What if I open the box and let out the Schrodinger's cat and don't inform the experimenter?

2020-04-30 2:26 pm

回答 (12)

2020-05-02 1:44 am
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you dont need to inform them

you became the experimenter when you opened the box (i.e you "collapsed" the wave function) and already know the result - the cat didnt die

 (The experiment ceased when the box was opened and you saw the result)
2020-05-01 2:46 am
You wont get any Milk
2020-05-02 11:22 pm
He'll figure it out when the litter box doesn't fill up any more.
2020-04-30 7:14 pm
a) You can make friends with the cat 

b) You can take the liberty of feeding the cat 

c) You can leave the box open for physicists to contemplate 

d) You can have a heart-to-heart conversation with the cat 
and assure it that it is extant, and not just 'theoretical' 

e) All of the above (Not necessarily in the order listed)  
2020-04-30 2:30 pm
Then the experimenter will be surprised when he/she opens the box to find nocat
2020-05-02 2:48 am
When you open the box. You become the observer

The cat will be in a state of death or life after you observe it but before it will be both
2020-05-01 2:12 pm
You will have to buy him a new cat. 
2020-04-30 10:56 pm
It depends on whether or not you, yourself are a sentient being.  I have my doubts.
2020-04-30 10:44 pm
It will run off toward a freeway, and you *still* won't know if he made it or not...
2020-04-30 5:20 pm
If you do this.....Quantum Physics will collapse!!
2020-04-30 3:33 pm
Seriously, you can’t figure that out? Duh.
2020-04-30 2:32 pm
You will have to deed it or kill it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:53:40
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