
2017-12-24 10:19 pm
You are what you do.這句的文法是從何而來呢?

回答 (3)

2017-12-24 11:51 pm
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1. 這句話是很標準的英語.類似的有

You are what you eat.
A man is what a man eats.

意思是: 你吃甚麼長大的 就會是怎樣的人.

你的原句 意思是: 做甚麼職業 就會是怎樣子的人就像是 告打漁維生的人 就會養成 冒險的精神 這類的.

2. 文法分析:

what you do是名詞子句 用來當主詞捕語 形容 聚首的You.

A man is what a man does.

3. 應用場合:
多是用在 "負面/成見"的感嘆:

XX國家 選了一位 黑社會 角頭 當總統.他被選上以後 不顧遵守人權 應用暴力 來壓制犯罪.
醬子的狀況下 你就可以說:

A man is what a man does.
2017-12-25 1:39 am
Who you are is what you do. (You are what you do.)

Normally, people would identify you by what you do as the job, or how you behave in daily life. So, "what you do" would be viewed by others as your identity (or, what kind of person you are).
2017-12-24 10:22 pm

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