Atheists, can you give me ONE example of two men being able to make a baby together? If you do, I will turn to homosexuality like you want?

2017-08-15 7:27 am
Gay marriage doesn't make sence because you can't make babies. It's not natural.

回答 (114)

2017-08-16 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
Many straight couples cannot conceive either. Does that mean you have a problem with them too?

No atheists have ever said that two men are able to produce a baby, because we rely on science and facts rather than your holy Bible.

Just because the two can't make a baby, that doesn't restrict them of their rights to adopt or get a donor. There is a way for them to GET a baby, but not to PRODUCE a baby. That's the difference.

So no, I will not give you an example on how a gay couple can conceive. But in fact, I've given you two examples on how to still get a child instead, as that's the logical explanation.

Don't contradict yourself.

And no, gays are not unnatural. Hence why the two lovers come together naturally. They weren't forced nor given a choice. It just happens. You can't help who you fall for, so don't be so arrogant.

You are the only unnatural one here. Why? Because your mind doesn't think for itself, you're told what to believe. That's not natural. That's order.
2017-08-15 8:00 am
Sexual abstinence doesn't make babies. It's not natural.
2017-08-15 10:34 am
Sense or since, not "sence." Also, I don't want anyone to "turn gay." I just prefer people to leave other people the f*ck alone.

Query - if a man is sterile, is he then prohibited from marrying? After all, he knows he will never be able to bear children, so what's the point of marriage? What about people who are too old to be fertile, or who have no desire to have children? What if two people get married and then find out they're sterile? Should they get divorced, since the "point" of their marriage is null?

The point of marriage is not procreation. Even if it was, there are thousands of kids who need foster or adoptive parents that you high-and-mighty hypocritical f*cks leave to rot every year, pretending that it's somehow better for a kid to be abandoned in a state orphanage than to be raised by a gay couple. Frankly, if you let gay couples get married and adopt YOU'D END UP AHEAD because they'd be taking the economic burden of raising and teaching those kids off the state, reducing the tax burden on you. Moreover, kids raised by gay parents tend to be actually slightly more successful in school and work than kids raised by straight parents, which means those adopted kids who otherwise would end up being poor go off to lucrative careers that improve the economy and add to the tax base, again enabling you, the feckless conservative, to pay less in taxes overall.

Ethics aside, from a purely practical perspective allowing gay marriage is GOOD for you.
2017-08-15 7:52 am
Of course not, homosexuality is not about procreation.
2017-08-15 10:35 pm
Marriage isn't about procreation, it's about kinship, it's about companionship. Not everyone has the ability to bear offsprings, nor does everyone want offsprings. We must understand that God does not wish to bestow everyone with an offspring. Why? Well, I don't know if I can definitively answer that, but I think that the Holy Bible makes it abundantly clear that offsprings are a gift from God, they're not a right.

Perhaps God makes individuals who are unable to bear offsprings, or individuals who have no desire to have offsprings because He knows that they would not be able to cope with offsprings. Perhaps He could see that having an offspring come forth would not be the best course of action. Who knows? All we as mortals can do is speculate as we're not the omniscient ones, only our Lord God is omniscient.

Also, you said you'd "become" a homosexual if homosexuals could procreate, well, if one can "become" a homosexual, in this case, then you were never heterosexual to begin with.
參考: I'm a proud and devout Christian
2017-08-16 5:33 am
I don't need to do that. Atheism is just my honest unbelief in invisible entities some theist like to call gods.
I don't care or want you to turn into heterosexual or homosexual... What you do sexually with any other consenting adults is not my problem... neither is that your think the goal for all sex is reproduction...

If you are really thinking a lot about accepting your homosexuality but just make babies the reason that stop you, you and your couple can try to adopt.
2017-08-15 8:16 am
Why would you want to become a homosexual just because some people feel it's natural? It's not natural and it is against God's will.
2017-08-15 8:31 am
The bible predicts these times a long time ago. This shouldn't come as a shock to any person who reads the bible. It's a sign of the times and the last days.

