will marvel go bankrupt before Infinity War 2?

2018-05-07 9:49 am
after the dark cliffhanger at the end of the latest movie Infinity War and the fact Marvel Comics has been sucking lately. none of Marvel's readable or watchable content has been good lately, besides The Cinematic Universe. so at this pace will The Marvel Industry go out of business before the cliffhanger could be resolved?

回答 (11)

2018-05-11 3:26 am
MARVEL will not go bankrupt. The company as a whole will make a good profit even if the House of Mouse as the parent skims a lot off the top. Got to remember that Marvel Studios gets a LOT of their material from the comics. Given the amount of cash literally POURING into MARVEL right now, they would be totally NUTS to let their writers go. They will subsidize the comics forever as long as they can use the stories as the basis for the next round of screen-plays. It's like a feedback loop. Give the comics cash, they write some material that can make a movie. The movies make money so they support the source of their stories. Letting the comic division fail would be the STUPIDEST business decision ever!
2018-05-09 10:23 am
Oh, you mean the comics division alone? Ignoring the massive Scrooge McDuck style money pile that Kevin Feige swims in at Marvel Studios? No. They are also a Disney subsidiary and won't go bankrupt because the MCU profits are partly their doing, so the parent company will infuse them with whatever cash they need. They can operate at a loss all they want. The comics business amounts to a rounding error compared to the Marvel Studios revenue.
2018-05-08 10:24 am
We'll wait and see.
2018-05-08 2:41 am
2018-05-08 1:05 am
obviously disney isn't going bankrupt and they are keeping the money making machine movies going. so if we want to have a smart conversation about it, we are talking about if they are sick of losing money on the comic books and want to phase that part of the operation down or even out. i don't think they will.
2018-05-08 12:39 am
Highly unlikely.

The comics are declining, but Infinity War just had the biggest release weekend ever.
The company is NOT going bankrupt.
2018-05-08 12:07 am
Nope. Regardless of how bad they are, Marvel owns several huge franchises that have undying loyal fanbases (for better or for worse) and their movies rake in several millions with every release because of name recognition and strong histories of making what the majority of people like. The only way Marvel will ever go bankrupt, is if their movies, cartoons, and comics become so bad that they're not selling to even their most hardcore of fans.
2018-05-07 8:10 pm
Actually, Avengers 4 is currently in production and has been for a few months. It will come out May 2019. It was announced years ago. Multiple Marvel films are also in production or planned:
*Captain Marvel (the film was teased at the end of Infinity War)
*Avengers 4
*Guardians of the Galaxy 3
*Black Panther 2
*Spider-Man 2

It is unlikely that Marvel will go bankrupt, considering Infinity War just made $1 billion worldwide in a week.

EDIT: And if I may ask, which Marvel comics are unreadable for you? I have been reading some, and they have been good/okay.
2018-05-07 3:52 pm
Their last 2 movies was making a huge hit, saying they goes down was like a lame joke. Black Panther and Infinity War was making huge profits, and broke lots of records in terms of earnings.

Also, Marvel is owned by Disney. So unless Disney goes bankrupt and forced to sell Marvel, they're here to stay.
2018-05-07 1:12 pm
not a chance. Marvel comic sales are about average from what i understand and they make so much money off the movies that they arent going bankrupt anytime soon. Also, theyre owned by disney, a hilariously huge company.
Marvel could probably drop their print line and be completely fine if they wanted
2018-05-07 9:49 am

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