why don´t we just ban cigarretes in the u.s? they aren´t doing us any good?

2019-03-08 10:48 pm

回答 (102)

2019-03-08 10:53 pm
Then don’t smoke. It’s not your place to tell people what they can or can’t ingest.
2019-03-09 11:33 pm
I'm chainsmoking as I read your question, lol.
2019-03-08 11:26 pm
Then you create a black market with violence.
2019-03-08 10:52 pm
Same reason we don't ban liberals. Would it be better for the greater good? Absolutely. But sacrificing freedom of speech and choice is a far greater risk than any type of forced social change.
2019-03-10 1:02 am
When profit is no longer a motive in the tobacco industry, tobacco will go away.
2019-03-09 7:46 am
you may as well add beer to the list that has to go
all it does is make a person drunk and act like a fool and worse
2019-03-09 11:22 pm
We tried banning alcohol from 1920 to 1933, and it did not work. Enforcing a cigarette ban would be even more difficult. The good news, however, is that the percentage of people smoking has declined dramatically in the last 50 years.
2019-03-10 1:00 pm
I just love it when people who have never used tobacco products say they aren't doing any good. They have no clue about the benefits to humankind.
Kinda makes me want to puke, really.
2019-03-08 10:52 pm
I don't smoke it's up to those that do so no to your question
2019-03-08 10:49 pm
And dope , sugar , video games and facebook .
2019-03-08 10:50 pm
That was tried with alcohol. Fail.
2019-03-09 2:29 pm
free country, which means your even free to do bonehead things ......................................
2019-03-08 10:56 pm
Jacob,,, One reason our elected leaders will not ban cigarettes is because this is the land of the free home of the brave. Banning cigarettes will just cause a huge cigarette black market just like when liquor was banned.

But the main reason is because the government gets huge money from cigarette taxes, and they ain't gonna give that up no matter how many lives are lost to smoking.
2019-03-09 12:41 am
You have a population with at least 20 million people who are addicted to a substance. What do you think will happen if cigarettes were banned? An instant new source of income for the drug gangs. I would like to explore having to see a doctor once a year for a prescription to buy cigarettes, where the person would take a look at the effects of lung cancer.
2019-03-11 12:14 am
Let me answer your question by asking you 2. questions. 1. How would you replace the taxes collected from the sale of tobacco? I assume cigars and pipes are included in your question. 2. Where would the new jobs come from to replace the jobs eliminated fully or partially with the discontinuance of tobacco sales? You might notice there's a domino effect on the economy whenever you discontinue almost any industry without an instantaneous replacement.
2019-03-10 3:51 am
Have you seen what the drug war has caused because of prohibition???
2019-03-10 2:45 am
Smoking & drinking is legal & it's a matter of personal choice, not up to the Gov't..
2019-03-09 5:15 am
Because we tried that with alcohol and it didn't work.
2019-03-09 3:00 am
2019-03-08 10:50 pm
I dont live in US but I doubt the smokers would want to give up
2019-03-09 1:45 am
Let me find something you enjoy and ban it you commie bastard.
2019-03-08 10:57 pm
free mar·ket
/ˈˌfrē ˈmärkət/Submit
an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.
2019-03-08 10:52 pm
Shouldn’t you ban McDonald’s, Burger King, Arby’s and Denny’s? I doubt they are really doing anyone “any good”.

Then you can ban liquor. It certainly doesn’t do your body any good at all either.
2019-03-12 9:03 pm
My doctor told me to take up smoking so I can quit chewing gum??
2019-03-11 11:46 pm
That would be hazardous to the existence of cigarette manufacturers.
2019-03-10 10:10 am
How about not banning anything?... This is a free country and I will exercise my freedom to have a cigarette anytime I want to whether it's legal or not.
2019-03-10 9:32 am
Yeah good idea. And you see how crazy the world will go.
2019-03-10 4:35 am
Because that the biggest problem with the US right now. Rofl
2019-03-10 4:01 am
people have a right to smoke if they choose to.
2019-03-10 12:36 am
Better to tax them and wage public PR campaigns against using them. Same with marijuana
2019-03-08 11:05 pm
i doubt that would stop very much of it
2019-03-08 10:59 pm
No. It is a personal choice that should not be regulated by the public.
2019-03-10 4:18 am
Yea, we should be like the Puritans. We should also ban alcohol and anything else that isn't "doing us any good."
2019-03-09 1:27 pm
Sure. Let's ban 'em and all booze too. Like that worked so well the last time, right? While we're at it, let's ban cannabis completely, even in states that have legalized it. Then let's ban books we don't like because they do us no good. And certain organizations and churches as well because what the hell.

