I see trucks parked curbside in neighborhoods overflowing with good and diverse restaurants and no need at all of food trucks .這句的文法和with用錯嗎?

2017-11-13 10:56 pm

回答 (2)

2017-11-14 7:44 am
I see [trucks parked curbside in neighborhoods overflowing with good and diverse restaurants] and [no need at all of food trucks].

I see [1] and I see [2].
This is a compound sentence with two main clauses combined with coordination conjunction "and".

Because of same subject and verb, the sentence is reduced to:
I see [1] and [2].
As the sentence is used to express personal opinion, it is okay to use simple present tense.

[1] I see trucks parked curbside in neighborhoods overflowing with good and diverse restaurants.
The main verb "see" (transitive) means "to become aware of somebody/something by using your eyes" 看見. [1] is the object of "see".

句法: subject + see + object + past participle (passive meaning) + adverb of place

For spoken English, it is normally said "I can see ...." instead of "I see ...".
The adverb of place used in this clause should be two prepositional phrases:
(1) at curbside
The preposition of location "at" is mistakenly missing in the original sentence.
(2) in neighborhoods [overflowing with ....]
[overflowing with ....] is a participle phrase acting as adjective to modify the noun "neighborhoods".

Collocation: The place "overflow with something " is very common and "with" is correctly used.

[2] I see no need at all of food trucks.
The main verb "see" (transitive) means " to notice that something is happening or that something is true". 認為
(= I don't think there is a need for food trucks)

The sentence can be modified to express more clearly the actual meaning:-
I can see trucks parked at curbside in neighborhoods overflowing with good and diverse restaurants and I see no need at all of food trucks.
2017-11-13 11:29 pm
1. using "with" is good here in your sentence. As matter of fact, I think it is an excellent use.

2. My problems with the passage are:

A) see -> saw
B) overflowing - it is too fluid to be used on "good and diverse restaurants". "overflow" seems to suggest that restaurants are coming and going at a blink of eyes. I would use "overcrowded with".

3. suggestion:

try this:

I saw trucks parked curbside in neighbourhoods overcrowded with good and diverse restaurants and no need at all of food trucks.

4. discussions:
What do you think about the followings:

A) I saw them parked curbside in neighbourhoods overcrowded with good and diverse restaurants and no need at all of food trucks.

B) I saw food trucks parked curbside in neighbourhoods overcrowded with good and diverse restaurants and no need at all of them.

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