商用英文翻譯 與廠商討論付款方式?

2017-12-22 9:47 am
如下 請幫忙翻譯 敗偷~~



回答 (5)

2017-12-22 1:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Which payment method do you prefer? Our policy is to remit the payment no earlier than 30 days after receiving the goods. If any option, please be free to let me know?
2017-12-22 1:12 pm
I would like to know how your company will pay for the order.

My company accepts net 30 days.

Or, please advise us your preferred payment method. Thanks!
2017-12-22 11:49 am
Would you kindly tell us what kind of payment being used by your company ? Usually,the payment will,be remitted after thirty days of delivery by our company;otherwise, your company may use another kinds of delivery and payment. Yip
2017-12-22 11:34 am
Please tell us what method of payment would you like to have?
Our company usually remits by cheque the payment calaculated every thirty days
after receiving the freight.
Or, please advise us the preferred payment claim.
Thank you.
2017-12-22 10:30 am
請問貴司要哪一種付款方式?我們公司通常是貨物收到後當月結帳隔30日匯款 還是您們有其他交貨付款規定,請告知我,謝謝
Would you please tell us , which kind of paying method that we should take? Our company normally remits the payment at the thirtieth days after receiving the cargo.
Or you have another rule for the delivery and payment, Please inform us, thank you.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:30:55
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