Are natural disasters punishment from God?

2018-10-16 12:59 am

回答 (91)

2018-10-16 10:56 pm
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Not at all the bible Teaches God is not to blame for suffering

“It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong!”Job 34:10

“When under trial, let no one say: ‘I am being tried by God.’ For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone.”James 1:13

“Throw all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”1 Peter 5:7

“Jehovah is not slow concerning his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.”2 Peter 3:9

So God is never to blame for the suffering however he allows it

This brief video explains why God allows suffering[search_id]=d0ee1c5d-cfcc-4734-9374-42f4c1ed3b30&insight[search_result_index]=6
2018-10-16 3:50 am
Many religions teach that the suffering we experience are God's will.

But the Bible teaches: God never causes what is wicked. "Far be it fron the true God to act wickedly , and the Almighty to act unjustly !" says Job 34:10. God has a loving purpose for humans. That is why Jesus taught us to pray: "our Father in the heavens, let . . .your Kingdom come . Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth." (Matthew 6:9,10)
參考: Bible
2018-10-17 1:27 am
If it is, God is a very sloppy, cruel, infantile disciplinarian.
2018-10-16 1:17 am
No. It doesn't work that way. Jesus explained: "That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."
參考: Mt. 5:45
2018-10-16 12:59 am
No. They occur naturally. No gods exist. That is why they are called natural.
2018-10-16 10:51 am
Possibly but not necessarily so
2018-10-16 10:15 pm
Depends on what god you are serving, an all loving forgiving creator, or the vengeful jealous god....there cannot be 2 Gods, the latter god was created by man who can never know God by his own reasoning, but the God who created all things from Love only knows love and love does not destroy nor judge and anybody who believes God can both Love and Hate has drank the Koo-laid.
2018-10-16 1:01 am
No, they happen "naturally" naturally (though human accelerated global warming is making them more frequent and more severe - it's more like we are punishing ourselves for our own stupidity).
2018-10-16 3:11 am
Natural disasters are at a punishment from God. They are the natural result the bad consequences of disobeying God who has warned us in advance that if we do negative actions were going to get negative consequences. And of course vice versa if you do what is good good things will happen to you.
2018-10-18 8:54 am
God does not punish. He teaches. Life on Earth is a testing ground for souls. Pass or fail. How we do now determines eternity.
2018-10-18 1:30 am
No they are not. The next punishment that will be inflicted on disobedient mankind will be God's great war of Armageddon. It may more than likely include natural phenomenon as it did in Sodom. but it will be the war to end all wars.
2018-10-16 2:20 am
No. Natural disasters are simply that, natural. We live in a world that fluctuates between order and chaos. Disasters are simply apart of the natural processes of the universe. The next question, from a Christian perspective is, why does God allow these things to happen? Why did God create a world that is capable of falling apart? There's no simple answer to this question. But to answer simply, is to say that it is because the world is not God. The natural world is contingent, it's order is transient. You can never find a lasting order in world in and of itself. God allows the world to take its natural course (which is it's movement towards dissolution, ie entropy) so that we can see its true nature, and so not rely upon it but upon God who is the source and sustainer of the cosmos and who protects it at every moment from complete chaos. You see this very pattern in the Gospels themselves. Christ, who is God incarnate subjected himself to the world which is ruled by death (chaos, entropy) and in so doing he reveals both the power of death to destroy all things but also its complete weakness compared to eternal life by raising from the death. So, Christians look to Christ for eternal life and not the world. This is why there are disasters. To use Christs own words, they are birth pains not punishments. They are the pains that cause us to look for life and draw us out of complacency.
2018-10-16 1:04 am
Natural does not include any Gods.
I hope you learned something from this.
2018-10-16 4:16 pm
2018-10-17 12:38 am
God has used disasters in the past to punish and He still does. We're going to see an increase in natural disasters as mankind continues in his rebellion against God, just like the Bible predicts. God will send plague after plague...this is what's known as the 7 year tribulation. If you ti
Please watch -
2018-10-17 6:28 pm
God is not causing the earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, and volcanic eruptions that are so often in today’s news. He is not using these to bring punishment on certain peoples. To a large extent, these are caused by natural forces that have been operating since the earth’s creation.
The Bible foretold great earthquakes and food shortages for our day, but that does not mean that either God or Jesus is responsible for them, any more than a meteorologist is responsible for the weather that he forecasts. Because these are occurring along with all the other things foretold in the composite sign of the conclusion of this system of things, they are part of the evidence that the blessings of God’s Kingdom are near.—Luke 21:11, 31.

