You died and are now standing before God at the pearly gates of Heaven. God says to you "Why should I let you in?' You're answer is?

2019-08-05 2:08 am

This is serious so I hope I can count on serious answers, for once. Please answer with brutal honesty.


Wow. Outstanding. Most answers ever; 70 so far. Praise God. I pray they are all serious answers, because this is a serious question, but am sure there are some who took the time to try an be funny about it, or against Christ. I look forward to reading all the answers prior to giving out Best Answer. If anyone wants to have a heart to heart on Salvation, let me know. Thomas


I had something like 112 answers, which is great, but suddenly it dropped to 82. Me thinks we had a multiple account manipulator, eh? One thing for sure, God Almighty knows. Thomas

回答 (79)

2019-08-05 4:51 am
You are now standing before Lucretius and Darwin at the pearly gates of reason. They say, "WTF is wrong with you?" Your answer is . . . ?
2019-08-06 1:46 pm
Heaven is just one of those false promises in the NT. To make morons afraid not to believe and live their life as subservient morons.
2019-08-05 2:15 am
Well I never ever believed in you, but here you are, and as, whenever I read your words it said you are a merciful and kind god, I think I may qualify on the grounds of having been just plain wrong about you but know that you forgive me.
2019-08-05 7:29 pm
The location for saying why you think God should let you into His Heaven will not be 'the pearly gates'. It will be on the Day of Resurrection and Judgment when the living and all the dead will be given new bodies with which to clothe their spirits so that they can stand for judgment. Those bodies will be designed for either eternal life in Heaven or in hell, depending on the judgment. Books will be opened, and only those whose names are already written in the Book of Life will be ushered into Heaven. The rest will be cast into the eternally burning lake of sulphuric fire. That's in Revelation 20:7-15.

This means that you have to have had your name written in the Book of Life before you die. You cannot write yourself in. Only God does that. He has already decided who will be in His Heaven and who will not. Those who He ushers in are those who agree with His verdict on their sinful state, who have repented of their sin and trusted in His provision for cleansing sinners. They have already passed over from judgment to life, the moment they truly believed, so they will be ushered straight into Heaven, the pearly gates already wide open for them.

But, if I am asked anything on that awesome Day, I would like to say, "Thank you, Lord God Almighty, for providing your Son to bear the punishment I deserve, on that awful cross. I trust in Christ alone and continue to rejoice in the free salvation you granted that day in 1997. I don't deserve it. But in faith I received it and as you adopted me as your child, I call you my loving heavenly Father, and Jesus is my Lord and Savior."

Something like that. The point is, NOBODY should get into Heaven. It is a miracle of grace that ANYbody gets in.
2019-08-05 3:36 am
Hypothetical question. There is no God, there is no Heaven so the question will never come up.
2019-08-05 2:15 am
What do you expect of me ?
I took on life as it happened, did as I thought best at the time and circumstances. This is where it got me. I have some regrets. I can't change anything , so it's up to you.
That's all anyone can say.
2019-08-05 6:08 am
Since all gods are myths that will never happen.
2019-08-05 9:15 pm
We are already there because we are clothed with Christ's righteousness. Therefore, we will not have to provide reasons for being there, or give an account of our sins. Jesus has already taken care of that.

Upon arrival, we will face the Bema Seat where our works will be judged [2 Corinthians 5:10], and this will be followed by the “Marriage Supper of the Lamb” [Revelation 19:7-10]

This day of rewards or (Bema Seat Judgement) is mentioned among other places in [2 Cor 5:10]. This is where rewards will be given or lost depending on how one has used his/her life for the Lord
[1Corinthians 3:13] Some will be rewarded and some will suffer great loss.

The Judge Himself, will assess (and we will be silent) what we have done with the resources He has given us. The life He has given us, the talents, the Spiritual Gifts, the finances, the opportunities in the service of the Lord.

[1 Corinthians 3:13-15] Each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work. If any man’s work which he has built upon it remains, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire.
2019-08-06 1:20 am
Because I believe Jesus died was buried and resurrected on the third day
2019-08-05 3:33 am
I would probably just walk away.
2019-08-05 12:58 pm
I left it a better place than it was before me, and I didn't harm anyone. I didn't participate in any religion.
2019-08-05 2:36 am
I'd probably answer, "Why would I want to be let in?"
2019-08-05 11:42 pm
Quick wake up, I'm in a religious persons dream!
2019-08-05 4:11 pm
I am already saved - past tense. Jesus redeemed me from sure damnation. The only thing I will be saying in answer to that rhetorical question is “It’s not a question You need to ask, my Father: You know why: it’s because of what you’ve done for me - The steadfast love You showed me by taking my place on the cross. You know everything and you know I love You too... that I adore You.... that I worship You... in reverential awe.”

