The front row of seats was/were deliberately left empty.
1. "The front row" is singular, so the verb should be singular as :
The front row of seats was deliberately left empty.
2. 查字典.了解(聊解)一下: (Longman dictionary)
an empty/vacant seat
Patrick spotted an empty seat near the back.
Therefore, both adjectives (empty and vacant) should have the same meaning for describing a seat.
Also quoted from Longman:
In everyday English, people usually say that a seat or room is free rather than vacant:
Is this seat free?
3. 今時今天的英文應該是
- adverbs of manner are normally placed in front of the main verbs, as "deliberately left". (although it is not wrong to place it at the end...)
- it was the seats that were left empty but not the row. (row of what?)
所以應該是: Seats (all seats) in the front row were deliberately left empty.