Humans often bear heavy responsibility for harm done. In what way? Even when given ample warning, many people refuse to get out of the danger area or fail to take needed precautions.—Prov. 22:3; compare Matthew 24:37-39.

God can control such natural forces. He empowered Jesus Christ to calm a storm on the Sea of Galilee, as an example of what He will do for mankind under His Messianic Kingdom. (Mark 4:37-41) By turning his back on God, Adam rejected such divine intervention on behalf of himself and his offspring. Those who are granted life during Christ’s Messianic Reign will experience such loving care, the kind of care that only a government empowered by God can give.—Isa. 11:9.
2018-10-17 3:33 am

Humanity has Dominion of this planet.
2018-10-17 2:22 am

Natural Disasters—Why So Many?
Jesus foretold an increase in disasters. What meaning does this have for us today?
2018-10-17 1:33 am
They can be. God controls where the wind and water go.
2018-10-16 11:37 pm
Don't be silly. Only five year-olds believe that.
2018-10-16 7:04 pm
No. God is not to blame for human suffering or natural disasters because at Ecclesiastes 9:11 there its says , because time and unexpected events overtake them all "So we should never blame god for these event in fact 1 John 5:15 its tells us that the entire world is in the power of the wicked one reference to Satan the devil and he is to blame for human suffering. To learn more about God please visit JW.ORG.
2018-10-16 5:40 pm
are NATURAL disasters punishment from God ?

use of the higher case "G" the Biblical God

water turning a red color and fish dying
over population of Frogs
Biting insects and wild animal infestation
Livestock DISEASE and Boils
Death of the first Born
DROUGHT caused by the god
so Hebrews could sojourn in Egypt for 400 years
FIRE and Brimstone ( volcanic eruptions ? ) Smoke by day fire by night
EARTHQUAKE earth opening up so Zombies can walk the streets

using the Bible as a reference

some ancient cultures seem to make that ASSOCIATION

and wrote it in their TEXT

if you try to file a CLAIM with your INSURANCE Company

your Policy might have a ACT of GOD clause

Insurance companies define it as any accident or event not caused by man ( accidents caused by " nature " )

are all listed and considered " ACTS OF GOD " ..

. seems insurance companies are THEISTIC .. and for MEDICAL Insurance some may consider a "PRE-existig condition " ( disease = SIN ) a act of god "

. as to Punishment it is subjective if a Supreme being would impose such events out of "LOVE " ... but when considering EMOTIONS . as an ATTRIBUTE of a God .. and TEMPERAMENT ... the Bible writers tells us of the Gods CREATION of "HELL" and plan for ETERNAL TORTURE

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY ( Feb 2010 ) " What does Love have to do with Abuse "

a Narcissist or abuser , will give JUSTIFICATIONS for such behavior and many times use the Phrase " I do it out of LOVE " or i have difficulty simply VERBALIZING

. a person could if a Theist interpret EVENTS as COMMUNICATE ... from a SUPREME BEING

from what people have said is they PRAY and then an EVENT happens and they INTERPRET that as a Communication from the God .

. many times people use the phrase " its GODS WILL "

Ben Franklin invented the Lightening Rod ... lightening would occasionally hit taller buildings like CHURCH steeples and Burn to the ground ... People expressed or interfered that as a act of a god

.. seems to be AMBIGUOUS .. a lot of things in religion are AMBIGUOUS

why I am an Atheist .. Critical Thinking .. People make a lot of BAZAAR ASSOCIATIONS ...