Those who don’t know Jesus won’t have a say.
2019-08-05 7:42 am
You can't be God! He knows everything!
2019-08-05 6:14 am
My answer is, "At least I know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'".
2019-08-05 9:41 am
If you possess a level of intelligence I can never achieve, then how could I possibly know with absolute certainty you are god, and not just some part of an advanced civilization? Even if you are capable of hurting me, I can never truly know for sure until knowledge parity has been achieved.
2019-08-07 2:26 am
My answer is "It is only by the Grace of God."
2019-08-05 2:14 am
There are no pearly gates. When you die, you'll be standing in front of Jesus and he'll say, "Welcome, welcome, I've been looking forward to meeting you!"
2019-08-05 9:07 pm
"because I finally have evidence of your existence"
2019-08-05 1:17 pm
very hypothetical question
2019-08-05 9:14 pm
I'm having a NIGHTMARE again, Stanley? WAKE ME UP. ;-(
2019-08-05 2:24 am
" Somebody called me here, I understand that you have a serious leak of holy water that needs fixing."
2019-08-05 2:14 am
It's the only WAY you'll GET what I OWE YOU!!!...........😂😂😂😂
2019-08-05 4:28 am
"You shouldn't except for the sake of your Son."
2019-08-05 5:02 am
Lord, I do not deserve to be in Heaven, but Jesus came down and died on the cross for us. What other parent would sacrifice their child for a bunch of evil people? I am a sinner and there is nothing I could ever do to deserve Heaven, but I know you are merciful and whether I'd be better off in Your Kingdom or in Hell is your call.
2019-08-05 2:10 am
I know the difference between your and you’re 😂
2019-08-07 9:21 am
Wow, why didn't you ever try to contact me before?
2019-08-05 3:59 pm
I'd say that he should let me in because he got to know me as someone he could see and now it's my turn to get to know him as a God I can see.
2019-08-05 3:06 am
"No reason, except your mercy and love. I have not earned entry here. Nobody can."
2019-08-06 10:56 pm
God dose not ask questions , He just has the answers...........NO POETS OR POETRY ... will get past the Pearly Gate ............... Gee i thought you knew everything political
2019-08-06 2:34 pm
God, that's up to you, I did my best, i love jesus, the end
2019-08-05 10:30 pm
That will never happen. Because I am already saved. It is too late to be saved, after death.
Nobody can be good enough to avoid hell. The truth is that death leads to immediate heaven or hell, depending only on whether the person believed in Jesus for eternal life, or not.
The truth is that Jesus loves you and wants to bless your life freely :) Most of all, Jesus wants you with Him forever, and not in hell. The truth is that every belief except one will lead to eternal torment in the lake of fire for every person. Because nothing pays for our sins except the death and blood of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus that is already accomplished by Him . Jesus loves you! The truth is that Jesus is God, and Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins in full, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead. Nothing else pays for our sins, not works, not deeds, not religions. So the only way to heaven and to avoid hell, is by believing in Jesus for eternal life (John 6:47), without adding any of your own works (Romans 4:5). Believe in Jesus to take you to heaven, and you will be in heaven, no matter what, guaranteed. That easy, thanks to Jesus! Tell Jesus that you thank Him that you will be with Him in heaven when you die, because you believe in Jesus! It is too late to be saved, after death
2019-08-06 2:50 am
I won't have to say a word. Jesus will embrace me and say "well done good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your Master.