2 Timothy 3:1,2
But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy
2017-08-15 8:27 am
Homosexuality doesn't make sense so never try to make sense of it. The only way to explain it is the sinful nature of mankind. It's socially acceptable because people don't care about God. So, until Jesus returns we will see these types of things as wickedness is exalted among the sons of men. He who is holy be holy still. He who is unholy be unholy still.
2017-08-15 9:02 am
It's not a matter of whether or not it is natural. The issue is whether or not it's moral. Society says one thing and the bible and christians say another. As we draw closer to the return of Jesus Christ we will see the two split more and more. Bank on it.
2017-08-15 7:31 am
Homosexuality is not necessarily about children.

It's about who you love.

And you seem to be really fixated on it.

2017-08-15 9:47 pm
Atheists want the world to be gay.
2017-08-15 12:38 pm
What gave you the idea that atheists want you to be homosexual?
2017-08-15 12:34 pm
Firstly, what do you imply by saying "like you want". Secondly, mind your own business and whom another will marry is none of your business and your religion needs to keep its nose out of that was well.
If you want to start having homosexual sex relations, then go ahead and start with someone who agrees with you. As far "want", I do not want anything from you other than keep your nose out of other persons' business.
2017-08-15 9:10 am
This question seems to come from someone who is weak in their faith because when it really boils down to it the only thing that matters is the Bible (God's word). If the Bible mentions specifically about something then we should take it to heart as Christians and the issue of homosexuality is mentioned in both the Old and New Testament. So, take a look at the other side. Homosexuality is being forced upon society as normalcy.As Christians we know what that means and we know what is coming soon. It's not an issue of what is sin or not either because obviously there are a lot of things that are mentioned as sinful in scripture. The issue is how society is pushing this particular sin more than any other. Obviously if that's the case we know the spiritual force behind the push. We know the satanic origins behind it. Be ready church!!! JESUS IS COMING SOON!

Matthew 24:9

"Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.
2017-08-15 8:33 am
People don't HAVE to have babies. There are plenty of orphans who need families, so gay couples can adopt. They could also help raise their nieces and nephews
2017-08-16 1:08 am
What does atheism have to do with 2 men and a baby? Ahhhhhh, because your God wrote the rules on procreation and relationships? There are so many holes in the bible its pathetic. How can a 21st century human still believe in white bearded man in the sky? Its almost embarrassing to talk about. I feel bad for you.
2017-08-15 9:00 am
Atheists, can you give me ONE example of two men being able to make a baby together?

- And your absurdly stupid point is?

If you do, I will turn to homosexuality like you want?

- And you prove your absurdly stupid point.

Gay marriage doesn't make sence because you can't make babies.

- Typical brain dead fundie who has absolutely no concept of love and can ONLY focus on sex.
2017-08-15 7:29 am
Well they can raise a child together, though they can't conceive one
2017-08-15 7:52 am
I don't think atheists WANT you to become a homosexual and nor do I think they would ever imagine two men producing a baby.
You seem to be suggesting that marriage is purely a heterosexual concept and solely for the purpose of procreation, I would fundamentally disagree.
2017-08-15 1:06 pm
Being a priest is not a basis of procreation. Talk sh*t to him and let him know he's unnatural.
2017-08-15 1:13 pm
Atheism is a lack of belief in gods. Your question does not address this. Your question is unrelated to atheism.
2017-08-15 12:21 pm
You give me ONE example of proof that God exists then come back and we'll talk about it.
2017-08-15 8:52 am
OK, I get it.
No fu[ck]ing way two guys are going to have a fertile marriage.
How about a man and a woman?

Every now and then, there's a story about two old people who reconnect in the Old Folks Home.
They dated in High School, but drifted apart after.
And now, he a widower, she a widow, their romance rekindles, and they get married.

No fu[ck]ing way those horny humpers are gonna crank out a baby.
And yet, the folks who claim that marriage MUST involve the possibility of cranking out babies, are not over at the Old Folks' Home, LEAPING to their feet, when the preacher asks if there is ANY reason why these two should NOT be married.