One man told me a friend Died in his apartment and a few weeks later a Light bulb that was lit "Popped" broke and it was her " SPIRIT "

.. Yahoo answers platform states SHARE what you KNOW and provide SOURCES
參考: Bible Insurance industry Psychology Today 40 years in medical field definitions dictionary
2018-10-16 2:34 pm
Yes!! Consequences of our actions, Nations who rebel and people who will not hear.
2018-10-16 1:57 pm
Yes, the "trials and visitations" that originate on earth are stored within the 6th Heaven.
However, some of the above are for another purpose of which only God would know.
Review, Exodus 9:23-29, 1 Samuel 7:10, Job 37:7-24 & Job 38.

The allocation of "sun & rain" are necessary for life as Jesus noted in Matthew 5:45.
However, with a little thought we can easily realize the difference of a storm that will cause hardship.

Furthermore, it is important to understand that God is in control of all the elements, a simple read of Colossians 1:17 will provide assurance.
2018-10-16 1:15 pm
No. Natural disasters are caused by changes in weather and atmospheric pressure.

God's not involved.

If God is causing natural disasters, he seems to despise Red States, which is where most tornadoes form.
2018-10-16 7:01 am
The Bible does foretold disasters for our day, such as “great earthquakes.” (Luke 21:11) But Jehovah is no more responsible for the destruction caused by them than a weatherman is responsible for the damage done by a typhoon that he forecasts. A surprising number of disasters are at least partially man-made. In their rush to blame God, some point to Bible accounts where God brought destruction by natural elements. (Genesis 7:17-22; 18:20; 19:24, 25; Numbers 16:31-35) An examination of these Bible accounts shows, however, that in each case, there are three major distinguishing factors. First, there was warning beforehand. Second, unlike today’s natural disasters, which kill good and bad people alike, destruction from God was selective. Only the incorrigibly wicked or those who refused to listen to warnings were destroyed. Third, God made a way for innocent people to escape. (Genesis 7:1, 23; 19:15-17; Numbers 16:23-27)
2018-10-16 2:29 am
No, they are punishment from Mother Nature for messing with our atmosphere.
2018-10-16 2:24 am
Sometimes. What we are facing now isn't as much God sending the disasters as it is Him letting them happen because we have gone our own way so that blessings we were taking for granted have been removed.
2018-10-16 2:20 am
Earth serves death. The mere fact that it goes to extreme is flag for change enough.
2018-10-16 9:50 am
A few years ago, preachers in England were saying the floodin was God's wrath upon the GAYS.
At the same time, preachers in Oklahoma were praying for relief from a years-long drought.

The OBVIOUS solution, then, should have been to send some transport planes from the Oklahoma National Air Guard to England, promising gay Brits a three month vacation playing Cowboys in Oklahoma.

Unfortunately, nobody asked the comedian who originally MADE that suggestion, if he would put it in writing and present it to the Governor of Oklahoma.
2018-10-16 1:21 am
Nope. It's called weather and that's a fact.
2018-10-16 1:12 am
Why does God punish the highly religious of Oklahoma and Kansas with the worst storms and deaths. Northern Florida is very Christian there is some church on every corner. S.Carolina and N.Carolina are also highly populated by devout Christians. Why would God™ punish his most faithful followers?
2018-10-16 10:05 pm
No. God does not condemn. The Bible says that God does not see sin.
2018-10-16 1:01 am
NO...AS IVE SAID MANY TIMES the devil is called teh prince of the air and he is likely behind violent storms...GOD SENDS US NORMAL RAIN but not hurricanes IMO.
2018-10-17 5:59 am
No, not generally. Nonetheless, while the rain falls on the just and the wicked regardless, there does seem to be a higher rate loss of life when catastrophes hit foreign shores that reject Christ.
2018-10-16 6:04 pm
I live in NSW the Lucky Country we don't have Tornadoes so maybe you are right the Last Cyclone that caused the Loss of Many Lives was and one of the worst was Cyclone Tracy on Christmas Eve 1974 in Darwin