The most precious words that one could ever hear for all eternity. And every knee shall bow down and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord....What is sad is that for most it will be to late. The time for redemption will have passed. For them it will only be judgment and eternal torment in the Lake of Fire/hell.
2019-08-05 11:51 pm
I had a Near Death Experience at 14 years of age and I can assure you that it doesn't work that way, as a matter of fact, your view on God is one of social structure and conditioning as it was for me as well, My mom was highly religious, my Dad not far behind my mom, I was saved, but still felt there was more than what Sunday school was telling me about Jesus, and boy was I ever right with my instincts, I was ready to cross the threshold to my eternal home and then Jesus popped in before me, my human mind wanted to drop to my knees and worship him, and he wouldn't have it, he picked me up and made me feel equal to him, I struggled because who am I to be looked upon so lovingly and without judgement? but his love is unconditional, he helped remind me of my purpose in my human life, I realized, there is no separation from God, when we are born, the function of the brain takes over for the purpose of the body, but you are not your brain or ego mind, these two things will be shed when you return home to heaven where God views each of us as his prodigal sons who sought out an inheritance outside of heaven when what we thought was real was only a answer to God next time he ask why should I let you in? I will say, because I belong to you.
2019-08-05 2:12 am
2019-08-08 1:23 am
"Because Christ has already paid my debt."
2019-08-07 10:04 pm
I would ask him why he reveals himself to some people and not others. Hardly seems fair.
2019-08-07 3:38 pm
God wouldn't ask that question, since the souls of Christians instantly go to Heaven when they die.
2019-08-06 9:43 pm
It will not happen. Because I hope to live on earth.
參考: Bible -Matthew 5:5.
2019-08-06 2:35 pm
i dont owe you a thing nor do i care about your "heaven". You dont impress me whatsoever, as farcas im concerned you are evil
2019-08-07 12:20 am
God's mind is so much bigger than a human mind. He will not ask that question
2019-08-05 5:39 am
"Because Jesus is my Saviour and Lord - so I have been forgiven, washed clean and transformed into a child of God. according to my faith in God's Biblical promises and the powerful assurance of Divine Love within my heart.."
2019-08-05 4:06 am
God does not ask Q/ There will be video of what you've done life... If you were righteous, God will let you go to heaven; but if you commit mortal sins, you will go to abyss of hell.
2019-08-05 5:09 am
This is in line with my sermon this morning. Jesus is the judge we must stand before. The righteous will stand before him in judgment of our deeds to receive rewards. Of course we have no righteousness in ourselves, we have to be clothed in the righteous robes of Christ. The unrighteous will stand before him in judgment, only to be told to depart and be judged by their unrighteous deeds, ultimately to be thrown in the Lake of Fire for all eternity. I warned the congregation to be sure which resurrection will be theirs, The righteous to eternal life? Or the unrighteous to eternal damnation?
2019-08-05 4:20 am
"Because of your covenant that you made with us, the covenant of Jesus' sacrifice."
2019-08-05 2:16 am
I am a good person
2019-08-08 1:58 pm
I did not ask but you created me. I am your child. I suffered in this life, physically, psychologically and emotionally. And now you ask me why you should let me in? I ask YOU, why shouldn’t you let me in?
2019-08-08 9:08 am
I just came from being "in"
2019-08-07 8:43 pm
Christians want to explain why I’m born to working class parents and below average/average looking when my cousin is middle class/rich and Average/above average looking and can become a model. She also has good friends too. I don’t have any anymore.
2019-08-07 2:04 pm
For those that believe, go find a copy of the Book of Esdras, which is one of the Apocrypha. Look up the first three chapters and see how that will really work by your standards.

However, I cannot accept your question because there is no God, no Heaven, and therefore no pearly gates. Oddly enough, the Old Testament gives good advice on this subject. One of the Psalms and also a section in Ecclesiastes tell you that the dead have no knowledge because when you die, all thoughts cease. There is NOTHING. Not a sensation of emptiness, because that requires thought, too. The New Testament stuff is the really far-fetched part, though.

Just in case you weren't clear, the implications of having no God is that you ALSO have no Satan and no Hell, since your God supposedly created Satan under the name Lucifer, bringer of light.
2019-08-07 11:31 am
Hello, Thomas. Because I have accepted the love, hope and salvation Jesus offers through His sacrifice. I have asked for forgiveness of my sins. He has promised eternity for His children.
2019-08-07 10:53 am
"My dog is waiting for me in there."
2019-08-07 9:55 am
"Cause I made it this far"
2019-08-07 7:17 am
I would say "I didn't waste my life following a toxic religion but I did do my best to help other people"
2019-08-07 4:30 am
Thank you for allowing me to speak, Lord. You have done excellently in my life and I will praise you no matter what.
2019-08-07 3:15 am
That would be a dream, since in scripture we learn instead about the great Day of Judgment, which is not at all like a situation of standing outside heaving and being addressed by God with a question. The dream might suggest one ought to learn from Christ the Way -- He is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life."

No one comes to the Father except through Him.
2019-08-07 12:13 am
The only way is to say "I believe in Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour who has promised me a place in heaven
2019-08-07 12:03 am
Because you said that you would forgive all sins, wasn’t that the whole point of sending your son to get brutally butchered?
2019-08-06 7:31 pm
All. By your grace
2019-08-06 4:32 pm
I thought that Peter was at the Pearly Gates helping Jesus to decide who gets to go to heaven.
That is how Catholics Believe and my family is Catholic.
Other religions are nice and it is good to respect others.
2019-08-06 12:12 pm
I would suggest that we had already stood before God...…..remember judgment SHEEP & GOATS.
The gate would be open to all who were already given that approval...…..Excellent question.
I look forward to that day at the Pearly Gates...….meeting all our loved one's who have gone on before us, and many wonderful friends......that knew Christ. WHAT A REUNION.
2019-08-06 9:09 am
In all honesty I wouldn’t be worried about getting in, if it’s fit that I make it in then hallelujah but I’d be asking so many questions. Why is the world so hateful? What determines whether or not someone goes to heaven? Who’s moral code are we aligned by?
2019-08-06 4:56 am
According to the bible, god doesnt stand at the gate.. St. Peter does. Wouldnt happen anyways, so what exactly is the point of the question.. in fact, I have another question for you..
"What if you were standing at the Chamber of Secrets and Harry Potter and the Goblin of Fire (or whatever its called) wouldnt let you in?"
2019-08-06 4:08 am
Don't delude yourself... It is a Judgement; not a Debate...

