How can you tell if people don't wish you well?

2020-02-12 10:26 pm

回答 (8)

2020-02-13 12:44 am
If they make you feel uncomfortable, they might be dishonest to themselves or do not know how to love themselves. That might make them become hostile to others when they do not feel secure.
Just ask yourself how they make you feel. And if you want to know more about them, trying talking, communication is really important. Guessing can always be wrong.
2020-02-16 1:59 pm
The lit torches and pitchforks are usually a dead giveaway that they don't have your best interests in mind.
2020-02-15 2:01 pm
if someone is constantly putting their own needs/interest before yours, doing things that benefit them and only them. never asking you questions about your life or success, etc etc.
2020-02-14 6:27 pm
They say they the right things In a condensing
 or fake manners, so best to ignore ok?


Very best wishes 


Source:) Study and Ethics 
2020-02-13 1:14 pm
They don't tell you 
2020-02-13 2:24 am
You can tell just by looking at them.

There are hints.
2020-02-12 10:31 pm
Subtle digs.

If they're Southern, "bless your heart" usually means the opposite.

If you have mutual friends, ask them what this person says about you behind your back.
2020-02-12 10:29 pm
The question is, why should you care?? What other people think of you should be of no concern.

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