Why do we have to pay for Microsoft?

2017-10-19 6:08 am
I bought a new laptop and I have to pay for Microsoft office. I remember when it was free why doesn’t this come with the laptop. I already pay an arm and leg for it.

回答 (26)

2017-10-19 7:57 am
Microsoft Office has never been free. Some manufacturers bundled MS Works with their computers in the 1990s, but that died out years ago. You can use Libre Office or Open Office, or Google's online suite.
2017-10-20 8:31 pm
Microsoft Office has never been free per se. But back in the early days of Microsoft Office, one person could buy a copy of Microsoft Office and then share it will an unlimited number of friends and none of those friends had to pay for it. So you are possibly referring to the grand "old days" of Microsoft office.

What you need to do is read up on the anti-trust lawsuit against Microsoft. The U.S. Govt battled Microsoft for over 20 yrs on anti-trust with respect to Windows and IE. At the same time, in a separate lawsuit, Microsoft was charged for using its dominance to push other software products as well, including its office suite programs as well as its e-mail software. After all of this was finally settled, shortly after that Microsoft had to then stop allowing their software to be spread around "free" and therein was born the days of having to pay for every single copy of their Office program. So you can thank the Govt for this due to these lawsuits.

Ultimately in the end I suspect we would have eventually had to start paying for all copies of Microsoft Office anyway. Programmer salary costs alone that Microsoft was having to pay would have forced them to have to try and recoup these costs via sales.

All this said, if you aren't willing to buy Microsoft Office, there are generic versions of Office on the market that are free and do just about everything Microsoft Office does. The best on the market in this class is Libre Office. That is here https://www.libreoffice.org
2017-10-20 11:37 am
you have to pay for it. microsoft is a business.
2017-10-19 6:51 am
There are many free alternatives including Libre Office and Open Office, also try these, https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/technology/computing/using/6-free-alternatives-to-microsoft-office , and Apache OpenOffice.
2017-10-19 6:51 am
It was never free. If it came pre-installed and actually operating, the cost was built into the cost of the computer.

What do you do for a living? Do you work for free? Do you give away your services? Why should any other company have to give you free stuff?
2017-10-20 11:40 am
Pretty much because they have to pay to run it
2017-10-19 6:08 am
microsoft wanna make more money. they know people will buy it
2017-10-19 7:08 am
This is why OpenOffice was developed and why Google docs was developed. They are free to download and use. OpenOffice has the full suite.
Go to http://www.openoffice.org/download/
to get it.
2017-10-20 5:31 pm
Pirate it Microsoft has become an immoral company since their main product Windows 10 is nothing but Telemetry on top of telemetry they don't deserve their profits your already paying them enough with your personal data
2017-10-20 8:50 am
Programmers have to eat too. Office was never free.

But AJ listed a lot of good free alternatives, I use Open Office personally.
2017-10-19 7:00 am
As far as I'm aware, Office was never free. You always pay for it in some way, directly or indirectly.

As others have said, you can use free alternatives. They work as well, if not, better, than Office and they are compatible with .doc and .docx files. There may be some slight formatting issues though.
2017-10-20 3:21 am
cuz bill gates is a fag
2017-10-25 8:20 pm
Microsoft is a Company and they have program & staff for make software for people. The Microsoft Office is they are products. So they are running Microsoft Company by sales of products. so why you want to use the Microsoft Office as free? Somebodies used Microsoft products as free and demo version or pirated-copy. So they are facing problem sometimes. So purchase original copies & run the computer smoothly.
2017-10-23 8:21 pm
You have need to pay for the authorised access.
2017-10-23 8:18 pm
2017-10-22 2:05 pm
Why do you have to pay? Because Microsoft is a business and businesses exist to make money. And yes, Office was never free. Bundled is not "free." (There was a "starter edition" of Word and Excel that was badly crippled.) You can, if you like, use the web versions.
2017-10-21 8:07 pm
If u dont want to pay then please go for a free processorsoftware which is provided online but there is no gurantee of the authencity
2017-10-21 7:18 pm
If you can set up linux you can use open application program.
2017-10-20 10:08 pm
I'm sure there was a component of MS Office in the cost of your computer, but that is probably because you bought a "bundle" rather than a naked computer.

You should have asked the vendor whether they had a different bundle that didn't include Office, and if not, ask if it would be possible to buy a "naked" computer and a "naked" copy of Win10.
2017-10-20 3:28 pm
Why do we have to pay for goods?
2017-10-20 11:24 am
Works was free (and junk); Office never was.

Just use OpenOffice if you want a free productivity suite. It works pretty well.
2017-10-20 10:36 am
like this for about 10 years now
there are free word programs out there, easy to find
2017-10-20 10:35 am
just cuz it has no manufacturing expense doesn't mean the creator doesnt need money
2017-10-19 6:13 am
Office sometimes comes bundled as a bones with computers. A lot more in the past than it does now. But They have been charging for it for over 20 years. You don't have to buy it. You can still use your old version. I know that Office 2003 works with Windows 10. There are a few free alternatives such a open Office.
2017-10-20 10:35 am
2017-10-21 12:49 am
2017-10-20 9:42 pm
you buy copy of office 7 and it runs on windows 10
參考: i run this office on my windows 10
2017-10-20 10:33 am

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