you believe in the existence of a conscience?
回覆: 27
2009-06-02 5:34 am
Does religion affect your stance on abortion?
回覆: 30
2009-06-02 5:34 am
Will u please sum up your reigion/faith in one sentence ?
回覆: 1
2008-04-02 4:01 am
What does the physical structure of a disk describe?
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