Are black wash jeans for girls ?

2021-03-07 1:22 pm
I’m a guy and I want to buy a pair of black jeans. But a buddy of mine told me black jeans are for girls, and that guys wear blue jeans. 

回答 (4)

2021-03-08 7:09 am
Guys do wear black jeans, usually when going out to like a movie, kinda dressed up a little.
2021-03-07 10:07 pm
Grow up and be prepared to make clothing decisions without the interference of 'friends'. If you are under 12 years old ask your mam and be aware that you are too young to be using this website.
2021-03-07 2:25 pm
Your buddy is confused.  Just about any color of jeans should be good for a guy, other than pink maybe.  I have a suggestion though.  Buy some carhartt brand work pants, instead of jeans.  They look better, feel better and last longer...
2021-03-07 2:15 pm
Clothes are inherently unisex, they aren't gender specific. Society deems them that way, but in themselves, no, clothes don't ''belong'' to any one gender. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:08:57
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