Why do Atheists work so hard to prove God doesn't exist when I only have to believe that He exists?

2013-04-27 3:37 am
They argue and argue and work so hard to convince themselves and others that God doesn't exist, when all I need to know that He does exist is believe in my heart that He does, and that is all the convincing I need.

回答 (26)

2013-04-27 3:45 am
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Atheists have inferiority complexes , as you can tell by some of these answers , that's why they try to make themselves feel better by engaging into others peoples lives and beliefs.
2013-04-27 3:41 am
"Why do Atheists work so hard to prove God doesn't exist..."
It is impossible to prove your imaginary little hairy-nosed Space Man exists.
It is impossible to DIS-prove your imaginary little hairy-nosed Space Man exists.

"I've been cruising this planet for over 60 years.
IF God existed he would know what sort of evidence would convince me of his existence… if he wanted me to know it ;)
So far?
Nothing; nada; zilch."

I suppose HE either doesn't care about ME in any way whatsoever…
God is imaginary... I'm going with the latter.

I’m 100% certain god is imaginary.
If he really existed he would have found a way to convince me he exists.
Obviously he hasn't cos just as obviously he doesn't.

If you wanted to convince someone you existed, what lengths would you go to?
Would you drop a few seriously ambiguous ‘clues’... OR, introduce yourself.

Seriously - this has SCAM written all over it.


Pretend you were some place and you were invisible – let’s say 50% of the inhabitants “knew” and “loved” you – let’s say you wanted the other 50% of the inhabitants to “know” and “love” you too… cos you really do love them all soooo unconditionally…
What lengths would you go to convince them?

Seriously - this has BOOLSHYT written all over it.


“If you have "substantial" evidence supporting your god, lay it out - but be aware that the way you feel when you look at puppies or sunsets, or conversations you had with yourself, or your inability to explain something any other way do not constitute evidence.”

“Understand that:

Dreams are not evidence.
Wishful thinking is not evidence.
Logical fallacies are not evidence.
Personal revelation is not evidence.
Illogical conclusions are not evidence.
Disproved statements are not evidence.
Unsubstantiated claims are not evidence.
Hallucinations/delusions are not evidence.
Information that is ambiguous is not evidence.
The Universe doesn't care what you believe in.
Data that requires a certain belief is not evidence.
Information that cannot be verified is not evidence.
Information that cannot be falsified is not evidence.
Experiments with inconclusive results are not evidence.
Information that is only knowable by a privileged few is not evidence.
Experiments that are not and cannot be duplicated by others are not evidence.
The wonderful thing about science is that it doesn't ask for your faith, only your eyes.”
2013-04-27 3:39 am
I don't? Maybe stop generalising the few and labelling it as the majority.

I don't work hard at all to convince myself of anything, I merely know in my heart that there are no gods (not limited to the christian god). I only have a problem when people state 'facts' when they are made up lies, like this. If people want to be religious then it doesn't affect me, some of my family are and I don't talk to them at ALL about religion. It doesn't matter and there is more to them then that...
2013-04-27 4:00 am
"Why do Atheists work so hard to prove God doesn't exist?"

I don't know of anybody working hard to prove god doesn't exist.
2013-04-27 3:53 am
I've never spent one minute of my life trying to prove that God doesn't exist.

Having a discussion is just having a discussion.
2013-04-27 3:44 am
Dear, you go ahead and believe in anything you want. I'm not arguing with you. I also never have to try to convince myself that there is no god. There is no need. Rejecting the existence of gods is effortless for me.

I wish you well on your journey through life, and I hope you wish me the same.

Lady Morgana
2013-04-27 4:01 am
So if you believe in your heart unicorns exist, that makes them real? Or how about Harry Potter? We don't try to disprove God's existence. First, you can't prove a negative, something you would know if you if you used your brain to think instead of as a recpetical for other people's ideas. So the burden of proof is on you. Lacking testable, objective evidence to the contrary, god does not exist, despite the warm fuzzy feeling in your "heart". Second, we don't need to convince ourselves. We already know there is no evidence, so o more convincing required. It is people like you who have to keep repeating nonsensical sayings, stories, and invectives ( can't tell you how many times people like you gleefully tell me I'm going to hell) about the magical man in the sky being real. And just mention evolutionary theory or the Standard Modle and you folks go into frothing fits of self-righteousness because these things, which are backed by objective, testable evidence contradict your mythology.

Tell me, do you hear the people around you use the word "idiot" a lot?
2013-04-27 3:45 am
There's proof in every religion according to those who believe it. It's up to you to really prove it to the rest of us who don't believe it.

My answer to your question is this:
The same way you aren't inclined to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, some people just aren't inclined to believe in any God at all.

However, stop judging atheists by the actions displayed to you by a select few, If you don't try to shove religion down our throats, most of us won't try to shove science down yours.
參考: Used to be Christian, couldn't find proof and couldn't find a reason to stay.
2013-04-27 5:35 am
You may have your belief. However, you are incorrect about us working hard to not believe in God. In fact, it is no work at all. You don't seem to understand that it is a matter of being able, or not able, to believe in God. If you believe, it takes an effort to imaging that there is no god. If you DON'T believe, then the effort is in trying to force yourself to believe.
2013-04-28 10:04 pm
Why do Theists work so hard to prove god does exist when they only have to admit that he DOESN'T exists?
2013-04-28 7:34 pm
...I know that atheist work hard to prove they are right....and they also study hard theists' dynamics of faith..yah know what i mean.....quoted : " they that do have ears can't heard nor they that do have eyes can't see" correct me if i'm wrong- a passage from the Bible.

they do also know the DOCTRINE OF DIVINE ELECTION...they work hard to convince themselves that they dont belong to those who were chosen...and good thanks, for you friend you believe that He does exists. and the gift for you is in here: John 3:16

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