想詢問這句英文引號內要如何解釋? 謝謝!! We shall be obliged if you remit the amount" due to us in return".?

2017-12-04 12:34 am

想詢問這句英文引號內要如何解釋? 謝謝!! We shall be obliged if you remit the amount" due to us return".?

回答 (3)

2017-12-04 12:53 am
1. "due to us"就是已經到期的(欠缺尤其是債務)
I have two papers due tonight to professor Dolittle.

2. "in return"是 "回報" 或是 "回復" 的意思.
有可能是指 "我剛剛幫你一忙" 而希望你能夠因此而 "算清以前的債務"
有可能是指 "對我們這次信件往來" 的 "回復"

2017-12-04 8:34 am
(1)your liabilities returned us at NTW$(xxxx).

(2)in your answer to our demand. at NTW$(xxx)
2017-12-04 6:30 am
We shall be obliged if you remit the amount due to us in return==我們非常感謝你如果能夠將到期的款項用電匯償還為要. Yip

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