I really want to marry my high school boyfriend after college (and he does too), but we're heading off to different colleges?

2021-01-04 5:32 am
I've known this guy since 9th grade but we didn't start dating until June, 2019 (before my junior year). It started as a crush, then friends, and then dating. This spring/summer, I realized that I am in love with him. He's my first boyfriend, yes, and I'm his first real girlfriend, but I truly think that's what I'm feeling: love. This sounds so cliché, but there's not many guys like him. He's extremely caring, empathetic, smart, and kind to me, his parents, siblings, friends, everyone. He's the guy who'll be partners with the lonely kid in the back. He's such an interesting and talented person. We are attracted to each other physically, but also at a much deeper level. We're able to have open conversations with each other about anything. Everyone around us says that there's something special about us. 

We both really don't want to breakup before college (he said this the other day), but we know we may have to because long distance is hard. I just can't see myself dating anyone else because I'm still in love. What if that feeling never goes away? Is there a chance we could reconnect after college? But what if I meet another guy? What am I supposed to do? 

Has anyone ever been here before? Thank you.
(Part of me was OK with the idea of breaking off before college and still remaining friends, but now, even if we go to separate colleges, I know that we'll want to be a part of each others' lives, whether it's marriage or as friends. I don't want to lose him completely.) 

Why won't it work out? Believe me, I'm not a fan of trying to stay together during college instead of meeting other people (even though I really don't know if I can feel this way about anyone else), but isn't there a chance it could or are we too young? Tbh, I don't see us growing apart and changing much. 

回答 (6)

2021-01-04 6:44 am
When I was around 17-18 I was certain I'd marry my high school boyfriend. He felt the same way. We had our lives planned out through college and had no clue we'd ever change. We ended up breaking up after only a year together. Now, 25 ish years later, I think he's a total tool.

It's quite likely you two will split up and move on with your life. It happens and it's totally normal. You may not think you'll change but believe me you will. A lot. We all do. Live your life and have fun. Gain new experiences. Meet new people. There's plenty of time to settle down whether it's with this guy or someone else.
2021-01-04 5:42 am
It is good you're aware of the temptations that could possibly seduce you. If you want to take a chance and feel like the relationship is worth the possible heartache, then it sounds like a risk worth taking. It's great finding someone who gets you and vice versa, it's bitter sweet when you're not sure if it could've been something. I feel like you're strong enough to prepare yourself for the worst and if those temptations succeed in seducing either of you, both of you would probably learn from it and end up stronger people. I think it's a shot worth taking 
2021-01-04 10:57 pm
Many people have been there before. The simple truth is that sometimes people are able to stay together during college and other times they're not. It takes being very secure so you're not always accusing each other of cheating and being very understanding about your partner's time constraints so you don't complain about being ignored. So it really comes down to how you both conduct yourself during your years of LDR. 
2021-01-04 6:14 am
sorry but i agree that it won't work out... you two will grow apart and fast.... i'm being realistic here. and you should too. people are so different when they go to college. it's not even worth it to hold each other back. and do long distance. not to mention, getting married young ends in divorce. you ready to be divorced by your 30's?
2021-01-04 5:38 am
Will not work out.
2021-01-05 11:04 am
Well, if it works out, it does.  If not, it doesn't.... see what happens.

Doesn't everyone like a good mystery?  You'll probably meet a few hot guys in college, by the way

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:32:22
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