Beginning to see how deep the rabbit hole goes? Ban anything that's already legal and the next thing you'll do is ban everything that's already legal just because there's always somebody who doesn't like something.
2019-03-08 10:55 pm
A lot of taxes on cigarettes - what will replace it?
2019-03-08 10:54 pm
All of a sudden, I have the urge to support post birth abortions.
2019-03-08 10:54 pm
Same with alcohol, pot and over eating?
2019-03-10 9:39 pm
That would be great. Try create a petition for ppl to sign
2019-03-09 11:13 am
Why haven't we banned the GOP? More dangerous than cigarettes. Or crack for that matter. Crack doesn't make you hate an entire group of people because you don't like their politics enough to buy an arsenal and massacre little kids and a church full of people.
2019-03-09 2:04 am
The states are making too much money on them. Money talks, bullsh*t walks.
2019-03-09 2:28 pm
Easy to say just get rid of them but it’s harder for others cause it’s an addiction. A really great idea some other place had was to ban them for anyone past a certain age. For example, anyone born in 2016 or higher are not allowed to smoke ever. It allows the smokers to be happy, and cigarettes will eventually leave out daily lives.
2019-03-12 7:02 am
A long term plan has already started. By the time they ban it will be fully expected. Proven tactic. Slowly but surely.
2019-03-10 4:41 pm
We cannot afford to lose the tax revenue.
2019-03-10 10:09 am
Then can we ban the National Enquirer and porn and Justin Bieber?
2019-03-10 1:23 am
Because you can choose not to smoke them if you want.
2019-03-09 4:54 am
& make the U.N. happy? The whole thing started when the U.N. demanded all tobacco land be took out of production. Be converted to crops to feed the world. Then the States & Governments figured a way to tax that demand. Once they seen tax money they decided the worlds hungery were better of starving.
2019-03-08 11:50 pm
Government is there to protect our rights, to keep our nation secure, to regulate commerce. It is not among government's appropriate functions to be our nanny and make us be good. Adults have the right to make their own decision about whether to take the risks involved in smoking cigarettes, in drinking rum, in scuba diving, and so on.
2019-03-08 11:05 pm
Let your mom ban your cigarettes and leave the rest of us alone.
參考: [n] = 10ⁿ
2019-03-11 8:57 pm
Easier said than done.
2019-03-10 11:07 am
comon,,,,,, papa & mama Gubmint people are ok with tabacky long as they die off a few at a time,,taxes on the stuff
states have lotteries to pay for kiddies stuff, schools & medical needs after teachers unions get their cut of tax pie
notice how they still claim to be broke?
2019-03-10 5:57 am
You are a good liberal and you get it! Impose a strictly enforced death penalty for cannabis and tobacco! Once all the racist cons are dead they will start voting for the liberal doves!
2019-03-10 2:22 am
Marijuana does even LESS good, and they're legalizing it.
2019-03-10 1:53 am
They complain about firearm caused deaths.
2019-03-09 11:29 pm
Same with masturbation. The arguments that it might somehow do somebody some good, are pretty weak compared with the documented research that argues against it.
2019-03-09 6:20 pm
Look up the history of "Prohibition", when the USA tried to ban alcohol in the 1920s. It led to a huge increase in crime as bootleg liquor was smuggled in.

There is already enough of a problem with illegal drugs being smuggled into the USA, do you want to add to it by having illegal tobacco products?
2019-03-09 4:20 pm
For at least the same partial reason I would like to see Marijuana totally legal (there r others, but this would apply to both marijuana and tobacco) reguardless of how you dress it up, there is an obligation to let everyone know about new information (good or bad) on any product. However (even though they already do with more than just marijuana) I just plain do not feel they EVER should tell an adult aware of the risks that they can not use that product anyway, if that's their choice.
2019-03-09 1:28 pm
Not the government's place. The government banning cigarettes is like the government banning homosexuality.
2019-03-09 2:47 am
HELL no. I need that **** lol. Anyway, that won't happen, think about how much money the tobacco companies make. They can afford the very best lawyers, they're covered.
2019-03-08 11:02 pm
I would vote for this.
2019-03-09 7:20 pm
參考: astmatic....and I can't stand the damned things.
2019-03-08 10:48 pm
It probably WILL happen, but not right now.
2019-03-14 4:00 am
Another step towards fascism idiot
2019-03-13 1:19 pm
in a nutshell tax money revenues.
2019-03-13 10:36 am
They should
2019-03-13 4:24 am
cause tobacco industry makes millions off of your addiction and the govt gets it cut every time
2019-03-13 4:11 am
I agree with you
2019-03-13 3:25 am
Banning nevr works this have been provn
with other drugs & Alcohol but it does
create a black markt & cause more crimė.
2019-03-12 11:19 pm
Why don't we ban alcohol and junk food too ? Because people should have a choice. Where do you draw the line, how involved should the government be in dictating what we should or shouldn't do ?
2019-03-12 7:43 pm
Totally agree with you and I can't figure out why they don't start in something like this since there are hundreds if not thousands of cases who die our of smoking per seconds. Smoking should be illegalized so that all of us live safe either we are smokers or not.
2019-03-12 5:30 am
Because this is the land of the free. You are free to hurt yourself in many ways. But even more it is because cigarettes were so wide spread for so long and most of the people addicted to them will never stop till they are dead. There was a time when they were promoted and healthy.
2019-03-12 3:49 am
Wow, you do understand that no government anywhere has successfully banned anything? Alcohol during prohibition, drugs, gangs with guns...WTFU
2019-03-11 6:07 pm
Yea if you did that, it would lead to something similar to the affects of prohibition (the ban of alcohol back on the 20th century ) look it up, ita actually pretty interesting. )
2019-03-11 2:52 pm
I'd rather ban Facebook & Twitter.
2019-03-11 9:22 am
The states and country need the tax mony
2019-03-11 9:21 am
you dont have to live in a country if you dont like their policies. you can move to another country with far less policies and as a bonus you wont missing much; guns will most likely not be regulated, you probably won't pay taxes (though you might be stopped by people asking for money), and you wont get healthcare but in the US your not getting that anyways.
2019-03-11 9:07 am
It doesn’t work like that imagine the outrage for smokers
2019-03-11 8:09 am
Population control and they make way too much money
2019-03-11 5:31 am
because of stress and drama
2019-03-11 5:26 am
My aunt once took cigarettes away from my uncle billy and he freaked out for about an hour before he realized that my aunt took em. He was so pissed he threatened to sodimize her dog with a fork if she didn't give them back. She called his bluff and all I got to say is they now got a wiener dog that needs a colostomy bag
2019-03-11 5:04 am
completely agree with you.
2019-03-11 4:14 am
Too many lawmakers taking election/re-election money from tobacco industry probably. Same with
“Pig” Pharma, NRA, booze industry, etc. and soon legal cannabis industry, as well. Welcome to America.
2019-03-11 3:41 am
The demand is very high people would go crazy many states highly depend on the sales tax on cigarettes because they can charge has much has 2 dollars just for a pack of cigarettes
2019-03-11 1:41 am
2019-03-11 12:13 am
As the expected life span age in the USA has (in the past) increased the hazard of smoking is readily apparent as the most severe self imposed health hazard in existence.

