
2017-12-28 7:54 pm

回答 (6)

2017-12-29 6:24 am
make sure that you have a hearty meal tonight or every night.

通常,full meal會用在描述 "完整"包含 前菜,主食,甜點,飲料 的晚餐.在中語裡面,應該是"整套"晚餐的意思.

stuff是 吃得撐住了 是很痛苦的.


complete meal 就會用在 營養 的完整

hearty meal 還是最適當!
2017-12-29 12:32 am
Be sure to have a full meal at dinner.

Be sure to have your fill at dinner.
Be sure to eat as much as you desire at dinner.

eat one's fill 是舊式用法 (old-fashioned),很少聽人這麼說。
have/get one's fill 可以表達"要吃飽"的意思
2017-12-31 4:31 am
It is wise to have full stomach at dinner. Yip
2017-12-30 6:51 pm
Please be sure that you have your stomach full at dinner.
2017-12-29 10:02 am
Eat your fill at dinner.
2017-12-28 11:58 pm
It's better to have your stomach stuff(full) at dinner.
It's better to make sure that you have your stomach stuff(full) at dinner.

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