Friend trying to get me to do weed?

2021-01-10 8:45 pm
Midway through last year I became friends with a guy I worked with. We talked during work and exchanged socials/number. I no longer work there but we keep in touch and talk every week.

I only see him as a friend and we hung out once in the city and shopped around in the city and played games of pool.

A few weeks ago we were messaging and he talked about his mate smoking too much weed. I said I had never tried it, that I would like to but I shouldn’t because I am diabetic.

For the next few weeks my friend kept asking me if I wanted to do weed and kept saying we should do it at night at his mates house who I have never met before.
I kept ignoring his question but he wouldn’t let up. 
He said I could go first because he knows I’m diabetic and he’d watch out for me.

This weekend he was going to a house party with his mates I also haven’t met before. I said no I was working and couldn’t make it. He kept repeatedly asking me to go over even though I said no. 

On the day of the party he was still telling me to go to the train station and he would meet me there to which I said no again.

I felt weird about his incessant invites even though I had said no. I’m considering if I should continue contact with him or not.

Would anybody else feel weird if this was them?

回答 (4)

2021-01-10 9:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'd feel super weird if I were being pressured into going to a strangers house to get stoned long after I'd made it clear I didn't want to. I've smoked a ton of weed over the decades and I've never heard anyone remotely say anything like "He said I could go first because he knows I’m diabetic and he’d watch out for me". That statement alone makes me question the drug. Friends used to look out for each other when they were dropping LSD, not taking a few hits of weed. No. I don't like this for you. 
2021-01-10 9:57 pm
Treat is just as you treat those who urge you to have a drink, have "just one" cookie, etc. Continue to decline. If they persist despite your "not good for diabetics like me" objections, INSIST that they stop badgering you. "I've said no. I've explained the health issues. Why do you keep hounding me about this?" 
2021-01-10 9:39 pm
First, you have to watch your health, you know the risk of weed on you.  And his incessant invite, kind of puts up a red flag.  I would not trust him to look out for you either.   I think its to to let go of his friendship.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:32:21
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