Translate urgent formal email 現通知各位本年度的聖誕派對12月24日因為太多同事不能出席,所以現決定改為12月30日除夕派對?

2017-11-08 12:36 am

回答 (2)

2017-11-08 1:15 am
Urgent - due to low participation of the december 24th Christmas party, we are moving it to the New Year eve and rename it "New Year Eve Party".

No alcohol is served and kids of all ages are welcome.
2017-11-08 1:38 am
This is to notify that the celebration of Christmas Party on 24th of December will be cancelled due to lack of attendance of colleagues and then New Year's Eve Party will be taken place on 30th of the same month. . Yip

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