So, anybody who is against non-fertile marriages care to explain why they allow THIS non-fertile marriage to happen?
2017-08-15 8:49 am
But marriage is not restricted to couples who are able to have children, so it's an irrelevant argument.
2017-08-15 9:02 am
Christian: What is the purpose of marriage? Why Christians are vastly over represented in the divorce courts? In Matthew 19:9, "anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery."
2017-08-15 12:27 pm
Some gay couples use a surrogate or donor to help them become parents. Others have managed to adopt. While there are many orphans and children in refuges it is not essential for any couples to procreate anyway. If you want to become a homosexual that is your wish and none of my business, so that was a pretty immature comment.
2017-08-16 12:26 am
No-one who supports homosexual marriage claims that two men can make a baby, and no-one wants to convert people to homosexuality, they just want people to accept it. Old people can't make babies and infertile people can't make babies, so is that unnatural? Unnatural means "doesn't appear in nature", and homosexuality has appeared in many animals, even two male geese have been seen pairing together for life-long relationships and adopting abandoned goslings. But even if it was unnatural or a mental illness; so what? It's not hurting anyone, they still feel love the same as any other person, just towards the opposite sex. You could say that using that internet or taking medicine is "unnatural", but that doesn't make it wrong.
2017-08-16 12:42 am
Anyone trying to force you to marry another guy? If not, then why are you worried about it?
2017-08-15 10:24 am
Okay, the reason some people get married is not for the purpose of having children it's to show there love and tell the world they are together. Just because two men or two women can't make a baby together what stops them from adopting or using sperm/egg doners if they wish to have a child.
2017-08-15 9:21 pm
guess what? I am an atheist who OPPOSES gay marriage.
2017-08-15 9:30 pm
there is nothing unnatural
2017-08-15 12:22 pm
You already are a homo.
2017-08-15 11:24 pm
Sorry but this question is just stupid! If you don't like gay people then don't marry one. Also how many of these backwoods hillbilly good christians are have babies with their own relatives. Never hear you good christians talk about that. What a bunch of tools you people are. Grow the f up. Santa doesn't exist and neother does your sky god! The world is not flat and is much older than 6000 years! In case you didn't realize, this is the 21st century. Wow! Talk about brainwashed!
2017-08-15 10:28 pm
Dude,it's called surrogacy -- the two men just need to find an egg donor and someone to carry the baby.

Since you knew this was already possible then you were probably leaning towards homosexuality anyway. No one that is educated cares what you do -- and for that you should be thankful.
2017-08-15 1:25 pm
I'll give you your example when YOU give US an example of rational thought in the formation of your questions.
2017-08-15 9:10 am
If marriage is for the sole purpose of having babies, they should test potential mates for fertility and not allow men and women who cannot reproduce to get married.
2017-08-15 8:45 am
Not me but I don't care, hate isn't a part of my world.
2017-08-16 5:36 pm
Lol, great Troll post.

Now they can: they get a surrogate mother, fill her egg with their X chromosomes, and artificially inseminate the egg with the Y chromosome. Bingo, 9 months later, the baby is born.

This is the modern world. You can ask them to give up the technological solutions if you drop your car, mobile phone, TV etc.
2017-08-16 8:24 am
Two sentences. So many misconceptions.....
2017-08-15 10:43 pm
To those saying that heterosexual couples who cannot have children should not marry are wrong. If couples follow God's rules they would not know that they cannot produce babies until after they had married. If God has placed two people together in marriage and they cannot procreate then that is how it is meant to be. Two of the same gender should never be 'a couple'. It is disgusting. Follow God's guidance and, whether children come or not, will not be the main factor in the marriage - the fact that those two people are together and blessed by God is the important issue. There are many blessings from God besides having children.
2017-08-15 9:26 pm
Atheists are usually literate unlike this question. Atheists are also well educated, intelligent and sensible. We know that one cannot change one's sexuality and do not want anybody to change theirs. Marriage is not about having children. Human anatomy & physiology work with or without a marriage certificate. If this question is an example of how theists think I am glad to be an atheist.
2017-08-15 7:32 am
Dr. Frankenstein and Igor could've made a baby. Assume the position.
2017-08-16 2:05 am
I will embrace Atheism and Evolution too.
2017-08-15 10:35 pm
Why on earth are you implying that if two people can't make a baby together they can't enjoy a relationship?
2017-08-15 10:14 pm
In the 21st century, technology can make it possible, not through the old traditional way but the result is a baby... And if the goal is making a baby, the process used to make one does not matter.
參考: Challenge me
2017-08-15 8:57 pm
The whole point of being together is not just to have a baby- its about loving each other
2017-08-15 11:31 am
There are woman that can't get pregnant
2017-08-15 11:23 am
Accepting homosexual marriage is not synonymous with atheism.
2017-08-15 11:04 am
I never claimed that two gay men were able to make a baby together and I don't want you to turn to homosexuality.
2017-08-15 9:13 am
I cannot because it's not possible. However, gay men can hire a surrogate and inseminate women naturally despite not being attracted to women. Gay women can hire a surrogate, be artificially inseminated and can even have sex with men.

