I read the koran and it is just stupid to me lots of rules and bragging who cant live with out it?

2014-06-15 4:39 am
pray all the time cover your head no art no fun come one man let the good times roll eat what you want drink wine and be happy

回答 (5)

2014-06-15 5:08 am
Putting your trust in a book written about an unseen and unknowable supreme being by a primitive, barbaric tribe is probably not a good idea. What gives you the idea that they knew of what they spoke, given their low level of education?

Note that my response is not solely directed at the Koran. Another fairly popular religious book meets that description, too.
2014-06-15 5:10 am
The Koran if full of idea from the Bible, but it does not have the True Jesus Christ in it. I have come to understand that many people who convert to Islam (are not Muslims) done so because of the culture of the Middle East. Which is very close to the time of Jesus Christ, but the Koran has many false claims in it. True, many rules but that should not the things that first caught your attention. The fact that it says Jesus Christ was never crucified and died is not historical. The Koran is the only book that claim history did not happen. The Koran demands the killing of all Christians and Jews. Muslim says that Islam is a religion of peace...not so when their so call prophet demands the death of everyone who's not a Muslim. They call themselves the sister faith of Christianity but they are against the core of Christianity. However as a Christians we are called to love them, putting the sword in their hands. But our salvation is sure, because Jesus Christ who is King, Lord, Savior and High Priest has conquered the grave. He is coming for his own. The Law was but to show us that we are sinners and we could not of ourselves be saved -thus the law kills. But Grace, being a gift given from above, Jesus Christ reign in whomever believe in his shading of blood for the sins of the world -thus grace multiplies in our weaknesses. For it is written: "I'm the Way, the True, and the Life" says the Lord. "I'm coming soon and my reward is with me to give to everyone according to what he has don". Amen.

The Koran and the Holy Bible are not the same and does not have the same GOD, or at least does not view GOD the same as He is. However, you should talk with God all the time...It is a relationship. Speak to Him as He gave you your daily breath. Read your Bible my beloved.
2014-06-15 4:45 am
That is what they did, when Moses went up to get the Ten Commandments. 3,000 met the Grim Reaper, when Moses came down, and threw down the Tablets in anger.
Also this occurred in Noah's Flood, exactly what they were doing.
Take break, and Satan has you exactly where he wants you.
參考: The Bible KJV
2014-06-15 1:08 pm
It's up to you not to believe but you mustn't say stupid about quran if you want to go to heaven you have to do what the quran say if you don't then you will go to hell anyway as I said before don't believe if don't want but don't say stupid
2014-06-15 4:42 am
drunkenness is a sin every true Christian knows that.

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