Should I get my wife a can opener for Valentine’s Day?

2020-02-14 8:40 pm

回答 (63)

2020-02-14 8:41 pm
If your goal is to ruin the day for her then sure, go ahead stupid!
2020-02-15 5:42 am
It's a practical gift. Nothing wrong with that. I would appreciate it if it was me. 
2020-02-14 8:55 pm
It will certainly come in handy for her when it comes to tipping cold baked beans over your head.
2020-02-15 2:31 pm
Is it to open the dog food for your dinner?
2020-02-15 8:23 am
You should get her nothing for Valentine's day.
2020-02-15 6:38 am
I guess you mean electric, not manual. Only if she already has a vacuum cleaner and plenty of panty hose, which are more important. With the can opener, she can serve up dog food for lunch and cat food for dinner. 
2020-02-15 9:21 am
If she needs it and would use it allot, yes. It's a nice gift.
2020-02-15 5:21 am
I have had worse gifts!  If she needs one, yes.  I usually want things which are practical and needed.  I have problems with my wrists so I cannot use the old-fashioned manual can opener.  I have an electric one and it sure helps!  :D
2020-02-14 8:58 pm
Not gonna lie but I would be happy with a can opener from my bf - mine broke so i he got me one then it kinda shows he cares hahah
2020-02-17 2:42 am
Sure, if you don't mind when she turns it on YOU and gets going on your tender manly parts.
2020-02-16 11:27 pm
I wouldn't just do that. Buy her a can of Baked Beans as well. Then she's got something to open.
2020-02-16 8:16 am
OK!  She may use it to open one or two of your veins!
2020-02-15 1:44 am
I would give her something with a little more thought 
2020-02-14 11:24 pm
Sure, if you want to.  You ca get flowers, candy, diamonds. or...

a can opener.  How romantic.
2020-02-14 8:49 pm
Yes, she'll be delighted and don't forget the can of beans to go with it.
2021-01-20 1:54 pm
Never. Does she worth a can opener to you. She deserves the best.
2021-01-03 7:55 am
Well, if she prefers practical gifts and needs a can opener, get her one.

Otherwise, I suggest something considerably more romantic. Unless you want to be hit over the head with the can opener.

But hey, little troll, you might find that erotically exciting. To each his own....
2020-06-28 9:23 pm
Not unless you want her to stop fixing real that are not out of a can only.  It is not a good idea, get her something a little more - nope a lot more romantic.
2020-04-24 4:46 am
No I would get something more special. 
2020-02-19 9:33 am
You could, but first answer these questions..

Price, When, Why, Where, Reaction, Meaning? Romantic? Enjoyment? Amount? Use?

How much money will it be? Is it in your budget? Meaning? Romantic?

When will it be delivered, in stock, or when can you get it?

Why does she want it? Why do you want to give her it?

Where will you get it?

How will she react?

Is there meaning to it?

Is it romantic?

Will she like it?

Will it last long?

Will she actually use it?

Overall Rating?

you can rate them all out of 5 and if you get over 35/50 then it is good gift
2020-02-18 12:03 pm
yes, yes you should.
2020-02-18 7:11 am
Absolutely, nothing could go wrong with that idea
參考: Logic
2020-02-17 3:36 am
A little bird told me that your gift is a stack of divorce papers.
2020-02-16 11:03 am
No. I'd rather buy a small heart shaped box containing chocolate
2020-02-16 8:07 am
Unless she seems super excited about one, I'd say no.
2020-02-16 7:41 am
I think you should get a pair of boots for your wife, so that she can use them to kick your can.
2020-02-16 6:49 am
Once I got her a non-stick skillet for Valentine's Day... but I had asked her if she really wanted anything and that is what she wanted.  (I did also take her out to a nice dinner that evening, though.)
2020-02-16 4:07 am
Yes it’s the thought that counts, tell her the real present is that she has you 
2020-02-16 2:08 am
Give her a kiss and say my love is enough for you
2020-02-15 6:03 pm
What has she been using to open cans? Get her something that has sentimental value for Valentine’s Day, or take her out to dinner, to a place that she has wanted to go to etc. Buy the can opener and any other kitchen appliances that she needs whenever you go grocery shopping.
2020-02-15 1:58 pm
I think if you bought her the Toucan worlds easiest hands free can opener then it would be Avery suitable gift, I would suggest buying her a can of flowers so she can use the can opener 
2020-02-15 10:04 am
Only if it has the bottle opener on it. That way she can open you beer for you to before serving you. 
2020-02-15 8:38 am
You are a gift itself.
2020-02-15 3:23 am
Does she need one?  Also, be really generous and give her a man.  
2020-02-15 3:07 am
Not unless she asked specifically for it. 
2020-02-15 2:34 am
No!Instead you get her a romantic present like a bouquet of flowers!
2020-02-15 1:43 am
sii and give her the champagne too and toast w.u.
2020-02-14 9:33 pm
You have got to be kidding.  Valentine's day is to show someone how much you love them.  Where is the love in a can opener, cheap skate?
2020-02-14 8:56 pm
No you shouldn't. 
2020-02-14 8:52 pm
Sure, then get her the power saw she always wanted as well; goes over so nicely.
2020-02-19 10:20 am
NO she can have that anyday as it is a necessary item.Be sweet and buy her something more in keeping with the day.Making good points for you.!
2020-02-18 3:54 pm
If she loves to Drink then you can gift her a Can Opener.
2020-02-17 12:22 am
It depends if she likes cab openers but if not then no
2020-02-17 12:04 am
Yes, if she's asked you for one.
2020-02-16 1:39 pm
She is not your slave she is your partner if this is true
2020-02-16 1:24 pm
An Englishman an Irishman and a Scotsman were discussing romantic Valentine's day gifts.

