英文詞性-名詞請教 [n] =名詞 , 其中[C][U]的屬性, 會同時出現, 在使用上,如何快速區別?

2017-12-01 12:13 am

比方: 1. chalk [C][U] 粉筆. 2. muscle [C][U] 肌肉 3. broccoli [C][U] 青花椰 4. tape [C][U] 膠帶 5. juice [C][U] 果汁 , => 液體 可以 數 ????

回答 (2)

2017-12-01 7:15 am

1.多數(英語)名詞背後所代表的觀念與 使用的習慣 都有"質"的觀點 也同時有"量"的觀點.

These two (cars) are too much car for you to buy.

第二個car 是不可數的.是指車子的品質/價值的意思.



2.就拿 牛奶,果汁,水,酒...這些東東來說吧.這些都是可以可數也可以是不可數甚至在同樣一句話裡面.

give me a water.
I like to have two juices.
can I have two more milks?

因為 在那情景之中 都是在講水/奶/酒的"量"(一杯水.二杯果汁,二個奶)
所以就被認知為 "可數名詞"
2017-12-01 1:08 am
Some nouns have no plural forms although they are not material or abstract nouns.Some nouns have the same form in plural as in singular.Some nouns look singular but have a plural meaning.You can tell by making a sentence used to express it.
(1)chalk(C)(U):-Black-board chalk is limestone sticks for writing and drawing.(C).
----The chalk-pit is one from which chalk is dug as natural substance.(U).
(2)muscle(C)(U):-:-When you walk you exercise your leg muscle (C)
---Don't move a muscle,stay perfectly still.(U)
---Physical exercises develop muscle.(U)
---Muscle in on something by using force to get a share of something considered advanatgeous--money.(U)
(3)Broccoli(C)(U):-My mother cooked 4 white and 3 purple sprouts of broccoli in the cook-show.(C)
---Broccoli is a kind of cauliflower with numerous white/purple sprouts of flower-heads.(U)
(4)tape (C,U):-Tape is a narrow strip of material used for tying up parcels etc or in dressmaking.(C)
---The length of tape(C) stretched between the winning-posts on a race-track must be tighten up for sportsmen breast the tape.(C)-----countable no.
---Private conversations between the two presidents had been taped and sent to newspapers.They taped it up securely.(U)---as a verb,quality or value
---That's a nasty cut on your body and you had better get it all taped up.(U)-----quality or value
(5)Juice(C)(U):-eg:-A glass of apple juice(C)
---A mixture of fruit juices(C)
---I like to have two juices,please.(C)
---Our digestive juices help to digest food.(C)------countable no..
---Electricity source of power is colloquially called "juice"(U)---the quality or value that's uncountable.

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