Is he asking me for a date, or just being friendly?

2020-12-31 6:48 am
Long story short, it’s a guy who I went to middle/high school with, and we reconnected a few months ago. We met up, going for a walk around our neighborhood just talking and catching up, and he voluntarily walked me home afterwards.
We’ve kept in touch here and there since then, and recently he texted, “Be good to kick it again sometime, maybe go to a coffeehouse and chill or grab a bite to eat”?
He’s also sent me the red heart emoji twice now in our messages to one another. Is he interested, or just being friendly? I honestly don’t know because everything he’s done can be taken as one way or the other.

回答 (1)

2020-12-31 7:29 am
Yes, he wants a date, go for it.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:15:23
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