If you're concerned about extinction don't worry, as it's highly unlikely homosexuals have the ability to eliminate 7 billion people and growing.
2017-08-16 7:09 pm
Atheists will tell you "Einsteindidit", even though most of them never finished the 4th grade.
2017-08-16 4:58 am
I was born in 1956. My neighbors adopted their two boys.
Adoption is the key term.

Later, I found out that the father had another family (or at least a woman on the side).
And, the bread man would 'visit' the mother.
So much for the sanctity of marriage.
參考: Now, provide a deity. Send it over to my place for dinner so it can prove itself to me. Free Thinkers are here to answer your religious questions with intelligence, wit, and sarcasm to steer you on the path paved with logic and reason
2017-08-16 4:08 am
Caught by the perversity of this world. Off course 2 men can have baby.
>>two men, one is woman transgender to male: the trans gets pregnant; they are not homosexual anymore
>>two lesbians: the male transgender to female. the other female gets pregnant; they are not homosexual anymore.
2017-08-16 3:50 am
2017-08-15 10:01 pm
Marriage is not all about making babies, dear. If you think otherwise, then presumably you feel that infertile people should not be allowed to marry. That women past menopause should be divorced by their husbands. That people who do not want children for various personal reasons shouldn't be issued marriage licenses.

There are all kinds of reasons people marry; children are only one of them. The bottom line is that other people's marriages and sex lives are none of your business, so stay out of them. No one cares about your opinion.
2017-08-15 1:25 pm
Well that's the point, homosexuals are born the way they are as a form of caring for abandoned children in a community. There have been cases of gay penguins taking care of a baby who's parents died. This is also a way of population control as the world will soon not have enough resources to substain the amount of people living here. Homosexuality is 100% natural but not in the way that many think. Just because they aren't procreating doesn't mean that they aren't valid and equal.
2017-08-15 12:49 pm
This isn't a Christian vs. Atheists situation. Many Atheists hate homosexuality but Don't believe in God.
2017-08-16 1:13 am
Atheists do not believe that two man can 'make a baby' you retard.

Your question is stupid.
2017-08-15 11:05 pm
I am an atheist. I am against gay marriage. I am also against straight marriage. Marriage is a severely outmoded religious insanity and needs to be done away with.
2017-08-15 11:08 am
But your question presupposes that the institution of marriage has some kind of divine sanctity attached to it, which it doesn't. Marriage is a man-made concept.
2017-08-15 8:34 am
Some amphibian and reptile males can have babies with themselves.
2017-08-15 7:30 am
No all of us are pro gay you know.
2017-08-15 7:52 am
Ok click the link in the source area. But even though there is an occurrence of a man having a baby through childbirth, it is still an irrelevant point regarding marriage.

Giving brith to children is a requirement to your interpretation of marriage. You don't seem to understand that not everyone else shares your religious version of marriage. There is a difference between marriage and holy matrimony. I am a gay man, I want to one day get married; but I don't have any interest in holy matrimony.

Marriage is when two people who love each other come together and make a life long commitment to each other. This has nothing to do with giving birth to children, adopting children, or fostering children. These are additional things as well as marriage.

But holy matrimony is what religious people get which is based on religious standards. Your marriages have a lot of focus on sex and producing children. Your confusion occurs because you have failed to differentiate between marriage that is only recognised by law to holy matrimony.

I want marriage, not holy matrimony. I don't need to have children to get married, as it is NOT a requirement. Both parties need to be over 18, their gender is irrelevant and they need to be consenting. Thats it.

