我在樂天市場網購物 請大家幫忙英文 翻譯e-mail, 謝謝 1·現在要同買家說確定貨物 2·叫買家提供銀行轉帳户口給我?

2017-12-15 2:29 am

回答 (3)

2017-12-15 10:21 am
1. Now I need to confirm with the Net shop for my purchases.

2. Please ask the net shop keeper for the bank transferring account. Thanks!
2017-12-15 3:42 am
Translation from Chinese into English: (1)I should confirm the ordered goods with the purchaser;(2)I need to ask the purchaser to provide his account numbers for bank's transaction. Yip
2017-12-15 3:35 am
We now are confirming the detail order with the buyer.

Please ask the buyers to give us the bank information for their payments.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 14:29:35
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