想問下以下句子語譯? 1. 備邊之要,不扼險以制敵之沖,未易勝也。 2. 經非權則泥,權非經則悖 3. 古者建國,使内外相制,輕重相權 4. 如此,富商大賈亡所牟大利。?

2017-11-29 9:46 pm

Thanks for answering!! 透過D英文句子,我大約明白句子大意 但我想要白話文語譯sorry!! THXX!

回答 (1)

2017-11-29 10:56 pm
1. 備邊之要,不扼險以制敵之沖,未易勝也。
On border defenses, nothing will be easy if you do not control all critical points in order to prevent enemy attacks.

2. 經非權則泥,權非經則悖
Rules with no teeth run slow
Powers with no rules become useless

3. 古者建國,使内外相制,輕重相權
All ancient countries would balance the needs for interior and exterior (defenses) then you can evaluate the urgency at the moment.

4. 如此,富商大賈亡所牟大利。
In such a way, those business men will not be able to rip you off.

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