since和until可共用在一句嗎? 例如: Since yesterday, I've been learning English until I go to Japan next year.?

2017-12-24 7:56 pm

回答 (3)

2017-12-24 8:47 pm
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Since yesterday, I have been learning English and will continue doing so until I go to Japan next year.


1. than the previous day 是verbose.
因為: the tree has been inclined more steeply 就已經表示出"一直在"的意思.
而且,since yesterday就只有一天而已,怎摸會more XXX than the previous day?

2. inclined 被動用得不對. 因為樹 是有意志 行為的生物 應該用主動.

3. which 的使用不洽當. which 是 tree的關代? 還是 inclination 的關代?

4. 所以 應該寫成:

Since yesterday, the tree inclination has becoming more and more severe, which I fear will continue until the tree planter comes back.

5. 偶在我家的游泳池 旁邊也種了一些椰子樹. 有一顆 椰子樹 他也是一直傾斜 現在樹幹是有一半躺在石頭上面 長了10年了 我反而覺得 醬子 比較好看.
2017-12-27 4:43 am
Since yesterday, I have been continuing to learn English prior to Japan. Yip
2017-12-24 9:28 pm
The present perfect continuous expresses actions which began in the past, extended up to now and may continue in the future.
Hence you have learnt English for 1 day and 1 month only.
eg:-I have been learning English (for one day) since yesterday,extended up to now, and "may" continue in the future (for one month) till I go to Japan next year.
--since, adv. with the perfect tense after a day between some time in the past and the present time.
--until , prep, conj--->till.
--hence adv and prep can be used in the same sentence.

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