Is it normal to hang a photo of your friend's kid on the wall ?

2021-02-15 10:21 pm
So .... I met someone and we developed a pretty solid relationship , and he is a very nice and friendly person , he likes to help others and he is basically an ordinary single guy in his mid 30's and he has no kids , but I asked him who was the boy in the photo I saw on the wall in his flat, and he explained it's the son of his friend , 2 years ago at his "graduation" or something like that the boy looks around 6-8 years old (the boy is not dead or something), and I just thought it's kinda weird to hang a photo of your friend's kid on the wall , is it just me or is it really a strange thing to do and I'm just tripping?

回答 (4)

2021-02-16 2:53 am
It's weird and creepy to do such a thing.  
2021-02-15 10:38 pm
People put up photos for many reasons, so while not common, it is not weird either to post of photo of someone else's kid if you are close to that family.  Any weirdness would depend on why, not from the act itself.  Why do you assume that there is some weird motivation for doing that?  You are the one who is wondering about it.  Why is that? You might be right. We cannot say.
2021-02-15 10:53 pm
@busterwasmycat well .... it's not wrong or something , I just thought that people usually wouldn't hang photos of other people (let alone other people's children) in their houses unless they have a big relevance in their lives or a relationship with them , family I understand , but a friend's kid , I don't know .... It's not like he hung a picture of salvador dali on the wall ..... I personally never encountered something like that , but maybe it is common here in europe and I am overthinking.....
2021-02-16 3:58 am
Its you. i have many picture s of my friends kids family on my walls. We are like family, so why not?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:31:20
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