He speaks English too fast to be understood He speaks English too fast to understand 哪一句對?

2017-11-30 2:45 am

回答 (4)

2017-11-30 4:59 pm
He speaks English too fast to be understood. (correct)
= He speaks English so fast that he cannot be understood.
= He speaks English too fast for him to be understood.

He speaks English too fast to understand. (X)
He speaks English too fast for us to understand. (OK)
= He speaks English so fast that we cannot understand.
2017-12-04 6:54 pm
所以是"He speaks English too fast to understand."才對喔!
2017-11-30 3:34 am
He speaks English too fast to be understood (OK)
He speaks English too fast to be understandable (better)

He speaks English too fast to understand (X)
His (verbal) English is too fast to understand. (OK)
2017-12-06 5:07 am
Both sound fine to me.
I prefer the latter, " He speaks English too fast to understand."

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