By the way you clearly don't understand how nature works. Nature is a scientific study, not a religious study. Religion has no authority on nature as it totally contradicts nature in every possibly conceivable way.
2017-08-17 10:46 pm
WHAT! When did you hear that all atheists were homosexual ? The two states are not mutually excusive. You frequent the wrong type of bar.
2017-08-17 2:31 pm
Hello - are you in the right forum? This is for LGBT not religion.

You cannot turn to, or way from homosexuality (but you know that already)

You spelt sence incorrectly!

Nature is not binary - read a book please.
2017-08-16 9:52 pm
So you're against straight couples marrying if one of them is infertile?
2017-08-16 8:29 pm
Firstly, what do you imply by saying "like you want". Secondly, mind your own business and whom another will marry is none of your business and your religion needs to keep its nose out of that was well.
If you want to start having homosexual sex relations, then go ahead and start with someone who agrees with you. As far "want", I do not want anything from you other than keep your nose out of other persons' business.
2017-08-16 4:21 pm
If you can give me one piece of evidence your god is real, I will turn to Christianity like you want.
2017-08-16 2:01 pm
Wait, so marriage is only about having children? Well im calling my wedding off. Love my girlfriend, but if i have to have kids then i just dont think marriage is for me.
2017-08-16 1:32 pm
I believe in god but support all gay people!! Iv been to a gay wedding and it was amazing.

God loves all his children, the bible was passed down by many people with different opinions.
2017-08-16 4:49 am
I can't make babies. Is my marriage invalid? Am I unnatural?
2017-08-16 4:09 am
Marriage is about more than just making children. It's about having access to things unmarried couples don't have access too, it's about joining together as one, and it's about love.

And no one wants you to turn gay. We want you to stop fighting to oppress and discriminate against them.
2017-08-16 3:28 am
This question is stupid. It is NATURAL, it natures way of controlling our population.
2017-08-16 3:19 am
what about straight couples who can't have children? are they not natural?
2017-08-16 2:36 am
I don't care which of your protrusions or orifices you join to another's orifices or protrusions.

May we assume that your sexual activities are always of a type which could lead to conception?
2017-08-15 10:48 pm
But a lot of homosexuals are willing to adopt the children that us heterosexuals ditched, no sugar coating it. Also, it's the 21st century, marriage isn't about reproducing anymore - it's about love and support. Many straight couples don't even have children together because they don't want to.
2017-08-15 9:42 pm
I cannot provide the evidence which would make you 'turn to homosexuality', any more than I can cure you ignorance.
2017-08-15 8:23 pm
No, I can't I don't want you to turn homosexual and I'm not sure about you being a parent either!
2017-08-16 10:54 pm
I'm a Christian and apologise for some of us for still living in the 10 the century....why do you care if it's natural or not?
2017-08-16 7:17 pm
No. Nobody's asking you to "turn to homosexuality".

If you consider making babies is the purpose of marriage, then do you also oppose marriage for men with vasectomies, or women post menopause?
2017-08-16 1:13 am
Homosexuals do not create life together They are the same as us and can do the same as us. You are natures accelerator and they are natures brakes. If we did not have them the world would have been over populated many thousands of years ago.
2017-08-16 1:21 am
Scientists have theorised that having some members of a species that choose not to or are unable to procreate but to adopt children instead ensures the survival of children who would otherwise have no families. Of course, now some gay couples choose to use a surrogate mother, a donor egg and to mix samples of their sperm. Lesbian couples may choose to use donor sperm if they want children that are genetically related to them, and many use the same sperm donor so that their children are genetically siblings. If you aren't homosexual, like 9/10s of the general population don't engage in a homosexual relationship. Atheists want factual evidence for proof of a deity, not for you to become a homosexual, especially if you aren't one. If you're a closeted Christian who's struggling with balancing belief and their unchangeable disposition to be attracted to members of the same sex, remember your loving, kind God will forgive you anyway. Also the reason why moral atheists don't fear hell.
2017-08-15 11:18 am
When normal action is diverted so the gay is made who is abnormal.
2017-08-15 9:05 am
Yes, 2 men have a baby. Nowadays, you could live with a transgender and off course the other man got pregnant. Same with lesbians... when a male transgender to a woman. They say they are happy.
2017-08-15 7:50 am
No but I can show you an idiot who doesn't know much. So your admitting you have homosexual tendencies I see.
2017-08-15 8:03 am
many people can have children, but it is very difficult to be a real parent.
when i see the abuse of the children in american society i wonder why christian religion has not brought more peace to it? 50% of marriages end in divorce, it is the children who suffer as much as the adults.children can not go to school because of the violence which children direct against each other.