"... what answer shall the sinner make to Jesus Christ? Will he dare to ask mercy when he must first tender an account of his abuse of the mercy which he has received? “With what face,” says Eusebius Emissenus, “will you, who are to be first judged for contempt of mercy, ask for mercy?” What then shall become of him? “Where,” says St. Augustine, “shall he fly? He shall behold an angry Judge above; hell open below; on one side, his own sin accusing him; on the other, the devils ready to inflict chastisement; and within, the remorses of his own conscience. ‘Above, shall be an enraged Judge; below, a frightful chaos; on the right, sins accusing him; on the left, the devils dragging him to punishment; within, a burning conscience; whither shall the sinner beset in this manner fly?'”
2019-08-07 6:33 pm
Because I accept that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and that I am no better or worse than anyone else.
2019-08-07 1:30 pm
Because Jesus Christ has died for my sins and anyone who believes in Him will be saved and have Eternal Life, plus I also trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord & Savior.
2019-08-07 12:26 pm
Wrong. The Bible says believers will go to the Judgement Seat of Christ, will be rewarded on whatever good we've done, as none of us there will be punished due to Christ's sacrifice, and we'll all hear "Good job, my faithful servant!"
2019-08-07 12:22 am
Because of the ninjas
2019-08-05 2:16 pm
You should't. If not for the fact that Jesus paid the price for me to enter.
2019-08-05 11:33 pm
God does not ask.. he already knows where we are going
2019-08-05 7:19 pm
Every Body have to stand before God and be Judge. Whether we believe or not .
2019-08-05 4:45 pm
He already knows!
2019-08-05 9:59 am
I would say that I am a miserable sinner who does not deserve to be in Heaven . I have tried to follow the commandments to love my neighbors as myself (the "neighbor" being whoever needed help), to forgive those who have trespassed against me, and I willingly shared whatever I had with others as God has told me to do. I believe in God's grace, and it is up to Him to decide whether or not I am worthy of heaven's salvation.
2019-08-05 9:15 am
Said while lying prostrate on the ground, groveling at the feet of Jesus: "Because you're God and I'm not - and by virtue of my holy baptism, I'm a member of your Church and your family."
2019-08-05 6:38 am
Good question!

Honestly, I am not so sure that I am at the point where I would have an answer for God. I've always believed that I can only do what I can do, and hope that it is good enough to be granted access into His Kingdom. I really never had any expectations of God, and trusted that my life speaks for itself, and that God Will would place me exactly where I am best suited. Not that I've never thought of the question, or the answer I might give, but I never dwelled on it, as I do not see how it really applies.

Good or bad, right or wrong, I've always strived to make my decisions with the full awareness of being accountable for the consequences; so there can be no blame projected onto God. The question is something I've left for God to decide, but in the recognition that I am culpable for my choices and the actions that follow. I shouldn't have to wait for that moment before I consider my life in it's entirety, because every instant of my life is within the 'Presence of God', even when I am not aware of it. I've learn to accept that I am ignorant, not knowing much of anything, and that God always knows best. So I just leave it to Him to show me The Way until that time.
2019-08-05 4:36 am
At death a person ceases to exist...and remains so until the resurrection [ BACK TO THE EARTH] There is NO standing at the gate.
Heaven has its full quota of angels...and SOME of the 144,000 [ chosen for a heavenly role] noted in Revelation 7:4 and 14:1
*** Bible Citations ***
(Revelation 20:12, 13) And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. But another scroll was opened; it is the scroll of life. The dead were judged out of those things written in the scrolls according to their deeds. 13 And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds.
This ' standing' cannot be applied to spiritual beings.
參考: NWT
2019-08-05 2:18 am
first of all, its supposed to be St Peter, or someone that is officially ordained to let people in, and there are 12 gated entrances to the Holyk city, not to heaven, and ive already experienced something like this, and as i experienced it, i knew what it was and remembered the verse that says come boldly and so i said with a loud voice i believe in Jesus Christ. to which i blacked out and opened my eyes in the back seat of my car.
2019-08-05 11:09 pm
God the All Creator already knows that I believe in the One God, the prophets (ps) of which Muhammad is the last messenger (prayer and salvation of God on him) and in the day of the last judgment, that I performed the prayers, give the almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimage, while forbidding me from grave mistakes and as much as possible minor ones, in short to be Muslim according to the will of God.

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