2014-02-21 3:07 am
Your god created man, who created science, who created abortion.
Your god is almighty.
He created abortion.

Ergo, he knows that a woman is going to get pregnant and will get an abortion. How do you explain the fact that she got pregnant in the first place? God already knew the baby would have died. Please don't say "he did that to test her" because if he's almighty he already KNEW what she would do!
So what's the point?

Moreover, I don't remember reading in the bible a single passage against abortion.


@army wife god created the devil. The point is the same.

回答 (10)

2014-02-21 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
I found a nice article, which is backuped with examples and sources
According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), “forcing a woman to carry an unwanted fetus is like forcing a person to be cloned in order to save another life with the extra organs.” This is completely wrong considering that one’s body will be used without her consent to aid the prosperity of another life. The rights of a woman exceed those of the fetus she is carrying because the woman is independent and is a social entity, unlike the fetus. For many centuries, many women have been rated as having unequal rights to men. Abortion is the only avenue that can make them regain a socio-economic status equal to that of men. Women can access better education, housing, and jobs only if they are in a position of controlling the sexual and reproductive rights.
Hope someday this discussions will stop
2014-02-21 11:11 am
God didn't create abortion, abortion is something that is done, and its done because of the devil not God

And its in the "do not kill" part of the bible, cause thats what abortion is.

-God bless!
2014-02-21 12:21 pm
Remember God gives instructions on how to cause an abortion if a man suspects his wife had become pregnant through adultery (Numbers 5:21-21, 27-28) and commands the killing of pregnant women (Genesis 38:24), so he must be ok with it in some circumstances.
2014-02-21 11:43 am
Actually, due to the concept of religious freedom, abortion SHOULD be legal in all trimesters. Several religions believe that life starts only at birth, within minutes of the birth event. For instance there are those who follow the Solomonic statement that "the breath is the life." In such cases, there is no life (for that group) until the baby takes the first breath. Others hold that there is no separate life until the umbilicus is cut. Based on freedom of religion, abortion should be legal in all trimesters simply to preserve the religious rights of those "late start to life" groups.
2014-02-21 11:27 am
Well, you are a bit confused about the nature of God: He is incapable of anything evil in any form. There are two forces in this world, good and evil. Satan, the great deceiver, was given dominion over the earth, and has pretty much free reign to influence people, especially people who have no positive spiritual life ie: they don't believe in God or the Savior, Jesus.
The Bible is very clear about the subject of abortion: it is covered in the commandment to not commit murder, and taking the life of a baby is committing murder.
God is entirely aware of the evil people are capable of but has given people free will. He sent His only son Jesus to atone for our sins for those who claim Him as their savior, believing He is the son of God...believing in their heart and confessing with their mouth that Jesus Christ is their savior.
I wish you well and hope you take heed about salvation. I would much rather go through life believing in Jesus and be wrong, then not believe and be wrong.
2014-02-21 11:20 am
I'm guessing God created fascism, guns, and torture as well? No, man did these things. You're mind is closed. You'll say anything to prove a point no matter how ridiculous it sounds. The Bible condemns ALL killing of the innocent. God predestined the existence of those unborn children. He had a plan for all of them.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

He has a plan for ALL of us. If a single bacteria is considered life on Mars but a fetus isn't considered life on Earth, then it just comes to show how screwed up this world really is.

Even if you had read the Bible, I can already see that you're one of those that confront the Bible with utter bias and predetermination to find fault. So even though it says that it's not okay to kill the innocent, you use excuse that "it says nothing about abortion so it must be okay".

Come on man, use your head. THINK
2014-02-21 11:19 am
My God created Life and Light, man refused to abide in Light and desired darkness which took away denying life they desire to kill and destroy because that is what darkness does....when light enters in, that darkness is revealed and those on darkness hate it...and run and hide and continue to get back at the light..not realizing they do it to their own destruction.....that is why people are shedding innocent blood...and by doing so condemns themselves and their own families.....and to blind and mindless to see the results and consequences bout upon their own Nation
參考: and I suggest YOU learn to READ..innocent blood is avenged
2014-02-21 11:21 am
Funny how, if its anything bad, its the Devils or our fault; never their deity. I suppose they forget the omnipotent omnipresent omniscient and omnibenevolent properties.

If nothing goes against the deities will, then, by definition, the deity is ultimately responsible for everything.
2014-02-21 11:11 am
Sorry, but I couldn't find your question.
2014-02-21 11:36 am
Yes he did create abortion. But the thing is only good people will not abort their fetus'.

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