We got into a big argument over her comments last night becasue she doesn't understand that what she said was hurtful to me. I've been her dad and mom for the past 22+ years and now I need to take a back seat to an absent mom. We live in a world where women want all this equality but this is the attitude I get from a woman. "The birth of your grandchild is not your place." How should I deal with this going forward.
@Bubula My wife thinks that because she's my wife now, me and daughter's mom were never married, she knows so much more about raising kids than any man will ever know. If I go ask my mom anything then my wife gets angry. I should have gone to her first. If my daughter wants me in the delivery room with her then what business is it for my wife to say otherwise?
My wife and I don't have kids. She had 2 sons from her first marriage. She's the type to where when she give her opinion or advice if you don't take it then you're basically telling her that what she's saying is not important and why did you even open your mouth.
@Emily My wife can't stand my daughter's mom but for her to say tht she needs to be the one in the delivery room floored me. Chances are no one can even get in touch with my daughter's mom when she has the baby much less her being there to take her to the hospital and holding her hand during the process.
My wife even said that my daughter and the baby could only stay with us about 2 or 3 days after the birth.
@Bubula Why would my wife feel left out? She's had 2 kids of her own but she chooses to sit on the side line not offering any input. She feels she needs to be asked and if she's not specifically asked then she's not important. My wife should be the one looking at baby clothes, telling my daughter what to expect during the birth, offering advice. When my daughter comes over and she and I are talking my wife sits there like a knot on a log. We're supposed to turn to her and literally say,
"Honey, what do you think?"
@Foofa YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME HERE! The baby daddy is several states away. Yeah, like I'm going to call him from NC and he's in NJ and I tell him, "Hurry up, she's crowning. You have lost your mind. IF my daughter wants me there then I'm going to be there.
@Anonymous My daughter has a support system here. Me and all my siblings. My parents, her grandparents. All of her cousins. And several of my daughter's sisters are still in the area so don't assume my daughter and me are alone. Yes, she wants me there with her in the delivery room so that has already been decided. If the dad shows up I'll gladly step aside but if not I'll be there holding her hand. And I've only been married once. Me and my daughter's mom were never married.
We all have been with people who changed after we started dating them. If you knew at the beginning someone was going to be controlling or crazy chances are you'd run from them. No, my wife was not this way while we were dating but over time she turned that way.