when christianity cleans-up its own yard; then, perhaps it might have room to speak of other people "not deserving children".
2017-08-15 7:51 am
It no longer has to be natural. Gay couples can adopt, and gay marriage is politically popular.
2017-08-18 9:56 pm
Atheist, atheist, atheist! Why do some people think that atheist are automatically the negative things that happen to mankind? WHY? Most atheist mind their own business unless prodded. Do you?
2017-08-18 11:08 am
Yeah, because the world is doomed if 2% of the human population doesn't reproduce.
2017-08-18 6:21 am
First off: I'm not an atheist but I will answer this
Secondly: You are a homophobe looking for reasons to diss homosexuality which is a perfectly natural thing. As natural as being heterosexual. I understand you may not realise you are being homophobic, but you are.
Thirdly: A cisgender man and a transgender man (who has not had bottom surgery or hormone replacement therapy) can procreate together. There is your homosexual situation with two men making a baby. You're welcome.
2017-08-17 10:15 pm
Atheists, can you give me ONE example......


Men with a uterus and a vagina are called women. Nine months after they get pregnant a baby is born.

See how simple that was?
2017-08-17 9:42 pm
This question has some sadness in it and only wish to say some of my gay friends are wonderful and if there are some babies that need special help it would make since to let the guys adopt if no one else wanted to or couldn't but why can't two who love each other enjoy the benefits of a civil union: is a question I would say yes too because then they would be less lonely and have honorable families even if they did not have kids. I do not understand but please do not be mean to those who choose alternate lifestyles.
2017-08-17 8:41 pm
Adoption, gene transfer (ie. male eggs/female sperm), naturally (if one of them is transgender), etc.
2017-08-17 4:06 pm
What does it have to do with atheism? I believe in evolution and i am convinced men and women have been made as counterparts. Heterosexuality is an instinct for reproduction, while homosexuality is not, because it has no rational purpose.
2017-08-17 12:43 pm
True but here's the rub (no pun intended): where do you think all the LGBT people come from? Kind of ironic, isn't it? Of COURSE we can't make babies and why should we? The str8 people keep bringing LGBT babies into the world!
2017-08-17 11:19 am
A few points:
What has homosexuality got to do with Atheist? Which is to say that while some may be gay the vast majority sure are not and we gays sure have not appointed them as our mouth piece.
Yet equally so people of faith support gays in their community.

You then speak about two men not being able to have a baby together and then try to link this to marriage as if the only reason people marry is so they can have children.

I know more couples who have had children unmarried than have married.
Having children has not assisted any marriage in trouble to work through the issues.

I also know people who have married yet don't have children. This could be through choice or some medical issue or due to old age. Why do you express no hate on such couples if you truly think the only reason you say I do is so she will.

If your going to make claims based on "natural" at least educate your self on the meaning of the word and then use it correctly.

