
Lv 7
Ok, here are how I see my answers/comments to your posts:1.不要希望我一開始就給你一個完美答案 那多是妳的責任2. 我愛設計讓你犯錯讓妳思考然後讓妳自己找到答案3. 愛我不愛? 悉聽尊便 (hehehe, 中語進步多多吧!)4. Please do not vote for my answer and vote for the best one. It is your integrity on the line and you need to carefully guard it.5. Please DO NOT vote for my answer if you don't understand it or if you are class 5 beginner with your user profile locked. As matter of fact, you should not vote at all if you are such.Hi, I am prisoner, numbered 26535. I use the computers in my facility library most of the time, so I may only be able to write in English. Thanks請不要拉票 我不會因為妳是朋友就投妳一票若是我像妳拉票 請妳一定不要投給我Dude, please stop inviting me for your group. My promise to Mommy - what happened in the Internet stays in the Internet. However, I would be happy to answer your question via email.謝謝妳要求我加入妳的知識團我不行加入的email me if you want me to answer your question(s). -P.
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2017-10-18 10:15 pm
關於英文the number one thing to remember is後接動詞的問題。?
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2017-10-18 9:43 am
急急急~英文語法!! Let me show you me 有需要加about 嗎?
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2017-10-17 10:49 pm
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2017-10-17 2:25 am
失去並不可怕 可怕的是不知道原因 中翻英?
Chris Lau
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2017-10-16 10:51 pm
學債 既英文係咩? student education debt?
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2017-10-15 11:17 am
Most most memorable thing as a waiter 的英作可以點寫80字左右?
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2017-10-10 6:28 pm
請求英文翻譯, 高手幫忙! 加強曰常電腦文件準確度,面對逆景時須調節情緒 Many thanks?
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2017-10-06 8:30 pm
a box office flop系咩意思?
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2017-10-05 10:23 pm
中翻英 無論如何 我這輩子都一定不會忘記妳 希望妳能記得 在世界的某個角落裡 有著一個以妳為目標 一直在努力向前邁進的男孩 我們一起度過6週年了 不管未來發生什麼事情 都想與妳一起度過 陪著妳一起笑 一起哭 一起面對未來 比起看見妳哭 更想看見妳笑 因為妳笑起來比任何人都還要美?
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2017-10-04 11:27 pm
請幫我中翻英謝謝!!! 雖然很遺憾無法看著妳吹蠟燭的幸福模樣 但我的心永遠與妳同在 在未來的日子裡 無論10年、20年、甚至是30年 我都想一直陪著妳走下去 無論如何都想繼續支持著妳 每當遇到特別的日子就寫信給妳 每次一定都要把心意完整的傳達給妳 未來我一定會想辦法見到妳的?
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2017-10-04 7:22 pm
hello kitty點樣死?
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2017-10-04 7:10 pm
請問 再搭飛機排隊等check in 時 如果班機時間已經快到時 要怎麼跟前面排隊的人說 請我讓先check in 的英文 謝謝?
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2017-10-04 3:30 am
Shing Hin
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2017-09-30 8:56 pm
停止接受中國歷史教育, 停止售賣西方製品, 香港人要擁有獨立的思想(不是港獨), 要學新事物, 不要自封, 不受Chinese , English思想影響?
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2017-09-30 10:37 pm
Peter scanned the yellow pages looking for the number of a plumber. 為什麼scan後面的動詞look是用looking ?
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2017-09-29 10:23 pm
請幫中翻英 我甚至無法想像 深情望著妳的眼睛與妳對話 是多麼幸福的一件事情 但是 我現在還不夠好 還沒有好到能夠見妳的程度 所以不管生活多麼忙碌 每天總是會固定撥出一些時間 好好的學習韓文 除了希望未來能夠與妳交談之外 也從各方面一直讓自己變的更好 因為妳讓我想成為一個更好的人?
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2017-09-29 11:04 pm
Anderson Ho
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2017-09-29 5:27 pm
請問I think you reach the wrong number.的英文句子 之中的reach應該如何解釋? 謝謝?
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2017-09-29 9:38 am
請幫我回覆英文回信 謝謝?
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2017-09-25 8:46 am
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2017-09-22 9:09 pm
毕业不是终点 而是新的开始 可以帮忙翻译成英文吗?要正确的英文 谢谢各位?
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2017-09-22 9:10 pm
A art gallery … 為什麼在Yahoo英文網站被用得那麼普遍?
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2017-09-20 8:51 pm
C++語言新手 求教學?
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2017-09-21 6:46 pm
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2017-09-19 7:53 pm
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2017-09-19 4:12 pm
英文問題Because once John committed himself to putting his life back together?
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2017-09-17 10:51 pm
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2017-09-17 11:04 am
Regarding China visiting, please kindly send the inner page of passport which has photo copy for us, and your stamp of visa recently 英文是否正確?
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2017-09-17 4:50 pm
請協助英文翻譯 此報價為標準包裝,若需其他包裝樣式,將另收費(或是增加額外費用)?
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2017-09-16 1:41 pm
"請王先生將這筆款項從台灣帶回並轉交給日本老闆" 的英文怎麼說?
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2017-09-15 11:51 pm
“比起失敗,我更害怕停在原地。”英文翻譯 Instead of failure, I'm more afraid of marking time.這樣翻對嗎?
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2017-09-14 9:15 pm
請問下列這句英文,開頭為何是使用where呢?謝謝 Where overdosing on coffee may make you jittery,green tea has just enough caffeine ..............................?
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2017-09-14 8:15 am
請問以下句子是什麼意思? How do you describe yourself other than as a dancer?
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2017-09-14 2:26 am
有沒有人知道描述性文法( Descriptive rule) 的中文例子?
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2017-09-13 2:21 pm
my dream job (a ldol)(at least 70 words )I need to hang it in Friday. Thanks !?
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2017-09-13 3:49 am
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2017-09-12 8:54 pm
Girl's 與 Girls' 的差別?
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2017-09-12 10:26 am
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2017-09-11 6:31 pm
salami 是熟的嗎?
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2017-09-11 12:33 am
關於英文people packing the streets looking for fun的問題。?
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2017-09-09 10:12 pm
關於英文insist on my的問題。?
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2017-09-08 9:39 am
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2017-09-08 5:46 pm
請問英文高手! 「被風纏繞的命運」 要怎麼翻譯成英文? 謝謝! (不要用GOOGLE翻譯 感謝)?
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2017-09-08 12:07 am
We are very sorry to inform you which is about L/C discrepancy. 想請問一下,這樣寫文法上是否有錯 我該用 which 嗎?
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2017-09-07 11:39 pm
Is that man your father? No. He's my aunt's husband, uncle John, 最後一句的uncle John's uncle 需要大寫嗎?
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2017-09-07 9:35 am
If you are persistent and consistent, you are bound to succeed. consistent : 持續的,始終如一的 persistent :持續的,堅持不懈的 請問:二者有有何差別?
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2017-09-05 3:57 pm
請問一下 我想下一個slogan:讓你的抉擇致富 ,類似意思,如果用 rich your chose 這個文法可行嗎 因為我想用這句 謝謝您?
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2017-09-06 9:06 pm
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2017-09-05 10:33 pm
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2017-09-05 10:32 am
(求解) 【農產品加工】與【窗簾訂製】的英文 (製作名片需要的)?
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