we have been Good to God since
2018-10-16 3:52 pm
I don't think that natural disasters are caused by God. I think that they are caused by spirits. People must stand as what they are. They must not pretend like someone else. The spirits' game is not good to human beings. The spirits' game is only for spirits. If they take part in spirits' game and go along with them then they will lose their reality and become spirits, the bodiless creatures. This will take them up to death.

God doesn't watch each and every human being at the same time and cannot live with each and everyone to guide them. These works are done by the spirits. God had created different kinds of spirits for various purposes. He had made the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits, not for human beings. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being doesn't have a spiritual body. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get it's mind. The same is the case with the human beings. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.
2018-10-19 5:43 am
Another person heard from who has never read the Bible. The scripture quotations about God not causing trials is a mistranslation. God does not cause us to be 'tempted' to sin is the correct translation. All temptations to sin come from our inner self. To say that God never causes disasters ignores Sodom and Gomorra to just mention one disaster caused by God because of the sins of the people who lived there. All honest and sincere people who truly want to learn the truth about God' please read all of the Bible and use that as a reference in order to discern who in this venue knows what they are talking and who is an ignorant person. God bless you all.
2018-10-18 11:52 pm
No. Natural disasters, which destroy indiscriminately, are not acts of God but, rather, unforeseen occurrences that can affect anyone.—Ecclesiastes 9:11. How heartwarming it is to know that soon,terrifying natural disasters will be a thing of the past! There will be no reason to fear being harmed by typhoons, tsunamis, volcanoes, or earthquakes in the new world. How wonderful it is to think of the time when no natural forces will kill or maim, for “the tent of God [will be] with mankind”! (Rev. 21:3, 4) We can be assured that the power of God exercised through Christ will control the forces of nature during the Millennium.
2018-10-18 9:32 pm
If you see it that way. The humankind are forever cursed because of Adam and Eve's sin.
2018-10-18 3:31 pm
No. God is only a fictional character. Grow up poor immature people.
2018-10-18 1:56 pm
It's Godzilla. The answer is Godzilla.
2018-10-18 9:57 am
No. Even though there have been instances of the natural world being controlled for a purpose...e,g, the parting of the Red Sea to allow Moses and the Jews escape from Pharoah...But this cannot be used as an example of a current hurricane that destroyed parts of Florida...many people were hurt...the ones not hurt were the ones who took notice of the warnings.
2018-10-18 6:31 am
I'm guessing you don't find fact based meteorological reasons compelling enough?
2018-10-18 6:18 am
Nothing to do with any "God" , this world has not finished cooling down yet as long as the centre is still liquid rock (Plasma) we will have natural disasters .
2018-10-18 6:09 am
No, disasters are caused by nature or bad choices. For example, if you live at the foot of a forested hillside, cut down its trees to keep warm as well as to cook your food, and then, when the rain comes, your home is washed away in a landslide, you made the wrong choice.
2018-10-18 2:21 am
James 1:13 is a valid scripture to keep in mind, it states: "When under trial, let no one say: “I am being tried by God.” For with evil things God cannot be tried, nor does he himself try anyone". Although difficult circumstances may prove our faith is strong, God does not use these situations as punishment, and is actually altogether not responsible for the disasters that take place on earth.
2018-10-18 2:20 am
Simply no, because there's no real evidence that gods exist.
2018-10-18 2:03 am
No they are not a punishment from God.
Job 34:10 says "it is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly and the almighty to do wrong"
James 1:13 states that God does not try people with evil things
2018-10-18 12:37 am
Are natural disasters punishment from God?
apparently, some people are paranoid, believing that a supernatural deity is conspiring to do them harm, on the other hand, some believe the opposite, that a supernatural god is rewarding them with their life.
these are "conspiracy theories" about nature and society, but is only human. people have a need to "feel special".
a recent psychological study by Josh Hart, associate professor of psychology, suggests that people with certain personality traits and cognitive styles are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories.
"These people tend to be more suspicious, un-trusting, eccentric, needing to feel special, with a tendency to regard the world as an inherently dangerous place." "They are also more likely to detect meaningful patterns where they might not exist.
2018-10-17 10:04 pm
Please see the Bible's answer under the article "Are Natural Disasters From God?"

