I want a house that is beautiful and broad,with a simple structure. 這句文法有錯嗎 這裡的with是因為代表(展示)的意思而用 還是係因為 (與......有關)的意思而用 還是係其他情況,所以用?

2017-11-13 3:13 pm

回答 (2)

2017-11-13 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.把broad用在house 上面 倒是少見.我常見的是roomy and spacious.

2."with" a simple structure用的也不洽當.好像是把"a simple structure"當作一個直接的工具來達成某種居家的功能.

我覺得應該要用 in simple structures.就像是人的穿著一樣.


I want a house that is beautiful and spacious, yet in simple structures.

因為一般直覺是 提高功能需求 會增加結構設計的複雜性.
使用yet來表示 語氣的反摺.
2017-11-13 5:35 pm
with, prep. equivalent to constructions with the house, and the verb "have"; means having; carrying; characterized by eg:-a house with a simple structure.
with, prep.-----to indicate accompaniment or relationship:-eg:-Live with your simple house.
The verb "want" is followed by a noun "house" by the qualifying phrase"with a simple structure" and a "that" clause=that is beautiful and broad.
Hence:-eg:-I want a house ,"with a simple structure", that is beautiful and broad.

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