Just while I have you.
Would you be a dear and share a link to your other post where you condemn men who marry after they divorced due to say the man straying into the bed of another women.
How about you objecting to paedophiles seeking out women with children and marrying them or men who have a history of wife abuse or maybe men who are in jail for a long time. You silence on those says you think its less offensive for example a paedophile to marry a women who has children than a same sex couple to marry.
2017-08-16 7:52 pm
Of course two men can't reproduce. As for you turning homosexual, that's up to you, none of my business.
2017-08-16 2:27 pm
Didn't Jesus have two Fathers?
I heard Jesus led a quiet life
until he recruited a bad actor.
The others also had their turn
at sticky spots regarding faith,.
I'm told the offspring of Jesus
now live in France. I don't
care what you do with any
consensual French adults.
2017-08-16 12:39 pm
Not every same sex couple want babies, they simply want equality to share their love. If you claim to be Christian then open your heart and your mind just a little.
2017-08-16 11:18 am
So are you saying that infertile men or women should not get married?
2017-08-16 10:59 am
How about marriage between a couple in their sixties...not much chance of giving birth there. Do you want to turn into a senior citizen now?
2017-08-16 8:48 am
Since when did atheists want anyone to be anything other that what you are? Atheists are the ones that are actually thinking for themselves. Catch a grip of yourself and be whatever you want.
2017-08-16 2:33 am
Strange proposition. Is this your way of trying to tell the world you want out? God loves you. Be all you can be, brother.
2017-08-16 1:24 am
There are too many people in the world, would be better if people stopped producing idiots every year.
2017-08-17 5:15 pm
I'm agnostic, but I can say, my grandfather (straight) married another 73-year-old. People marry because they love each other, and are treated by the law as such, so men should have their love acknowledged by the law as such. My grandfather and my new step-grandmother cannot procreate, as my step-grandmother is too old for that (I think men can still father newborns at the age of 73, but I'm not sure). But are you saying they should not be allowed to marry? Are you saying elderly women should divorce their husbands and have some sort of "marriage license" taken away? Are you saying women who have suffered uterus cancers and men who have suffered testicular cancer should not marry due to an inability to procreate? This argument conveniently forgets the fact that same-sex couples (as well as elderly and infertile [due to uterus or testicular cancers]) can and do have children through donors, surrogates, adoption and the fact that not everybody wants offspring "Marriage is about children" also suggests that, and this is a rarely raised point, birth out of wedlock is not a thing that happens. Child illegitimacy does happen. I'm illegitimate. Also, atheists don't want the entirety of humanity to be gay. Maybe some do, but one of my good friends is an atheist, and he has been in a heterosexual relationship for years. I don't think his girlfriend is particularly religious, either. So I know not all of them do.
參考: Everything you should have educated yourself about before being a drama queen on the internet, you cretin.
2017-08-16 11:38 pm
**** sake!. So what? As per ******* Islam, Allah created Awwa out of Adams Bone. **** sake. You believe that bullshit?
2017-08-16 10:55 pm
Is it just me or are the questions getting weirder all the time.

Of course I'm not aware of two men conceiving a child. Where would the fetus gestate? Would you keep it in a box? If this was possible would it change your worldview?

What ever gave you the idea that I want you to "turn to homosexuality"? I don't think that is possible either. Sexuality is not really a choice. Moreover, your sexuality is not my concern.

Finally, why ask this question of atheists particularly? What does any of this have to do with a non-belief in gods?
2017-08-16 8:18 pm
7.5+ billion people on this planet. Don't need more people. Don't expect homosexuals are looking to increase their ranks with reluctant men.

If you're thinking sex is only about procreation, than you're missing a lot.

The "unnatural" argument goes nowhere since you are typing on a keyboard communicating with thousands of people all over the world using entirely man-made technology, since you likely eat food that couldn't even be created where you live without all kinds of shipping, hydration, pestacide and fertilizer technology, since there's a good chance you depend on technology (glasses, contacts, perhaps Lasik) to even see.
2017-08-16 4:46 pm
how should I answer this question?
2017-08-16 11:25 am
Homosexuality is actually quite common in the animal kingdom. Although they can not reproduce, gay animals have been known to take care of abandoned baby mammals that were left to die. Basically even though they can't reproduce, it's important to have gay people to take care of abandoned children. Especially considering how we have 100,000s of children in foster care in America right now and you just want to leave them parentless because apparently "It's unnatural" and "Against the word of God."
2017-08-16 9:11 am
I can't give you that but even though I'm an atheist, I'll pray you don't reproduce.
2017-08-16 6:36 am
Ha, why are religious nutters so intelligent, you are a knob !
2017-08-16 5:26 am
homosexuality is a misconception or psycological error,
same sex will never produce a baby, your semen will be never br ejaculated by your *** but your penis, it is a staement of universal truth and reality,
if you still decide to stick practice homosexuality.....your generation will cease to exist or transformed into trans gender community......beacuse you denied natural ways,,, it is like a wrong decision saying lets eat through our ***......beacuse food will reach to stomach any ways,,,homosexuality will cease humen race,,,,,,thats why capital punishment is right and prescribed openly in scriptures

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