What is the purpose of power?

2017-10-30 7:42 am
I don't care about which form power takes, I'm simply curious about your philosophical views!!!

回答 (44)

2017-10-31 6:24 pm
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Depends what you actually mean by power. Is it an abstract relational currency, like money and political status? Or perhaps it’s a subjective feeling, like affection? If you have no power but no problems, do you have a problem? Obviously not. I personally think that the word ‘power’ is but one angle on the experience of awakening to the illusion of the subjective self. If you feel boundless, harmoniously connected with everything, is there any real threat? By definition, no, and that’s my understanding of the most fundamental type of power.
2017-10-30 11:46 am
Power is the prerequisite to control.

If you have enough power, you can control everything.
2017-10-30 10:33 pm
The purpose of power is to corrupt.
2017-11-02 6:30 am
Depends on what you mean by power. Power of authority, political power, physical strength, emotions? There’s multiple motivations for power, some good some bad, but I believe that there’s only one purpose for power and it’s control. If you don’t have the power to protect your stuff someone can take it from you, If you don’t have the power to protect yourself, you have no control over your security, if counties have no military power they’re vulnerable. This goes on and on and up and down the societal, and the political spectrum. Power is security to ensure what you claim to be yours remains.
2017-10-31 6:27 pm
Power gives control
2017-10-31 9:30 am
With power you seem to gain more control over your uncertain life. With power you also seem to earn more freedom
2017-10-31 2:28 am
Evolutionarily? To feel secure in your ability to be safe from consequences and fulfill your wants and needs.
2017-10-30 11:25 am
Purpose of power is to enhance our ability to fulfil our desires.
2017-10-30 8:53 am
To fire a Kamehameha wave against your enemies.
2017-11-06 12:16 am
2017-11-04 5:57 pm
2017-11-03 6:23 am
The purpose of what kind of Power?
Power = Purpose...ie:
Political = maintaining control.
Social = Personal gain
Electrical = Charge the consumer ridicules rates too run their stuff.
True purpose of power = Capital gain.
2017-11-02 7:53 am
It keeps the light on...some use it to douse othes light.
Power is energy...how best to direct for good alone is a human grace and dilemma.
How to direct or reserve it for no-good ends is our human dis-grace.
2017-11-01 11:17 pm
I think that relative power only represents an imbalance of influence. Power can't really have a purpose until it is applied to something. If you are asking why power would be sought, then I would say control. The desire for control is a purpose, but a neutral one. It is neither good nor bad in itself. The desire of a pilot to control (or to have power over) a careening aircraft full of passengers would be considered admirable, until you realize that she is purposely trying to fly them into a skyscraper, which would be considered evil.
2017-11-01 9:14 am
Make the ambition come ture.
2017-10-31 1:14 pm
Read Machiavelli's "The Prince." The purpose of power is power.
2017-10-30 10:35 pm
2017-10-30 6:32 pm
Power in society, human or non-human, is a bit different than being in nature (e.g power of the sun). Nevertheless there are many kinds but they all share the same function - potential ground to the less powered ones. This resembles the potential energy in physics. When you have power, you potentially have more choices and freedom to practice your will. That is when you have one. When not, just like playing with fire, chances one would burn himself someday.
Superstitiously the ones with power are because they have accrued it for many previous lives - they deserve for it. How you exert your power will define your destiny, in lives to come.
2017-11-02 5:35 pm
How people react to gaining power and control, pretty much says everything about their true personality. Some people fairly and logically utilize their power, while others tend to abuse and overestimate their power. Not everyone handles power in the same way.

"With great power, comes great responsibilities..." - Spider Man movie quote
2017-11-02 4:56 am
Power gives you an ability that others don't have. How you use it is a personal thing, solely for your self or to help others.
2017-11-01 9:14 am
Power is too maintain stability
2017-11-01 5:39 am
It should be to help the world but most people abuse power if they have too much of it
2017-10-31 8:41 pm
It takes power to get things done.
2017-10-31 7:22 pm
Sombodies are power itself as purpose. Power must be common benefit.
2017-10-31 6:48 pm
best purpose is for common good.
2017-10-31 1:41 pm
POLITICAL activity.
2017-10-31 1:14 pm
To make a better world...
2017-10-31 12:49 pm
Women and cocaine
2017-10-31 5:53 am
2017-10-31 4:59 am
it's an ability
2017-10-31 4:05 am
19And what is the excellence of the greatness of his power in us, by those things which we believe, according to the action of the immensity of his power, 20Which he performed in The Messiah and raised him from among the dead and set him at his right hand in Heaven, 21Higher than all Principalities, Rulers, Powers, and Dominions, and higher than every name that is named, not only in this universe, but also in the one that is coming. 22And he has put everything into subjection under his feet, and he has given him who is higher than all as The Head of the church, 23Which is his body and the fullness of him who fills all in all.
2017-10-31 2:07 am
2017-10-31 2:03 am
2017-10-30 9:50 pm
Power has long been regarded as morally corrosive, and we often suspect the intentions of those who seek it.
2017-10-30 7:47 pm
Power means strong energy for human loved
2017-10-30 3:03 pm
The purpose is to philosophize everything.
參考: own
2017-10-30 1:21 pm
'Power corrupts. absolute power corrupts absolutely.'
2017-10-30 12:57 pm
To get whatever you want. It can be for selfless or selfish intentions, but usually it's the latter based on what I've seen. Too much power given to one person will almost always lead to corruption though.
2017-10-30 8:13 am
The purpose of power first and foremost is to establish and maintain state of justice, and ultimately bring peace, within the scope or sphere of its jurisdiction and influence
2017-10-30 7:49 am
Helps if you want to cook a meal, drive a car, walk, play ball, work...pretty much anything.
2017-10-30 7:48 am
To benefit others
2017-10-30 7:44 am
It’s not
2017-10-31 1:08 am
To benefit others
2017-10-30 7:55 am
To allow 'purposefulness'.

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