Is it weird that a girl would invite me to her place on the first meet? ?

2021-02-20 10:01 am
So I met her on Twitter but we haven't met yet but plan to and so I'm just curious if this is too good to be true or if she is just one of this people who doesn't care?? Something is telling to not do it but I'd like to meet her also what's really ****** up is that she hesitates to send me pics [no not nude pics] witch is also fishy. I just dont know if I should meet her :-(

So so far I like all the answers I got I also forgot to mention that she did send me like three pictures and most of the time she sends me a picture of her sitting in the car that's also another thing that I'm concerned about and also she did say that we can go out and hang out with the park and whatever I'd like but I still feel concerned about it.

回答 (9)

2021-02-20 10:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to be very careful here:

You don't know this girl from Adam, and she is already insisting that you go to her place on the first date! This should be your first big red flag, because most women will NOT bring a stranger to their home on a first date, this should be very concerning to you.

The second big red flag is she refuses to send you a picture! If she is really who she says she is, then she would have zero problem with sending you a picture to prove she is 100% real. It sounds to me like this woman (if she is that), has something to hide here, she comes across as very shady to me.

I have heard stories of guys agreeing to meet up with women at their "home" on a first date, only for it to be an ambush by a group of guys who end up beating/kidnapping and robbing the individual.

You need to stop contact with her.
2021-02-21 3:20 am
Her husband is secretly spanking it in the wardrobe as he watches the pair of you doing horizontal dancing.
2021-02-22 12:14 am
Beware of the set up.  Meet her in a public place, much safer.
2021-02-21 4:30 am
Generally, I've always found that when a lady invites me to her place to spend the evening, she's wanting sex.
2021-02-20 3:51 pm
If you meet, meet up in public.  Who knows she may be a trans. or even a guy. Something does not smell right.
2021-02-20 1:03 pm
Not necessarily. Some women are very hesitant to send photos to men they don't know.  It could be a case of her knowing her place, she may not want to go to a public bar/restaurant with COVID still an issue or concerns over someone spiking her drink.  Show up with no preconceptions, and see how things go.  If you're concerned about your safety, maybe have a text buddy that you can let know when you arrive and when you're leaving.
2021-02-20 11:29 am
You haven't seen pictures, or facetimed or zoomed with her? HUGE red flag! Don't do it. Meet in a public place. 
2021-02-20 11:07 am
I think meeting at someone’s place for the first time is inappropriate and honestly nothing good comes out of it unless if you only want a one night stand. Definitely tell her you should meet up for coffee or something first. 
2021-02-20 10:09 am
No.  Don’t do it.  Meeting anyone you don’t know for the first time needs to be daylight hours, public place with plenty of people and security cameras.
You don’t even know if this person is a female, or three guys planning to rob you.  Don’t be foolish.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:33:58
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