Click link:
2018-10-17 8:37 pm
No all natural.
2018-10-17 7:07 pm
Job 34:10 So listen to me, you men of understanding:
It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly,
For the Almighty to do wrong!
2018-10-17 5:37 pm
No. And which of the many gods in all of the world's many religions are you asking about?
2018-10-17 3:35 pm
Yes and no: depends on situation, time and place.
2018-10-17 10:29 am
2018-10-17 9:04 am
Natural disasters are natural disasters, nothing more, nothing less.
2018-10-17 8:13 am
Oh come on
2018-10-17 7:58 am
When a North America inventor named B. Franklin
began to sell a device marketed as a 'Lightening
Rod', Mother Church appealed to officialdom,
saying, "It stole away a just wrath of God". Users
with it installed as directed no longer felt obliged
to pray for that particular weather protection.
Religion failed to halt scientific principals.
2018-10-17 7:57 am
"God is working his works", has a nice surprise to help heal a little suffering. God does not re work its own works. God is working the works of the spirit of god [lord god] that made these things [gen.2:3-4 after god is be less in the same day. the spirit of god made this place and god is working "his" works.
2018-10-17 6:37 am
Yes! The flying spaghetti monster will hurl his holy meatballs at the Earth when he is transgressed! Pray to him! Pray that he saves your decrepit soul! Wow this kind of sounds familiar doesn't it?!
2018-10-17 6:09 am
Not always. Sometimes, a natural disaster is made all the worse by man's stupidity: building a city in a mudhole below sea level (New Orleans), building a city in a seismic zone (San Francisco), building a city on a live volcano (Hilo), etc.
2018-10-17 5:05 am
Yes! God reaches down with Noodly Appendages and stirs up natural disasters to punish the Unbelievers! RAmen!
2018-10-17 4:14 am
No,G-d does not work that way
2018-10-17 3:57 am
No - they are in fact "Natural Disasters" - mankind might have had a hand in some of them as we have corrupted & misused the world in which we live in so many ways - but they have always been and will increase as the end comes - which is also in prophecy.
2018-10-17 2:15 am
No, science has prven that this is nonsense.
2018-10-17 1:40 am
no we have no proof of any gods
2018-10-17 1:03 am
The Bible do not teach that God is behind the natural disasters we see today. Not at all! God’s judgments as described in the Bible are quite different from natural disasters. For one thing, God is selective; He reads the hearts of individuals and destroys only those He deems wicked. (Genesis 18:23-32) Furthermore, God sends warnings first, thereby giving the righteous opportunity to escape.

Natural disasters, on the other hand, strike with little or no warning, and they kill and maim indiscriminately. To some extent, mankind has made such disasters worse by damaging the natural environment and by building in areas prone to earthquakes, floods, and extreme weather.

The Bible do teach such as at these scriptures, (Psalm 115:16) As for the heavens, they belong to God, But the earth He has given to the sons of men. (Psalm 37:8, 9) Let go of anger and abandon rage; Do not become upset and turn to doing evil.  For evil men will be done away with, But those hoping in God will possess the earth. ”

When that time comes, their will be no guess work involved, a maybe or maybe not. All human creation will no it's their Grand Creator, Grand Instructor, Almighty God that's doing the righteous destruction, and separating the righteous from the unrighteous. (CB/Bible/
2018-10-16 10:36 pm
God has complete authority over all of creation and uses it for signs and has used it for judgment at specific times in the Bible, the fire that fell on the prophets of Baal and the soldiers who came to arrest Elijah, fire & brimstone that fell on Sodom and Gomorrah, the 10 plagues of Egypt, the Flood, but understanding this, all of creation has been corrupted by sin. The Bible prophesies that natural disasters will increase the closer we get to Christ's return, as if they were birth pangs...the earth groaning in expectation of it's coming Lord, etc.