"I'm buying my wife a necklace and a scarf. That way, if she doesn't like the necklace, she can cover it with the scarf."
"Oi know what you mean" added the Irishman "Oi bought my wife a new watch but oi also got her a blouse with long sleeves in case she didn't like the look of it"

"I ken" said the Scotsman. "I bought my wife a handbag and a vibrator. If she disnae like the handbag, she can gae f@%k herself'"
2020-02-16 6:04 am
Yes. Of course you should. As a lover of females I can assure you that nothing would make her happier than a can opener for a present as a celebration of your love for her. Some may say that it might make her question all of her life decisions leading up to this moment but no, she will not do that because can openers are just something else man. So if anything, you are just gonna get lucky tonight.
2020-02-16 5:04 am
Here is my dad's story.  I came home for a visit, after a log trip aboard for work, and it was my parents anniversary, and my dad was so excited about what he got my mom,  it was a brand new stove oven.  I was shocked.  I told him you can not give that to mom today.  He said, I thought you are supposed to give what they really want and ask for, you mom has been asking for a new oven for months.  I said, that's because it broke a few months back.  That is for the house, not for mom. I bought a set of pearls for my girlfriend, and gave them to dad to give to mom. I left to see other family, and came back a few hours later, My mom was dancing and singing in the kitchen, making breakfast, and my dad was smiling on his rider mowing the lawn.  My dad stopped and told me mom was a crazy woman.  She attacked me.  She threw me on the bed and attacked me.  I don't know why. I did not think your mom liked those things.  It turned out, having 10 kids, there was no money for pretty  friviless things, so my mom know they could not afford perfume or jewelry, told my dad she did not like it, so he would not feel bad he could not give it.  They were married for 54 yrs, before my foolish dad died, for not going to the damn doctors, when he should have. Sorry lost my head a bit. But a can opener is a house gift, not a wife gift.  I do hate valentines day, but I at least send flowers and sometimes, I set up a double couples massage.  We both get relaxed, The kids stay with grand parents for the night and we get a free day of just doing nothing unless we want to.  But I do this on other days too.  
2020-02-16 1:57 am
just go for it...
2020-02-16 12:25 am
That can absolutely be a good gift.  It would depend on how materialistic she is and if you do or don't generally ever show her love and affection.  Despite the answers from those who are literally putting a price tag and a need for material hoarding as a price for their "love", there's nothing special about doing what everyone else is doing.  Anyone can buy a "Valentine's Day" package online with little to no thought.  The best thing you can do is something that is actually personal. In this case if she really wants a can opener and you know she won't "price" your love and affection go for it.  Another idea is to go out to dinner on the 15th.  Not only are prices magically lower, but most of the restaurants will be next to empty.  It makes it much more about you and her, not you, her and 30 other couples doing exactly the same thing.  What's romantic about that? 
2020-02-15 11:56 pm
Yes if you want to be an *** wheres the romance? If you could somehow make it romantic you could give a woman a turd and she would love it‼️
2020-02-15 9:29 pm
Customise it, it will look cute than a regular gift.
2020-02-15 10:25 am
Yes and be sure to let us know how the divorce proceedings work out for you.
參考: Don't feel bad though. I'm a terrible gifter and usually don't give gifts.
2020-02-15 10:21 am
No why would you only buy her that she deserves more 
2020-02-15 2:27 am
its the thought that counts.can opener wrapped and a card..The fact that the thought counts more than the price tag is important for people to realize, especially in these challenging economic times when people are really strapped for cash.”
2020-02-14 11:01 pm
yes you should.  Get her a jackrabbit vibrating dildo too.  
參考: Ivanka Trump
2020-02-14 9:31 pm
Romance is still alive.😄
2020-02-14 9:02 pm
Yes, but make sure it's a good one. Most of the ones made today just break in two weeks. If you have a Publix nearby they have good ones.
2020-02-14 8:46 pm
Not unless you resort to canned food for lifetime.
2020-02-17 2:06 am
I would choose another gift, very often can openers become dull or they break in a short space of time. They are not lasting. 
2020-02-15 9:56 pm
No get her an iron, a deep fat frier, an oven glove, some washing tablets and some cleaning materials.
2020-02-15 5:06 am
I think it's a good idea. It would far more useful for the day to day running of the household than say jewelry, chocolate, and flowers.
2020-02-15 2:16 am
Each year on February 14, people exchange cards, candy or flowers with their special “valentine.” St. Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century, but has origins in the Roman holiday Lupercalia.

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