
Lv 7
Ok, here are how I see my answers/comments to your posts:1.不要希望我一開始就給你一個完美答案 那多是妳的責任2. 我愛設計讓你犯錯讓妳思考然後讓妳自己找到答案3. 愛我不愛? 悉聽尊便 (hehehe, 中語進步多多吧!)4. Please do not vote for my answer and vote for the best one. It is your integrity on the line and you need to carefully guard it.5. Please DO NOT vote for my answer if you don't understand it or if you are class 5 beginner with your user profile locked. As matter of fact, you should not vote at all if you are such.Hi, I am prisoner, numbered 26535. I use the computers in my facility library most of the time, so I may only be able to write in English. Thanks請不要拉票 我不會因為妳是朋友就投妳一票若是我像妳拉票 請妳一定不要投給我Dude, please stop inviting me for your group. My promise to Mommy - what happened in the Internet stays in the Internet. However, I would be happy to answer your question via email.謝謝妳要求我加入妳的知識團我不行加入的email me if you want me to answer your question(s). -P.
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2017-12-30 4:37 pm
Man Keung
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2017-12-29 9:17 pm
is koyli air suck?
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2017-12-29 10:08 pm
想請問 「King executive suite如果要加床的話 你們是加哪一種床? 折疊床嗎?還是標準的單人床?」 這句的英文 ,怎麼說,謝謝解答?
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2017-12-28 7:54 pm
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2017-12-28 9:20 pm
請教關於英文翻譯的問題 我的英文不太好 請見諒 (也許它很簡單只是我轉不過來)?
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2017-12-24 10:19 pm
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2017-12-24 7:56 pm
since和until可共用在一句嗎? 例如: Since yesterday, I've been learning English until I go to Japan next year.?
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2017-12-22 9:47 am
商用英文翻譯 與廠商討論付款方式?
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2017-12-20 12:32 pm
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2017-12-19 10:22 pm
我忘記多少錢了 請問英文 I forgot how much it is 對嗎 謝謝?
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2017-12-18 8:20 pm
這個世界沒有永遠的敵人, 也沒有永遠的朋友。請精簡翻譯, 謝謝! 🙏?
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2017-12-18 6:27 pm
請求中翻英一句話,勿用翻譯軟體,謝謝 這封信的內容有些沉重。?
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2017-12-18 7:18 pm
套房升級怎麼用英文說 i would like to update my room? 情境是當發現房間太小時怎麼跟櫃台說換一間房間或升級 謝謝?
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2017-12-16 4:25 am
『苦盡甘來』英文翻譯『Take the bitter with the sweet.』求解釋? 用甜來得到苦,我覺得意思反了!為什麼不是用苦來得到甜『Take the sweet with the bitter.』?
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2017-12-15 2:29 am
我在樂天市場網購物 請大家幫忙英文 翻譯e-mail, 謝謝 1·現在要同買家說確定貨物 2·叫買家提供銀行轉帳户口給我?
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2017-12-14 11:12 pm
求搵人翻譯,中譯英… 可付費,如有興趣請email我,切勿google…?
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2017-12-14 9:50 pm
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2017-12-14 8:21 pm
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2017-12-13 2:05 am
英文佳的請進🙋🏻‍♀️求英文翻譯(不要google 翻譯)?
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2017-12-12 2:04 pm
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2017-12-12 7:15 pm
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2017-12-11 10:50 pm
有人能幫能翻譯嗎?英文報告QQ ( 緊急 )?
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2017-12-07 11:29 pm
Could you please correct this email for me?
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2017-12-07 10:11 pm
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2017-12-07 8:02 pm
what your name?
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2017-12-08 12:51 am
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2017-12-05 5:28 pm
詢問英文翻譯 想跟妳確認我有年假嗎?
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2017-12-04 5:20 pm
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2017-12-04 9:47 pm
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2017-12-04 9:11 pm
These situations show that the number of elementary school students ( ) sharply in recent years.空格內應填入has decreased 還是 have decrease?
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2017-12-04 12:34 am
想詢問這句英文引號內要如何解釋? 謝謝!! We shall be obliged if you remit the amount" due to us in return".?
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2017-12-03 11:50 pm
想問這句文法有錯嗎? Maybe I m not the "BEST BROTHER",but I want you to know that I ll always be your backing no matter when.?
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2017-12-01 6:56 pm
英文句子 不知道這種情形是用現在式還是過去式 It is /was?
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2017-12-01 8:28 am
請問,I don t believe it s been booked for July 5 yet.翻成 「我不相信它在七月五號預定了」,對嗎?
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2017-12-01 12:13 am
英文詞性-名詞請教 [n] =名詞 , 其中[C][U]的屬性, 會同時出現, 在使用上,如何快速區別?
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2017-11-30 7:49 pm
加拿大 哪一個國家公園位於洛磯山脈?
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2017-11-30 11:52 pm
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2017-11-30 6:18 pm
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2017-11-30 2:45 am
He speaks English too fast to be understood He speaks English too fast to understand 哪一句對?
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2017-11-29 9:46 pm
想問下以下句子語譯? 1. 備邊之要,不扼險以制敵之沖,未易勝也。 2. 經非權則泥,權非經則悖 3. 古者建國,使内外相制,輕重相權 4. 如此,富商大賈亡所牟大利。?
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2017-11-29 7:48 pm
請問我ㄧ天看幾篇英文文章 跟短片,可是不會的單字太多記不下來該怎麼辦呢? 每次寫單字本都一大堆單字,花太多時間不說,還常記不起來?
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2017-11-29 11:40 am
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2017-11-28 9:44 pm
請問 把女生 "追到手"的英文要怎麼說啊?
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2017-11-28 12:37 am
看見你所愛 的英文怎麼翻譯?
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2017-11-27 4:35 pm
請問礁溪歡迎您的英文是Jiaosi Welcome You 嗎?
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2017-11-26 11:11 pm
1.He "credited" his success to his parents. 2.He "was credited" with making coffee popular. 請問句子中要不要用be動要用什麼判斷?
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2017-11-21 2:34 pm
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2017-11-21 4:04 pm
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2017-11-21 3:09 am
小三英文功課,急 2.You are going to a park with your family on this Sunday. Write about what your family like doing in the park in about 30 words.?
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2017-11-20 4:26 pm
receive 同 accept 有咩分別?
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