The closer we get to Christ's return the worse the world will become, just as the closer to birth, the worse the labor pains will be for the mother. When Christ returns the enemy's time will be up, so you can bet he'll be working hard to hurt as many people that he can until the last moment.

God doesn't need to send a storm to punish sin, and since storms are indiscriminate, affecting His people and those who reject Him alike, it is not something that fits for the God of the Bible who said to Abraham that for the sake of 10 righteous men He wouldn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.

However, if God did remove his hand of protection from a place - for example - if people continuously rejected Him, continuously denied His calls to seek Him and be saved, He will eventually let them have their way and they will be at the mercy of a corrupted world without His intervention...

The truth is, we cannot know why a storm hits a certain place, and we cannot know what is in our neighbors hearts, so the best thing to do is to pray for God's protection over us and those around us. We have faith that God is in control and He will provide a way of escape for us, according to His will by His power and for His glory.
2018-10-16 8:56 pm
No we are subject to unforeseen events. "I saw something else under the sun. The race isn't won by fast runners, or the battle by heroes. Wise people don't necessarily have food. Intelligent people don't necessarily have riches, and skilled people don't necessarily receive special treatment. But time and unpredictable events overtake all of them." Ecclesiastes 9:11
2018-10-16 8:31 pm
He'll 👎! They're Real Punishments From The Illuminatti & Their Weapons Like The CIA, FBI, The Blue Beam 😀 Project, The Haarp Project, HIV, Ebola, Antrax Etc, Etc Etc My Little Kid!!!!!......
2018-10-16 2:56 pm
This is the time old Problem of Evil. Don't blame God for the evil deeds done by man. Man does evil unto man. Except for natural disasters. Let's just sweep that under the rug and pretend they don't exist.
2018-10-16 2:43 pm
no they are not punishment they will definitely happen in future. Same like god created way for life and creation to come into existence he created way of destruction as well.
2018-10-16 11:57 am
open and this question appear on the first page. You will get sincere answer there
2018-10-16 10:52 am
Thank you for your question. It is heard a lot.
I’ll try to be brief.

Punishment is justice-fair consequence for misdeeds (or sin)
One of God’s attributes is “perfectly just” His justice is never unfair.

According to the Bible, Jesus paid the price and took upon Himself the sins of the world. God accepted Jesus sacrifice as “payment” for sin. Not just some, but all. Jesus sacrifice was perfect and sufficient in every way.
If natural disasters were punishments from God, what sin is He punishing us for? If God was handing out disasters as punishment for sin, that would imply that Jesus’ sacrifice was insufficient. No Christian can do that and still claim Christ.
God certainly has reasons for natural disasters and all the other terrible events that occur on earth. But be assured that “punishment” is not one of them.
2018-10-16 9:55 am
Global warming and the problems this results in are of our own doing. God permits us to suffer the consequences of our actions.

The deluge, e.g., was not a natural disaster. It was brought on to us by God. Otherwise, I do not recall other natural disasters caused by God, though God on several occasions used his power over nature and reality to assist Israel against their enemies.

