Aren't atheists the most hateful of all of God's creations?

2020-01-15 8:13 pm

回答 (40)

2020-01-18 2:02 pm
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The most hateful creatures I've ever encountered are women.
2020-01-15 8:15 pm
Hello FlowerLiam did you enjoy being humiliated and exposed yesterday? Back to make a fool of yourself again eh! Will you be posting attacks on Christian again like you have done before?
2020-01-15 8:55 pm
No wonder you're posting that as Anonymous.  Even you know how ridiculous it makes you look.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2020-01-16 2:50 am
Really, that's an interesting observation. I've found that it's the bible thumpers that are the most hateful around here, but then, you know that.
2020-01-15 8:18 pm
No, but Christians spend their lives spreading malicious lies about the people they hate.
2020-01-15 9:03 pm
Another hypocrite christian -- just like all the rest!!
2020-01-15 8:15 pm
So. Child Killers, Child Rapists and Sadistic Murderers are less hateful?
OK. So much Christian Love on display.

Why is BarCOCK answering his own question?
2020-01-15 8:21 pm
Sounds like a christian is wanting attention.
2020-01-15 8:42 pm
Aren't Christians the most pathetic of god's creations. So insecure.
2020-01-15 9:27 pm
Atheists are the majority, who are not interested in religion. Of course Christians suppose themselves to be superior. This is an example of the unpleasant postings in this section. It would be nice to think something so spiteful was wriien by a troll, but. . . . .
2020-01-15 8:22 pm
Hating what God has created sounds like heresey.
2020-01-18 5:18 pm
People like you are the most hateful of your imaginary god's creations...
2020-01-16 8:47 pm
No you have that confused with his followers the christians have killed more people than anyone.
2020-01-16 6:56 am
Asks the person who screams hatred on street corners.
2020-01-15 9:56 pm
Well, that is a nice human-friendly attitude.  If your god teaches you to hate like that, then he is not worthy of your worship, so why do you worship such a thing?
2020-01-15 9:07 pm
No, not at all - we are good and nice people who simply don't believe in god. That's just you projecting your bigotry on us.
2020-01-15 11:46 pm
No, particularly christians are Though even they are Not gods creation cos there is no god......They are the product of evolution
2020-01-15 10:49 pm
No, that one has to go to the christians, who are extremely hateful towards anyone whos views differ and are always shoving their religion where it doesnt fit
2020-01-15 8:43 pm
Unfounded accusations like this one, indicates how ignorant you are about Atheists in general.........
2020-01-15 9:53 pm
If your 'god' created atheists, then take it up with him.
2020-01-16 10:10 am
2020-01-15 9:29 pm
Because...? Did something happen to you this morning? What brought you to this odd conclusion? 
2020-01-16 5:21 am
I find Theists bare more insecurity and hate than any Atheist does. You are a prime example of such.
2020-01-15 9:54 pm

Today's Anonymous, comment blocking, powerless, fictitious today's Christians!
2020-01-15 10:27 pm
Convert to Islam ❤
2020-01-17 8:59 am
No. Atheists are persons who do not have a religion about God. That's all. It's not about hate. And it is different from "anti-theist"
2020-01-17 3:24 am
Honestly I don’t think so, more people commit horrible crimes in the name of their god. 

I’m an atheist, and personally I just want to be left alone-let me sleep. I don’t go around arguing with people about it, I just don’t believe. I try keep to myself.
2020-01-16 7:01 pm
    thank you for SHARING  an  example of another GLITTERY GENERALIZATION  and EMOTIONALLY  appealing  phrase so closely  associated with highly valued CONCEPTS and BELIEFS it  conveys conviction WITHOUT supporting information and reason   

 SYNONYMOUS  with  POTUS  who  presents  the GLITTERY GENERALIZATION  that  (ALL ) Mexicans are RAPIST and CRIMINALS ... and in his and his supporters  view  justifies him caging children ....

.. where are all the WWJD  bracelet  promoters   REALITY  the USA has the highest INCARCERATION RATE  in the world  ... meaning AMERICAN are the possible greatest number of RAPIST and numerically the greatest number of CRIMINALS

 so the ASSOCIATION   in both  SCENARIO  is QUESTIONING  is HATEFUL   LOL and the RELIGIOUS  & theist  invented the word  HERESY 

2020-01-16 10:33 am
No. Produce this hater god thingey for us to see.
2020-01-22 4:39 pm
According to atheists, Christians are the hateful ones and just plain idiots for believing in what they call "a book of mythology". I can see their point, but that doesn't mean they hate you. The two groups will always disagree and hold negative opinions, but that doesn't mean hate perse.
2020-01-21 5:20 am
Atheists are not hateful. Atheists actually the chosen people because we don't hide and protect child molesters and other disgusting things the church does.

Hope this Helps.
參考: Alex jones
2020-01-19 11:01 am
No, there are religious people thinking no matter what they have power over others and that other people should believe in God and that's how you should live.
2020-01-19 10:17 am
Sorry that your ex was an athiest.
2020-01-18 5:48 am
it is not the christian's hate people fear. it is not the muslems hate that people fear. 
it is their own self-love.
take today's china for example, in the 19th century, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom arose as a christian reformation religion in china, and in just a few years lead to the death of millions upon millions of people. the muslems are not very far behind, in those terms.
today, china will repress religion, because the mind of faith is  a very dangerous thing to allow to roam free. it desires power over others, social prestige, and wealth, greater then any other despotism.
2020-01-17 7:42 am
You came here start something didn’t you?
2020-01-17 3:16 am
Why is this in lgbt stuff exactly?
2020-01-16 1:45 pm
Well, first you would have to actually HAVE a God and that already fails.  But then there are the knee-jerk jerks who expel a teen-aged girl from a religious school because she happened to wear a rainbow-themed shirt to her off-campus birthday party.  They are full of hate without reason.
2020-01-16 12:53 pm
Ur calling atheist hateful but look at Kerrigan Skelly ignorance I tell u
2020-01-16 9:20 am
Who hates us? We do not believe in your god or any gods.
2020-01-15 8:19 pm
Atheists are just miserably cynical people who think blaming religion for their problems makes them feel better about their own stupid, worthless lives.

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