Since matter cannot be created or destroyed is the existence of God really that far fetched?

2018-08-14 9:52 pm

回答 (20)

2018-08-14 9:55 pm
Not if you consider god to be simple, mindless energy.
Other than that, the god claims contradict that reality.
2018-08-14 10:22 pm
It's energy that can't be created or destroyed.

Here's the thing. We have evidence that energy exists.

We have zero evidence for an all powerful god.

It is possible that higher beings exist.. it is also possible that one created us and our universe.

However, they are very clearly unconcerned with how we live, and people have imagined their own gods in their own image.
2018-08-14 10:14 pm
Matter is VERY EASILY Destroyed.
2018-08-14 10:12 pm
Science and faith don't mesh well together.
2018-08-14 10:41 pm
It's not far fetched, it's not possible.
2018-08-14 9:54 pm
God is the source of existence. All that exists originated from Him. All matter came from God and all matter can be destroyed by God. God is not made of matter. Matter is made of God.
2018-08-14 10:25 pm
Yes. Yes, it really is that far fetched. And your question makes no sense, and your question is wrong. Matter can be destroyed.
2018-08-15 5:24 am
Since matter cannot be created or destroyed is the existence of the Cat in the Hat really that far fetched?
參考: Yes, that's a non sequitur if we ever saw one.
2018-08-14 11:10 pm
It is not clear what you are trying to say about God and matter.
2018-08-14 11:07 pm
Matter certainly can be. What do you think powers the Sun?????
2018-08-14 10:59 pm
Science says ENERGY cannot be created or destroyed. Matter is simply a condensed form of energy.
That really has nothing to do with the fact there is no proof any gods exist.
2018-08-14 10:10 pm
I don't know how to connect the two thoughts of matter and God. God is matterless. To use a more common word, He is immaterial
2018-08-14 10:02 pm
Not just far fetched. Impossible is more accurate.
2018-08-14 9:56 pm
I actually would like to dispute this claim, but I also realize God has the power to destroy both soul and body
2018-08-14 9:56 pm
A Creator 's existence is certainly a huge possibility. Atheists dont deny that. What they deny is the Creator as described in the Old Testament. Most atheists agree with the New Testaments image of God as being wholly Loving. It is the apparent contradiction between a loving God in the Gospel and a Vengeful God in the OT that confuses them. Talk to them about a Sentient Being, One who is for the most part a mystery to us.
2018-08-16 1:08 pm
Matter cannot be created or destroyed? Not so! You are badly misinformed. Matter & energy can be interchanged from one form to another since both are different states of energy.

Yes, the existence of God (as described in the Bible) is that far-fetched.
2018-08-15 4:04 am
Really? Did your teachers fail you?

ENERGY cannot be created or destroyed not matter which is entirely different!

you also ignore the rules of entropy!

So when you light a match where does it go? Carbonised wood and ash which is an inert store and heat and gas which goes into the atmosphere.

Such arguments as yours really make Christianty a laughingstock!
2018-08-15 2:17 am
You didn't do well in science I see.
2018-08-14 10:39 pm
Scripture gives a 'material viewpoint' description of GOD as the 'Indivisible substance, (GOD is 'One'), that precedes everything, (Greek: 'pro'), and holds everything together,' (Colossians 1:17).

Science 'borrowed' its term 'atom' from the Biblical Greek term 'atomos' which means, 'indivisible.' As we all know, their use of the term became nonsense once they actually divided the 'atom.' That hasn't stopped them from continuing to use it, but there remains an actual 'atom,' which is the 'substance' that cannot be divided. They will never 'discover' it because their own method precludes the possibility, ("First isolate, (separate for study), then analyze," (divide into component parts for study). However, if they did, they would also find that this 'substance' is present at the outset of every perceived experience of anything, (Greek: 'pro'), and is literally holding everything else together in reality, making 'GOD' the most universally experienced 'substance' there Is.

I suspect that there is no greater embarrassment for an 'atheist' than realizing this and having to 'bow' to its unavoidable truth.

2018-08-14 10:11 pm
How do you know that is true?

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