
Lv 7
Ok, here are how I see my answers/comments to your posts:1.不要希望我一開始就給你一個完美答案 那多是妳的責任2. 我愛設計讓你犯錯讓妳思考然後讓妳自己找到答案3. 愛我不愛? 悉聽尊便 (hehehe, 中語進步多多吧!)4. Please do not vote for my answer and vote for the best one. It is your integrity on the line and you need to carefully guard it.5. Please DO NOT vote for my answer if you don't understand it or if you are class 5 beginner with your user profile locked. As matter of fact, you should not vote at all if you are such.Hi, I am prisoner, numbered 26535. I use the computers in my facility library most of the time, so I may only be able to write in English. Thanks請不要拉票 我不會因為妳是朋友就投妳一票若是我像妳拉票 請妳一定不要投給我Dude, please stop inviting me for your group. My promise to Mommy - what happened in the Internet stays in the Internet. However, I would be happy to answer your question via email.謝謝妳要求我加入妳的知識團我不行加入的email me if you want me to answer your question(s). -P.
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2017-11-21 12:42 am
請教導3年班英文工作紙,明天交,求簡單回答 1.If you are going to have a birthday party what do you want to do with your friends?
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2017-11-20 12:21 am
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2017-11-19 11:45 pm
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2017-11-20 12:03 am
請求各位大大幫幫忙🙏 可以幫我把這兩句翻成英文嗎 1.你想要應徵什麼職務 2.沒事的話,就可以先離開囉!?
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2017-11-19 9:33 pm
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2017-11-18 6:19 pm
代幣一枚一元,機器均有標示所需枚數 求中翻英!!!!!!!!!?
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2017-11-18 9:54 pm
A adventure story(120字)?
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2017-11-17 10:42 pm
critical 當作{危險的}意思用 跟dangerous有甚麼分別 請給予句子的例子 謝謝?
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2017-11-17 8:58 pm
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2017-11-15 2:23 pm
focus , concentrate有咩分別 請用中文解釋 謝謝?
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2017-11-15 11:30 pm
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2017-11-15 12:07 am
abililty capability 有咩分別?
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2017-11-14 11:56 pm
participate attend 兩者也有參加的意思 他們使用的情況/時機/用法 有甚麼不同?
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2017-11-14 9:20 pm
我英文很差勁 但我有個功課 要修正所有的錯誤文法 文法是現代式的?
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2017-11-14 9:23 pm
哪位神人大大能幫幫我?我英文很爛 老師出一個功課 要我找出自傳中 "使用錯誤的現代式" 並修正?
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2017-11-14 2:58 pm
cook chef有分別?
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2017-11-14 1:22 am
幫我翻譯這段話: for now I can only buy iPhones that are locked to a particular Network AT&T , Verizon ; sprint etc But besides ; this is business?
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2017-11-13 10:56 pm
I see trucks parked curbside in neighborhoods overflowing with good and diverse restaurants and no need at all of food trucks .這句的文法和with用錯嗎?
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2017-11-13 2:37 pm
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2017-11-13 9:14 pm
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2017-11-13 3:13 pm
I want a house that is beautiful and broad,with a simple structure. 這句文法有錯嗎 這裡的with是因為代表(展示)的意思而用 還是係因為 (與......有關)的意思而用 還是係其他情況,所以用?
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2017-11-13 9:24 am
泡打粉 in English?
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2017-11-12 1:58 pm
I have a idea in the discussion about keeping ecological balance. 我想表達:我有一個想法在關於保持生態平衡的討論 這句的文法有錯嗎 假設我把句中的in換作on: 我有1個想法在XX上 在英文的文法和邏輯上是容許嗎?
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2017-11-12 1:14 pm
Could you email me with your request as soon as you know them? 這句的文法有錯誤嗎?? 這句使用with的時機的甚麼 with在這句擔當著甚麼角色?
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2017-11-12 10:14 am
英文語法問題was還是 were?The front row of seats was/were deliberately left empty?
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2017-11-11 7:00 pm
Unless you have a speech with your plans about holiday of this year. 呢句野係英文既邏輯和文法上有錯嗎?
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2017-11-10 9:09 pm
ur english is good u love my sexy big ass yeah?
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2017-11-10 9:15 pm
改為單數怎麼寫 These are erasers,and those are pictures?
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2017-11-10 3:58 pm
請幫忙翻譯英文。謝謝 因更衣室儲物櫃已滿,將會有多位新員工加入,需要增加儲物櫃。我們會移開一張長椅擺放儲物櫃。?
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2017-11-08 10:17 am
這些英文我看不懂請好心人幫我翻譯 None of the above, it's a Dusky Warbler, no wing bars, very brown and warm tones overall, thin bill.?
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2017-11-07 8:22 pm
請問這部影片哪個網站上面找? 這句的英文要怎麼說?
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2017-11-08 12:36 am
Translate urgent formal email 現通知各位本年度的聖誕派對12月24日因為太多同事不能出席,所以現決定改為12月30日除夕派對?
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2017-11-08 12:06 am
請問有大大可以翻譯 XX大學70周年校慶運動會的英文 感謝回覆 謝謝?
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2017-11-08 12:10 am
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2017-11-07 10:01 am
雅思作文,task 1,若要表達 在這兩個國家中,森林面積並沒有劇幅變動,要怎麼寫? In the two countries, the numbers of the area of the woods didn t fluctuate. 這樣寫對嗎?
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2017-11-07 4:42 pm
中翻英 "如果你要成功,你就必須去堅持" 該如何翻?
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2017-11-05 9:18 pm
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2017-11-04 3:14 pm
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2017-11-03 6:32 pm
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2017-11-02 11:44 pm
翻譯做英文,如果唔係無得收工! 求求大家幫手! 本場一向重視保安環節,並會定期檢視場內設施以提升質素,上圖為最新加裝之CCTV位置,以擴大CCTV系統監察之範圍,加強保安作用。?
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2017-11-02 10:57 pm
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2017-10-30 9:25 pm
關於英文come across的用法問題。?
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2017-10-25 10:03 pm
what is reduced bearing??????????? quickquickquick?
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2017-10-24 9:39 pm
麻煩大大幫忙翻譯 『我想到店取貨 請問這些商品要到哪裡取貨』的英文 感謝!?
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2017-10-24 7:17 pm
關於英文blow off及be covered問題。?
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2017-10-22 2:53 am
英文翻譯感謝 "產品生產時包裝沒有密封完整 "?
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2017-10-20 12:39 am
前世五百次的回眸 才換來今生的相遇 該怎麼翻譯英文?
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2017-10-19 10:50 am
電腦課需要用到拜託各位了是dev c++的問題?
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2017-10-19 2:34 pm
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2017-10-18 8:38 pm
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