Lv 7
回覆: 26
2021-04-18 9:05 am
How do I tell my boyfriend I don't want to kiss him anymore?
回覆: 6
2021-04-18 2:30 pm
Is this something to break-up over with?
回覆: 28
2021-04-16 7:48 am
Are vaccine passports unconstitutional?
回覆: 3
2021-04-15 5:48 am
Feeling jealous of partner’s close friendships with opposite sex?
回覆: 73
2021-04-15 5:31 pm
My sister in law eats meat and I don't want her at my summer get together?
回覆: 16
2021-04-13 4:48 pm
Is porcelain floor tile pet urine proof?
回覆: 40
2021-04-12 9:48 pm
Should I accept this behavior from my boyfriend ? ?
回覆: 11
2021-04-14 3:18 am
Am I Wrong?
回覆: 11
2021-04-12 6:41 am
If you were to go back in time, would you still decide to date your current partner?
回覆: 3
2021-04-12 2:58 pm
Is it okay that every once in awhile my friend beats himself with a 2x4 to keep himself in line?
回覆: 13
2021-04-10 9:09 am
My girlfriend just told me that I have to give her a gift every six week to show that I care or she's going to break up with me?
回覆: 3
2021-04-05 3:13 am
my girlfriend told me?
回覆: 10
2021-04-02 12:07 am
His daughter and baby are coming over. . . . again?
回覆: 4
2021-03-30 10:41 pm
Would you do this at someone else's house?
回覆: 6
2021-03-25 10:23 pm
Do I need permission from my wife to watch my granddaughter for an hour?
回覆: 4
2021-03-13 11:11 am
How can I help me friend?
回覆: 12
2021-03-11 7:52 pm
Granddaughter question:  Am I wrong here?  ?
回覆: 3
2021-03-10 7:38 am
He ask why I keep dodging him? Should I tell him the truth?Should I give him a chance?
回覆: 3
2021-03-07 10:04 am
回覆: 4
2021-03-07 1:22 pm
Are black wash jeans for girls ?
回覆: 3
2021-03-07 9:39 am
Is it normal my boyfriend tells his bestfriend everything about us?
回覆: 16
2021-03-02 4:24 am
Should I be worried about old photos?
回覆: 2
2021-02-26 10:55 pm
Guys have Women Ever Left Panties and Make up At your House is that weird?
回覆: 9
2021-02-20 10:01 am
Is it weird that a girl would invite me to her place on the first meet? ?
回覆: 4
2021-02-19 5:45 am
Me and girlfriend got into a fight but we still going on this vacation this weekend need advice ?
回覆: 14
2021-02-10 8:14 am
How do male porn performers come more than once (serious question)?
回覆: 3
2021-02-16 2:57 pm
Ex boyfriend/childhood friend deleted me from his Facebook, why?
回覆: 4
2021-02-15 10:21 pm
Is it normal to hang a photo of your friend's kid on the wall ?
回覆: 9
2021-02-05 10:17 pm
Sexism question:  Should a dad just stay in his place?
回覆: 6
2021-02-03 7:47 pm
Am I just in my feelings or is he doing too much?
回覆: 14
2021-01-30 8:41 pm
Mother keeps sending me unwanted gifts?
回覆: 2
2021-01-27 7:17 am
Are You Supporting LGBTT Community??
回覆: 14
2021-01-22 9:53 pm
Was I wrong to ask?
回覆: 7
2021-01-18 3:32 am
Should it bother me that my girlfriend sometimes posts immodest pictures of herself on social media?
回覆: 4
2021-01-15 2:46 am
were can i buy some support stockings?
回覆: 22
2021-01-12 8:12 pm
Pregnant daughter wants to move in, temporarily?
回覆: 4
2021-01-10 7:34 pm
Should I still use condom even in a committed relationship?
回覆: 4
2021-01-10 8:45 pm
Friend trying to get me to do weed?
回覆: 6
2021-01-04 5:32 am
I really want to marry my high school boyfriend after college (and he does too), but we're heading off to different colleges?
回覆: 1
2020-12-31 6:48 am
Is he asking me for a date, or just being friendly?
回覆: 13
2020-12-28 4:49 am
When you marry someone, is it technically in theory supposed to be for life?
回覆: 3
2020-12-28 3:57 am
Do you think it sounds like? ?
回覆: 22
2020-12-24 10:44 pm
Why is he upset over a light?
回覆: 10
2020-12-15 4:43 am
Ignoring me?
回覆: 9
2020-12-11 11:34 pm
Get togethers without your spouses?
回覆: 10
2020-12-05 1:54 am
Christmas tree debate.  Silly but I want to know?
回覆: 40
2020-11-30 10:31 pm
Now he wants sex?
回覆: 1
2020-11-17 7:02 pm
Why is dating so important?
回覆: 2
2020-11-16 7:14 am
回覆: 14
2020-11-12 4:45 am
What is marriage all about?
本頁收錄日期: 2021-04-12 20:47:31
總收錄問題: 0 / 0 (收錄率: 100.00%)
總收錄回答: 62 / 9333 (收錄率: 0.66%)