I am personally overjoyed as a non-smoker I am no longer directly connected to every 5 smokers who send themselves to an early grave are now no longer allowed bringing along an innocent nonsmoker to the same early grave.

Banning cigarettes brings a fear and memory of the 1920's -1930's Underground smuggling and public official corruption.

What they need to do is establish another hopelessly lame governmental institution that taxes the sale of cigarettes on a health cost tax parody that used to be around $7 a PACK! and use funding for health care burden. But.. such a desire or government that wouldn't pilfer the tax fund for personal projects … does not exist!
2019-03-10 11:11 pm
The government taxes them so heavily that if cigarettes were banned the politicians would create a new tax to replace the money they're not making in cigarette taxes. If they banned cigarettes and taxed social media heavily I would be all for it.
2019-03-10 9:17 pm
If you did that there would be a riot and people will beat people in the streets like savages. I’m not even joking I guarantee that would happen
2019-03-10 2:36 pm
Liberals are'nt doing us any good either,we should outlaw them to protect the health of decent people !
2019-03-10 2:33 pm
Either that or make them $12 a pack and have the money go to charity or cancer research.
2019-03-10 4:41 am
'Big Businesses', which grow the tobacco and produce the cigarettes, are paying politicians to look the other way.
2019-03-10 1:41 am
Smoking reduces overpopulation. Cigarettes should be given free to every schoolchild so more people die before they are able to reproduce
2019-03-10 12:12 am
I don't think it's possible to ban the sale of addictive substances as we've learned during the Prohibition and the War on Drugs. Perhaps a better way to go is to permit the sale of addictive substances on a non-profit basis only.
2019-03-09 8:52 pm
Because the government receives more money with huge taxes on addictive substances silly
參考: www.FFF.org
2019-03-09 8:30 pm
Because they are taxable.
2019-03-09 7:29 pm
The government needs the tax money. ALCOHOL KILLS MORE.
2019-03-09 7:07 pm
Yeah true
2019-03-09 2:46 pm
why doesn't the government ban cigarettes?
assume that the government bans crimes, which are banned in the bible; crimes like murder, stealing, rape, assault, or larceny? there are laws in every city against murder, killing another human being is banned in the christian bible.
even though 98% of the community is christian, 98% of all the crimes are christian-on-christian crimes; should the government ban religion?
should the government and the people hold religion responsible as it does not overcome the evil in the country?
have a cigarette and think about it.
2019-03-09 12:20 pm
The government gets a lot if money from it. The tax.
2019-03-09 9:06 am
Can't ban everything, but some things should be banned, yes.
2019-03-08 10:50 pm
2019-03-10 12:09 pm
It's a cash crop that brings in tax revenues. Try to tell Congress that they need to ban cigarettes which will (a) likely anger their smoking constituents (b) terminate employment for tens of thousands of employees of the tobacco industry (c) decrease the tax-stamp revenue to the feds (d) materially impact the balance of trade (because we sell our tobacco to many countries).

I happen to agree that smoking is bad and should be banned - but as a practical matter, I don't see how ANY member of Congress could possibly vote for such a thing.
2019-03-10 6:17 am
I agree. I don't see why fake crusty dirty Satanic cigarettes are even legal!
2019-03-08 10:49 pm
Cash money.

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