Still, if you do what you can to avoid such, as in evacuate when seeing in advance the problem approaching, if you are a righteous person you have the right to pray to be assisted and protected. This may afford real-time protection when in need.
2018-10-16 9:25 am
Natural disasters means it is the act of GOD ,it happen millions and millions of years ago on this face of the earth. It happen that human being later on come to settle down there,even they knew it that it is dangerious places to live there ie;living near to the valcano
2018-10-16 5:42 am
No, all gods are myths.
2018-10-16 3:22 am
God sends the rain on the just and the unjust.
The righteous man and the unrighteous man are both being called to repentance.
No one on the face of this earth is beyond the need to repent. It is just that the seemingly righteous seldom are willing to do the self examination it takes to find what they need to change.
Those who take corrective action are blessed, those that do not will continue to loose Gods favor.
Natural disasters are not punishment- they are a wake up call!
2018-10-16 3:02 am
The Bible doesn't teach that God is behind the natural disasters we see today. God's judgments as described in the Bible are quite different from natural disasters that happen around the world. In the past, Jehovah read the hearts of individuals and destroyed only those whom he deemed wicked (Genesis 18:23:32). God sends warnings first, (Genesis 6:13) thereby giving those who listen to him the opportunity to escape. Natural disasters, on the other hand, strike with little or no warning, and kill and maim anyone in their path, the good and the bad. For more information, please go to the free site Go to publications, click on brouchures and booklets. Click on Good News(fg). Go to chapter 5-What is God's purpose for the earth? No God is not responsible for natural disasters.
參考: Bible/
2018-10-16 1:54 am
2018-10-16 1:16 am
GOD doesn't actually send 'punishments' in an affirmative way. He only sends 'gifts' based on what we WOULD be doing if we obeyed His Law of perfectly equal treatment. The 'disaster' is actually just our inability to 'open' them and enjoy them.

He planned out each arriving 'event' based on the anticipation that we would be steadily 'advancing' in His wisdom, knowledge and social arrangements. If we 'miss the mark' by straying, we end up viewing His 'visitors' as 'monsters' instead. During eras when we were especially aware of GOD's lessons, we began to clue in to this process and prioritized the funding of 'public works' projects like hydro-electric dams, which 'reinterpreted' the power of cyclically raging river waters and naturally waxing tides to actually protect those who were being drown by them behind literal walls of protection while even channeling the fantastic energy from them into new power plants which kept them cozy warm or nice and cool during extreme climate conditions.

Doing the same with 'tornadoes' or 'hurricanes' was such a daunting idea that people lost faith in the process, not being able to imagine such a 'leap' in knowledge. Many began to embrace 'escapism' instead which led to the 'high tech' industries now using our vast resources to churn out 'futuristic' gadgets and entertainment media instead, supposedly helping us to imagine some way to literally 'escape' from the planet rather than address the increase in 'divine visitors.'

So while they might seem like 'punishments' they really aren't meant to be punishments. They are gatherings of great power and energy sent to us to be used to make life awesome for us here on planet earth. Unfortunately, that requires both honoring GOD's sacred allegories, (left for us specifically for this 'puzzle-solving'), and the faith in GOD and His natural processes enough to accept their true purpose and our incredible potential under His unique inspiration and prodigy.
2018-10-16 1:11 am
No. That idea is completely non-Biblical.
2018-10-16 1:02 am
Side effects only, punishment for what, over populated men count?
2018-10-16 12:43 pm
No, that is why they are called natural disasters.
2018-10-16 11:30 am
Anyone who claims they are a punishment is ignoring their religion's own mantra - we are not permitted to know the will of God or the plans of God. Their idea, not mine. For any IDIOT to claim that a natural disaster is a punishment from God is to have that IDIOT claim to know the mind of God. Which by their own rules cannot happen.

So when someone says that, slap the person HARD.
2018-10-16 4:48 am
No evidence of that.
2018-10-16 1:33 am
Many christians say they are -.-
2018-10-16 1:04 am
Natural means nature caused it. The supernatural disasters were announced to the prophets before they happened.
2018-10-16 1:03 am
Unless nature is god. Nature is not an inanimate object. It is a live and active force.
2018-10-16 11:52 pm
No. Gods would need to exist first.
2018-10-16 12:59 am
Yes. It is clearly because people are ignoring Allah the one true god

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